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The GM's Court


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Considering I don't even remember these incidents which had to of occurred years ago, and I highly doubt your missiles could've done that, especially considering the total lack of technological understanding you seem to have with them now, then I'm inclined to say you misunderstood then too.  IF you're going to behave like this though, requesting an auto.

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As I said about 18 posts or so ago you needed to go speak to the other rper first. It is not my job to provide relationship counseling. It isn't my job to be your mum. It sure as heck is not my job to sort out your problems.


The GMs are there when all other options have failed.


You haven't tried any of them.


and really?


Dino DNA?




All options have failed. Also, the dino DNA was in response to how Triyun acts via being invincible. Once again, your only listening to one side without figuring out what the conversation was about.

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Lastly, I'll mention all of Rota's prep work occurred in less than 24 hours both IC and OOC.  You'll note when I gave my original proclamation I gave Rota 24 hours to reply, at which point I started military action.  To argue any significant period of time for him to do all this has occurred would be a god mode.
Triyun, have you tried speaking with Rota about this?
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All options have failed. Also, the dino DNA was in response to how Triyun acts via being invincible. Once again, your only listening to one side without figuring out what the conversation was about.


Did you Talk to Triyun?



And triyun, we got the point man.. let it alone.

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Triyun: Ok
[12:14am] Triyun: so you want to do this privately
[12:14am] Triyun: or should I talk to the GMs
[12:14am] Triyun: cause I don't think you quite understand how these technologies work
[12:17am] Rotavele[NADC]: Court.
[12:17am] Triyun: Alright
[12:18am] Triyun: You sure
[12:18am] Triyun: cause they would rather we solve this privately
[12:18am] Triyun: but if you want
[12:19am] Rotavele[NADC]: I would prefer court.
[01:28am] You left the chat by being disconnected from the server.
[01:29am] You reconnected to the server.
[01:29am] Rotavele[NADC] is now available.
[02:16am] Rotavele[NADC]: I replied to it, also would you allow cloning of Dinosaur DNA to be used in combat?
[02:16am] Rotavele[NADC]: Its been done before.
[02:18am] Triyun: you did not you asked for a tl;dr after asking me to explain it
[02:18am] Triyun: honestly to me this is just evidence you don't want to RP but jus troll
[02:18am] Triyun: and will be treated as such


Was it?

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  • 2 weeks later...



Two spy rolls please. The first is to hack into Republic of Africa government database and to download personal details for employees and government officials  The second is regardless of success or failure of the first to make the hacking attempt appear to have been routed through foreign proxy severs. 

Edited by Kevin Kingswell
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Two spy rolls please. The first is to hack into Republic of Africa government database and to download personal details for employees and government officials  The second is regardless of success or failure of the first to make the hacking attempt appear to have been routed through foreign proxy severs. 

As this deals with active espionage I will need to see prior rp.

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Two rolls please.


First roll to use SATINT to locate radar installations in Louisiana (do this for roll #2 if the first one fails)

Second rolls to use SATINT to locate PD's Command and Control installations in Louisiana

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Two rolls please.


First roll to use SATINT to locate radar installations in Louisiana (do this for roll #2 if the first one fails)

Second rolls to use SATINT to locate PD's Command and Control installations in Louisiana


1-90 Success

91-100 Failure


28    43


Two successes, guv'nor, remember to use relevant roleplay to establish the finding of these facilities.

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Two rolls please


One to have VISA applications accepted from PD's government for my special forces and spy teams

RP in advance is here - http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/116080-csa-federal-news/?p=3130414

If the first roll fails, use the second roll please.


If the first roll is a success, please use the second roll for my joint intel gathering forces to begin successfully documenting patrol patterns of PD's air forces in Louisiana.

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Two rolls please


One to have VISA applications accepted from PD's government for my special forces and spy teams

RP in advance is here - http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/116080-csa-federal-news/?p=3130414

If the first roll fails, use the second roll please.


If the first roll is a success, please use the second roll for my joint intel gathering forces to begin successfully documenting patrol patterns of PD's air forces in Louisiana.

1-90= Victory

91-100= The south shall not rise again


Roll 1: 19

Roll 2: 89


Two victories. 

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Requesting spyrolls to determine locations of German troops and military airstrips.




Relevant RP here: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/116735-for-the-glorious-soviet-union/


1-50 - Success

51-100 - Failure


86    83


Two failures, guv'nor. :(

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First rolls to use satellites to pinpoint military airbases/airstrips in Central Mexico

Second roll to use my special forces/spies already within Louisiana to successfully identify air bases that are housing Hudson Bay Federation aircraft

Edited by Zoot Zoot
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I am inclined to believe that this kind of excessive screening, and especially without really any rp of such procedures before Zoot's intentions became known, is beyond any proportion of reason and that as such it is a clear example of metagaming and in fact insulting the intelligence of anyone involved. Unless PD can show with clear rp these procedures are common, and on the condition that he takes the many negative side-effects of such procedures, I rule it a metagame and thus wiped.

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I am inclined to believe that this kind of excessive screening, and especially without really any rp of such procedures before Zoot's intentions became known, is beyond any proportion of reason and that as such it is a clear example of metagaming and in fact insulting the intelligence of anyone involved. Unless PD can show with clear rp these procedures are common, and on the condition that he takes the many negative side-effects of such procedures, I rule it a metagame and thus wiped.


