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The Circle Won't Be Broken

Sigurd Odinnson

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[b]Outside of Havana, Cuba
Just before the New Year[/b]

[center][size="4"]The Birth of the Confederation of the [i]Κυκλος[/i][/size]
National Flag[/center]

The document circulated the darkened room aboard the wrecked-ship-made-office which had foundered just outside of Havana. The occupants, deeply pious men who had fled their German homeland after a shared experience of some indescribable Higher Power, each read and re-read the document their leader, Sigurd Odinnson, had drafted. The gathering was somewhat disrupted by the presence of a few mercenary knights errant that had offered the Germans their ship and their arms in defence of the small group – all that remained of the once-proud Knights of Othin’s Eye. Their religion had violently shifted, and with that shift a great division had arisen in their homeland, and the collapse of their governing body left the pagan Knights behind and the monotheist Brothers fled abroad.

Now they found themselves in a Cuban anarchy, on an island inhabited by a mixture of people with no unifying government or cause. The terrible storm that had caused the wreck had vanished, leaving them on a beach alone and with no means of travel elsewhere. Their leader declared it a sign, and called on them to establish their home here. Soon, the word would circulate to outlying areas of the order they brought and they would find themselves with a nation worthy of their ordained purpose.

Finally, he rose and read the document, the closest thing to a constitution that the group would tolerate.

[quote]We here assembled, made brothers by that great Truth which did reveal itself in the land of our fathers, and, in the Light of the Heavens did guide us to this new and rich land, declare ourselves a sovereign nation, a community of blood, of toil, of common knowledge and common ignorance. Here, in this land of plenty, shall we make our home, raise a nation to ourselves and an army for common defence. Long may the light shine on our Circle.

We shall style this community the Confederacy of the [i]Κυκλος[/i], or Kuklos Confederacy, being a Circle of Believers and those devoted to the defence and service of the Light of the One. Under His Single Great Eye shall we accomplish all, build all, conquer all within and without ourselves. In Him are we vindicated. So shall we take the motto and declare, in the mystical languages of our fathers, [i]deo vindice – θεός τόν ἐκδικητήν [/i]– for “God vindicates” and “God avenges”.

The Law of this Confederacy shall be that which is dictated to the Inner Circle of those Brothers of the Holy Name. It shall be enforced by the Outer Circle, the Order of the All-Seeing Eye. It shall be obeyed by all circles, who stand beneath the Gaze of that One whose sight is ever Lit, and who dictates law and order to the Brothers of the Holy Name, carefully guarded, of the One.

The Armies of the Confederacy shall be commanded by the Grand Master of the Knights of the Kuklos, who shall be subject to the Order of the All-Seeing Eye. He shall be styled Grand Master and Knight-Commander, subject only to the [i]Pontifex Maximus[/i], whose power shall extend over all Circles, all brothers, and all orders. This Pontiff shall be as a bridge, a vessel through which the message of that Unnameable One is carried to all Circles.

The Banner which the Armies of the Confederacy shall carry before them shall be as blood, bisected with two crosses which shall be the blue, which is the colour of the soul, and white of its chastity, bearing the stars which manifest that light which “shines forth in the darkness” and which that darkness comprehends not. Thirteen shall be the number of the stars, arranged such that the outer cross, which shall be a saltire, shall bear eight and the inner cross shall bear four of equal size and a single large star in the centre of the flag, for that single star which guides all men to the Light of the World.[/quote]

Odinnson turned to the leader of the Knights Errant, a certain Bedford Forrest, and said, “well, that’s the document. We’re in general agreement among us due to our religious convictions. What of you and your band?”

“We’re soldiers, friend – that means simple and plain men. I don’t need to buy the mumbo-jumbo to see clear to the point that you’ve got a plain and simple government set up there. As long as you give me clearance to bring these savages under control, you’ve got the loyalty of me and my men to your pet project.” Forrest was a direct man – one might even say brusque. He had adopted his name only recently, upon learning of a distant ancestor who had earned distinction in some forgotten war on the American continent. He had read all of his papers, and learned as much as he could of the long-deceased ancestor Nathan Bedford. He felt a deep connexion with the man, and his respect for his ancestor drew him to the community Odinnson and his circle had formed.

“Direct enough. What of the rest of the circle?” Odinnson turned to the crowd of forty or so men, some with their wives and children, who made up the core of his Brotherhood.

Schildhafen, a young lad of about twenty-two, stepped forward, “I think it speaks to our mission and contains all that needs to be said and read by our subjects. It promises nothing and reveals nothing, and preserves the sanctity of the Order and its Secrets from the noninitiate. I challenge any to propose a superior document.”

He was met with a hum of approval, before the chorus changed to a unanimous “Yea” vote for the document.

“Very well then. Commander Forrest, I expect I can trust you to make quick work of whatever defences are in place here, and make our rule of this island indisputable? As soon as we have a capital, we will issue an international statement.” Odinnson turned again to the crowd, “So shall it be done. Go forth, soldiers of Destiny, and take what has been gifted to you!”

The group cheered loudly, and filed out off the ship’s deck, the men receiving arms as they did to march victoriously into the barely-governed city of Havana.

[b]Central Havana
The next day[/b]

By the time they had penetrated to the centre of the city, Odinnson saw it as a good time to approach the outside world. Forrest’s troops had already commandeered a harbour, but had not found the ships needed to take Jamaica.

His first contact was to the French, whom he hoped would afford him some land on the nearby islands of Hispaniola and the Windward Islands – prime grounds for the agrarian economy he hoped to establish. A second was to the government recently declared in New France – he hoped it would be well-received, as Commander Forrest was keen on regaining certain parts of Mississippi and locate the homestead of his distant ancestor.

Edited by Sigurd Odinnson
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The Louisiana Federation watches this new nation with interest.


I seriously doubt the odds of you having someone who has distant Mississippi ancestry in your nation when the state has no Spanish Ancestry at all:

American (14.2%)
Irish (6.9%)
English (6.1%)
German (4.5%)
French (2.3%)
Scots-Irish (1.9%)
Italian (1.4%)
Scottish (1.2%)

So you would have no real claim to Mississippi.

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OOC: A little background, because you're new. I'm the guy who owned the area last, first off, and have a base in Guantanamo Bay. Second, when I made the territory white land, I specifically said that governments over the land would have to arise from the native people, not foreigners/outsiders. I've already taken action against someone who wanted to do this in Florida. Third, the area is not in an "anarchy", as you put it. Pravus Ingruo has a very structured system for protectorates, which includes a governor over the area and legislature for the area. Cuba would have had one of these, which means when the Imperial government pulled back, that system would have stayed in place. Nothing would have changed from rule under the Empire, except, of course, the lack of Imperial funds. But certainly no anarchy. I wanted to make you aware of all this prior to the context of my response. There's nothing personal here, this is just business.


Admiral Jackson Levitt, commander of the Third Fleet, was asleep in his suite underneath the base at Guantanamo Bay when a ringing phone woke him up. As he rubbed his eyes and sat up, he saw a red flashing light on the phone next to him. [i]Oh bloody hell[/i], he thought as he reached over and picked up the phone.

"Go for Levitt."

"Sir, Adrian Wallace, Imperial Ambassador to Cuba. We have a situation."

"Situation? Son, what type of situation?"

"It happened just recently. Men invading Havana. Well armed, supplied, organized."


"Negative, sir. Far too light-skinned. Reports from the field say they're speaking German." The Admiral swore.

"Any sign of a full out invasion force?"

"Negative, sir. I don't think these are German nationals. They seem like refugees. A ship washed up in Havana Bay a few days ago after a storm. They could be from there."

"What do they want, Ambassador?"

"It seems like they want Cuba, sir."

"Keep your head down, son. I'll get the cavalry." Levitt hung up the phone with Wallace. He rubbed his eyes as he sat up. Something told him that was going to be the last good sleep he got in a while.


The 10,000 Marines stationed at Guantanamo got the word first. Immediately, they moved to DEFCON 3 status and began reinforcing their positions. The 30,000 troops of the 3rd Army stationed in Cuba, 15,000 of them in Havana, also readied themselves against the invaders.

It seemed like the conflict in Florida was winding down, so the 3rd Fleet was immediately recalled to Gitmo. A call was put out to the 2nd Fleet to leave berth in Scotland and come down, as the situation in America was becoming increasingly unstable.

Syracuse was called and immediately appraised of the situation. Guantanamo was told a statement would be made within the hour.