For every single nation I have ever RPed since I have been in CNRP, I have not allowed foreigners into my country unless I had established diplomatic relations with that country. When I was the United States of The Island in the British Isles, I specifically remember Zoot complaining that I made it too difficult to get into my country and that my VISA policy was ridiculous.


I have always had these procedures for allowing foreigners in however Zoot insisted again and again that I approve their VISAs even though there is no possible legal way in my country that they could be approved for civilians from his country - but he was adamant on me accepting their VISAs so I did so however this is the only logical way things would play out if  their VISAs were accepted.


Also, if for some reason you do not want to buy the fact that I have RPed VISAs this way for all of my countries (in some like the USI not even allowing immigration but only emigration) then I give you this: Isn't it logical that I would not allow civilians to freely travel between my border and his when he has deployed a good 50% of his armed forces to our border?


Let alone he is a communist/socialist nation that just went through a civil war/coup de etat, I would think that the average Joe would expect that spies might be able to easily come across the border so this would be legitimized.


I understand that Zoot won the roll to bring spies into my country and that is perfectly fine because I don't think he'll really find much except some military facilities that are obviously there and highly guarded that he couldn't get into anyway - but he still has to RP how they properly get in and trying to use VISAs under his nation's name with his civilians trying to cross his border with me in this situation (and in compliance with my current law in MidAmerica and the member states) is a virtual impossibility.


Not to mention that with each country he enters in my Confederacy, he will enter a new nation, with a new government, new laws, different laws regarding foreigners, and different type of security checks.


But yeah, that about sums it up.

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I was never adamant, I gave you a choice as I won the rolls, they either sneaked into your country, or the VISA's were approved/forged well enough to gain entrance.


Secondly, my civil war was placed on hold.

Third I never underwent a coup de etat

Fourth, we did establish diplomatic relations, you wanted an MDP of day 2 or 3 of me being a nation, I said no, so I left.

Fifth and finally, I don't even have half of my military on your border. The forces are also spread out along the ENTIRE border in forward bases/staging bases, so not even like ON the border, just more near it.


It was never about trying to sneak into your bases. I have satellites and shit to do that stuff for me. I sent a group of men/women as tourists and other traveling types to drive around Louisiana and take pictures of stuff and take notes. They used their own identities and passports and as far as you're concerned, real VISA's.


So I ask, please provide RP links from THIS nation you are in now, which outline such procedures like Cent mentioned as routine. Your RP history is OOC, so it doesn't impact the ICly of the actions in my opinion.

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I was never adamant, I gave you a choice as I won the rolls, they either sneaked into your country, or the VISA's were approved/forged well enough to gain entrance.


Secondly, my civil war was placed on hold.

Third I never underwent a coup de etat

Fourth, we did establish diplomatic relations, you wanted an MDP of day 2 or 3 of me being a nation, I said no, so I left.

Fifth and finally, I don't even have half of my military on your border. The forces are also spread out along the ENTIRE border in forward bases/staging bases, so not even like ON the border, just more near it.


It was never about trying to sneak into your bases. I have satellites and shit to do that stuff for me. I sent a group of men/women as tourists and other traveling types to drive around Louisiana and take pictures of stuff and take notes. They used their own identities and passports and as far as you're concerned, real VISA's.


So I ask, please provide RP links from THIS nation you are in now, which outline such procedures like Cent mentioned as routine. Your RP history is OOC, so it doesn't impact the ICly of the actions in my opinion.


Why did I have to make the choice if it was your roll? You decide. It's just a matter of finding a way in.


It doesn't matter, it still happened.


You changed governments swiftly and declared several areas in martial law because a large minority of your civilians didn't like the new government... It looks like a coup.


We did not establish diplomatic relations. I tried making them with you and you said no. Diplomatic relations go past waving and trying to make a deal - it means actually having an agreement on paper.


I'd say that's even worse... A massive line of troops close to the border, ready to all move at once that could launch a surprise attack.... No yeah that isn't something to be cautious about.



And I understand that they'd use their own IDs and passports but the problem is my government doesn't want to allow civilians from a seemingly hostile nation into it's borders. So there's that.




And if you'd like me to do that then it'll take me a day or two to go through everything.

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Why did I have to make the choice if it was your roll? You decide. It's just a matter of finding a way in.


It doesn't matter, it still happened.


You changed governments swiftly and declared several areas in martial law because a large minority of your civilians didn't like the new government... It looks like a coup.


We did not establish diplomatic relations. I tried making them with you and you said no. Diplomatic relations go past waving and trying to make a deal - it means actually having an agreement on paper.


I'd say that's even worse... A massive line of troops close to the border, ready to all move at once that could launch a surprise attack.... No yeah that isn't something to be cautious about.



And I understand that they'd use their own IDs and passports but the problem is my government doesn't want to allow civilians from a seemingly hostile nation into it's borders. So there's that.




And if you'd like me to do that then it'll take me a day or two to go through everything.

I changed Governments after an election and everything related to that civil war thread was placed on hold for the time being. If it looks like a coup, then attack me to restore a glorious capitalist and "democratic" state.


They couldn't launch a surprise attack because there is no element of surprise, nothing was concealed from anybody.


I also fail to see how it takes two days to go through your few threads which relate to the Confederacy of MidAmerica and its policies of inspecting people who enter your nation. Find me a link which outlines such procedures or you need to edit the post in accordance to the GM ruling mate.

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