[b]Official Imperial Statement[/b]

Once again, the Empire is forced to defend her brothers and sisters from foreign, outside aggression. Once again, we are forced to stand in the face of tyranny. A new force has begun to invade Havana aggressively, and without regard for Cuba's people, or the government currently administering the island. We give these invaders three options: 1) Remove yourselves from Cuba and stop attacking her people and capital city. You have 24 hours to do this. 2) Negotiate a power-sharing agreement with the indigenous government of Cuba, administered by what was the former protectorate governance under the Empire. Cuba will still be ruled by Cubans, but we are sure a deal can be worked out to allow your people at least a share of the government. 3) Be completely, and utterly, destroyed.

We frankly do not care which option you chose, but our soldiers in Havana, Guantanamo, and throughout the island will defend themselves and the Cuban people from this aggression. You have 24 hours to make a decision.

Jacob Harland

OOC: Not recognizing the "two weeks later" portion of your post since you didn't give time for people to respond to your initial movements.

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OOC: Just leave Cuba then, and recton this. I told him I thought he could have Cuba, I didn't know there were restrictions in place as I never read the Ishabad RP and Virginia went in okay. While I do agree the RP is a bit far-out, I'd rather see him, as a newbie, change his style on his own rather than an invasion force being rammed down his throat. I'll give you Hispanola to start with Siggurd, however I would like to talk to you privately first as to how this RP will be more believable. It seems your trying to do a Teutonic Knight RP-ish thing along with a CSA type thing. I think I have an idea that will work in that line, without a total native revolution of your government.

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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[quote name='Sarah Tintagyl' timestamp='1325609397' post='2891528']
OOC: Just leave Cuba then, and recton this. I told him I thought he could have Cuba, I didn't know there were restrictions in place as I never read the Ishabad RP and Virginia went in okay. While I do agree the RP is a bit far-out, I'd rather see him, as a newbie, change his style on his own rather than an invasion force being rammed down his throat. I'll give you Hispanola to start with Siggurd, however I would like to talk to you privately first as to how this RP will be more believable. It seems your trying to do a Teutonic Knight RP-ish thing along with a CSA type thing. I think I have an idea that will work in that line, without a total native revolution of your government.
OOC: Teutonic Knights? Prussians in the Caribbean? Mon Dieu...

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Modern history has seen many vast yet unexplained improbable demographic shifts.
Procinctia’s technocratic dominated legislature note elements of Generalissimo's last observation as possible explanation concerning unusual ethnic demographics of Kuklos Confederacy.[quote name='Generalissimo' timestamp='1283204002' post='2436120']. . . From the year Two-Thousand Anno Domini, demographics in countries rapidly shift, often against all logic. Newly established states regularly have vastly different peoples than their predecessors, without reference to previous groups without an adequate explanation of the newcomers. . .[/quote] Procinctia believes Pravus Ingruo requires additional intelligence concerning Cuba’s circumstances before optimal direct intervention.

Edited by Generalissimo
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So much OOC !@#$%^&*. All the below post is OOC.

[quote name='Curristan' timestamp='1325596244' post='2891435']

I seriously doubt the odds of you having someone who has distant Mississippi ancestry in your nation when the state has no Spanish Ancestry at all:

American (14.2%)
Irish (6.9%)
English (6.1%)
German (4.5%)
French (2.3%)
Scots-Irish (1.9%)
Italian (1.4%)
Scottish (1.2%)

So you would have no real claim to Mississippi.

He's not from Cuba, he's from Europe and he doesn't know his father or mother. The idea is they sailed to a place with no government. If I had known the place was a protectorate instead of a "free nation" as it's marked on the map, I wouldn't have posted anything without talking to the person whose protectorate it is. Further, it's perfectly legitimate that he could have American ancestry - plenty of people from the American continent travel to Europe, have flings with European women, and leave in a hurry. Further, I am not claiming the whole of Mississippi, but a token portion; I would have clarified this to greater degree upon your posting.

[quote name='Pravus Ingruo' timestamp='1325598121' post='2891450']
OOC: A little background, because you're new. I'm the guy who owned the area last, first off, and have a base in Guantanamo Bay. Second, when I made the territory white land, I specifically said that governments over the land would have to arise from the native people, not foreigners/outsiders. I've already taken action against someone who wanted to do this in Florida. Third, the area is not in an "anarchy", as you put it. Pravus Ingruo has a very structured system for protectorates, which includes a governor over the area and legislature for the area. Cuba would have had one of these, which means when the Imperial government pulled back, that system would have stayed in place. Nothing would have changed from rule under the Empire, except, of course, the lack of Imperial funds. But certainly no anarchy. I wanted to make you aware of all this prior to the context of my response. There's nothing personal here, this is just business.

OOC: Not recognizing the "two weeks later" portion of your post since you didn't give time for people to respond to your initial movements.

The initial movements would have been unknown to the world if this were really a "free nation" territory. It's apparently not, since you still have control over it. If it is as such, it should have been marked as such on the g--d---ed map. You people really have this whole thing well designed to prevent new players from joining up.

[quote name='Evangeline Anovilis' timestamp='1325610330' post='2891533']
OOC: Teutonic Knights? Prussians in the Caribbean? Mon Dieu...

They're not Teutonic Knights, and they're not Prussians. They're from central Germany (quite different from Prussia, you'll find), and the Knights who are actually armed under Bedford Forrest are mercenaries of a variety of ethnic European backgrounds, including French, Italian, Irish, Spanish, and Russian. I designed them to be refugees.

EDIT: I'm going to do some RetConning to work with Sarah. No use in a RAEGQUIT. It'll only be satisfying to those certain individuals who I want more than anything to be unsatisfied.

Edited by Sigurd Odinnson
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[quote name='Pravus Ingruo' timestamp='1325598121' post='2891450']

Admiral Jackson Levitt, commander of the Third Fleet, was asleep in his suite underneath the base at Guantanamo Bay when a ringing phone woke him up. As he rubbed his eyes and sat up, he saw a red flashing light on the phone next to him. [i]Oh bloody hell[/i], he thought as he reached over and picked up the phone.

"Go for Levitt."

"Sir, Adrian Wallace, Imperial Ambassador to Cuba. We have a situation."

"Situation? Son, what type of situation?"

"It happened just recently. Men invading Havana. Well armed, supplied, organized."


"Negative, sir. Far too light-skinned. Reports from the field say they're speaking German." The Admiral swore.

"Any sign of a full out invasion force?"

"Negative, sir. I don't think these are German nationals. They seem like refugees. A ship washed up in Havana Bay a few days ago after a storm. They could be from there."

"What do they want, Ambassador?"

"It seems like they want Cuba, sir."

"Keep your head down, son. I'll get the cavalry." Levitt hung up the phone with Wallace. He rubbed his eyes as he sat up. Something told him that was going to be the last good sleep he got in a while.


The 10,000 Marines stationed at Guantanamo got the word first. Immediately, they moved to DEFCON 3 status and began reinforcing their positions. The 30,000 troops of the 3rd Army stationed in Cuba, 15,000 of them in Havana, also readied themselves against the invaders.

It seemed like the conflict in Florida was winding down, so the 3rd Fleet was immediately recalled to Gitmo. A call was put out to the 2nd Fleet to leave berth in Scotland and come down, as the situation in America was becoming increasingly unstable.

Syracuse was called and immediately appraised of the situation. Guantanamo was told a statement would be made within the hour.


[b]Official Imperial Statement[/b]

Once again, the Empire is forced to defend her brothers and sisters from foreign, outside aggression. Once again, we are forced to stand in the face of tyranny. A new force has begun to invade Havana aggressively, and without regard for Cuba's people, or the government currently administering the island. We give these invaders three options: 1) Remove yourselves from Cuba and stop attacking her people and capital city. You have 24 hours to do this. 2) Negotiate a power-sharing agreement with the indigenous government of Cuba, administered by what was the former protectorate governance under the Empire. Cuba will still be ruled by Cubans, but we are sure a deal can be worked out to allow your people at least a share of the government. 3) Be completely, and utterly, destroyed.

We frankly do not care which option you chose, but our soldiers in Havana, Guantanamo, and throughout the island will defend themselves and the Cuban people from this aggression. You have 24 hours to make a decision.

Jacob Harland

OOC: Not recognizing the "two weeks later" portion of your post since you didn't give time for people to respond to your initial movements.

"Sir, we're facing major movements into the city from a group claiming to be some nation from America," Forrest burst into the room covered in dirt, still recovering from a nearby building that had practically collapsed on him.

"What's this then?" Odinnson was not expecting resistance - from the looks of things when he arrived, he could not understand how anyone could call what existed in Cuba a "government", and the native forces seemed to fold so quickly...

"Your Holiness, we have received a message from the forces in the bay," Schildhafen entered the room holding a yellowed piece of paper, "It's an ultimatum."

Odinnson snatched up the paper and read through it quickly. Was there nowhere to call home?

"If they want to lay claim to the defence of the land, it seems to me they ought to at least afford the people some semblance of governance rather than the rabble they've let thrive here." Odinnson angrily replied to the message.

"So we fight?" Forrest eagerly replied, "My boys can give them hell, but I'm not sure how long we can hold out against the naval bombardment - I had reports of gunboats."

"We'll have to hold out as long as we can to get to the Western side of the island and establish a community there," Schildhafen interjected.

"Your zeal is admirable, my boy, but it seems to me that they'd pursue us. We did not sail half way across the world to be cornered and slaughtered - and I certainly did not come to this island to "negotiate power-sharing" with a pack of savages. If the power of the area sides with the savages, they can keep the island." Odinnson did not feel that fighting would accomplish anything except depleting the already small numbers he had brought from Europe. "Commander Forrest, you and your men have a new commission. I need you to commandeer a vessel - any vessel, but preferably a cargo ship of some sort - that will hold our numbers and get us off this island."

"We're evacuating?" The two men said almost in unison

"Do you see an alternative that involves survival?" Odinnson snapped back

"No, truly. We won't last long here." Forrest was downcast at the prospect.

"Then begin moving our men and women out of Havana. We'll need to prevent the natives from pursuing. Send a squad to round up something explosive and keep their attention occupied here by destroying some buildings. The women are still by the landing site, yes?"

"Yes, they are. What would you have me do?" Schildhafen responded.

"Gather them and move them out of there. Against the sea, they're fodder for the savages. Get them to a harbour and set up a defensive perimeter. We will not be destroyed here." Odinnson ordered as he took up his own gun from the desk along with the message he had received from the ruler of France denying him access to Hispaniola - his subordinates did not need to know a response had come. It was enough that they respond to the present situation.

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[quote][b]To: The Leader of the Κυκλος Confederacy, Sigurd Odinnson
From: The Minister of Foreign, Commercial and Colonial Affairs, Charlotte de Nouvelle-Châteaudun
Subject: A home for our Brethren[/b]

To the honorable Sigurd Odinnson and his followers,

Only shortly ago, the Empire of Pravus Ingruo did away with another nation in a short but brutal war. Altough we do not really criticise the last war, this time we think such brutality and slaughter should be avoided. The Κυκλος seem like pious people, and altough our confessions may vary, we are still all followers of the Lord. As we do not know what kind of folks you are, we are interested in learning more about the Κυκλος, granting you a home in the Comté de Port-au-Princesse, Trinidad. Your people shall be in our care, for as long as it needs for you to find a new home, where your people can live in peace, following the Lords teachings and leading honest lives. It may be quite loud at night, given the ongoing war of Lunar aggression, however we have faith in their honorable conduct of war and we will send them a message to consider the island of Trinidad as a neutral zone outside conflict, as we also won't use it. Should they or anyone ignore this, we will defend Trinidad with our lives, as it is still ours and noone shall harm our guests and get away unscathed.

If you agree, just land at our shores and we will expect you. We may however ask, that while you stay there, no subject of the Grand Princess shall be hurt or their property be damaged by your people, as well that we ask you to refrain from attempting to convert our people or to infringe on our culture. Within your community you will be able though, to do whatever your faith and law teaches you.

With regards,

[i]Charlotte de Nouvelle-Châteaudun[/i][/quote]

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[quote][b]Press Statement from California's Secretary of State[/b]

We are dismayed by Pravus Ingruo's aggressive stance against new nations appearing in the wake of their departure of their lands as they went back to New York. California thinks it's a bit a much to say that the Κυκλος Confederacy is a tyrant nation bend on putting down the natives of Cuba.

We will note that Pravus Ingruo has provided a negotiation avenue to a power-sharing agreement between the new Κυκλος Confederacy and the government Pravus Ingruo has left behind to administer Cuba.

California would offer itself to being a mediator to this agreement so that both sides may come to a successful and peaceful resolution to a potential conflict.

Kevin O'Malley
Secretary of State
Californian Republic[/quote]

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