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I was thinking something more subtle... I was really hoping that we could just straight up roll his into mine, but since we can't, some very, very subtle bribery would have to do. Either that or have 600k of his people come out and vote in my territories under existing citizens' names.

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Let's put it this way, if there is an IC connection eventually someone will be able to track it back to the source. I don't wish to tell you how to RP, and thus give you an advantage over the other parties, so let's leave this here until a specific situation arouses which requires GM intervention. 

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From Operation Maize Field:


"Even so, a few 9mm rounds hardly degraded the function of the dishes, as they would usually either miss or simply pass through without seriously damaging the dishes, and the dishes were many."


Just saying, these are trained soldiers with accurate rifles. This is not some AK-47 or worse, these are battle rifles designed for long range shooting. I doubt they'd just miss. Next, this rifle fires 9x64 mm ammo. Such ammunition is used to kill big game. You want to tell me that satelite dish is unscathed after a magazine was emptied into it? Last but not least, I bet I got more ammunition than you got satelite dishes and they are all well in range.


I call BS on Maras part here. There's no way these dishes survive for long.

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No, Eva...


the problem is not your soldiers, it's the fact that you're using a 9mm at anything like range.


Also, who the hell made you God and said you even KNEW where the broadcast towers are? Seriously? One cannot shoot what one cannot get anywhere near to, unless one wants to use a helicopter or a drone missile in a crowd.

Edited by Mara Lithaen
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No, Eva...


the problem is not your soldiers, it's the fact that you're using a 9mm at anything like range.


Also, who the hell made you God and said you even KNEW where the broadcast towers are? Seriously? One cannot shoot what one cannot get anywhere near to, unless one wants to use a helicopter or a drone missile in a crowd.

9mm doesn't necessarily mean 9mm Luger. In fact, there are several 9mm rifle rounds which pack quite a punch. One can't forget that a round like the famous-for-its-stopping-power .357 Magnum is just "9mm" as well.


Modern rifle rounds are also usually just 5mm when it comes to military arms. Diameter of the bullet doesn't necessarily mean anything, it's also about how much propellent you put behind the damn thing.


That's all I have to say about that, I just don't want people spreading disinformation about ammunition. :|

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9x64 mm Brenneke I'm guessing Eva? That's about the same as a .375 Holland and Holland if my memory serves. Not exactly and insubstantial round that delivers quite a bit of kinetic energy on impact.. enough to knock down African big game animals.


Your soldiers using FMJ or some sort of expanding bullets? Though, I doubt it would make a difference. The 9X64 mm would more than enough to kaput a sat mast on a news truck. 

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Yes, it uses the Brenneke round. The Tigre rifle Long pattern is 170 cm long, has a 40 cm bayonet and a 9.3x64 mm caliber, it surely has a horrible recoil and is unwieldy, but I'd say it is accurate and has stopping power. Thankfully it is not the main service rifle (main rifle fires the 7x64 mm Brenneke).

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No, Eva...


the problem is not your soldiers, it's the fact that you're using a 9mm at anything like range.


Also, who the hell made you God and said you even KNEW where the broadcast towers are? Seriously? One cannot shoot what one cannot get anywhere near to, unless one wants to use a helicopter or a drone missile in a crowd.

Sorry Mara, but you've got some serious cognitive dissonance here.  Broadcast towers are massive beacons.  By definition if you broadcast something you want the signal to be picked up by others.  Its not that hard to notice.  

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Sorry Mara, but you've got some serious cognitive dissonance here.  Broadcast towers are massive beacons.  By definition if you broadcast something you want the signal to be picked up by others.  Its not that hard to notice.  

It's all the rest of you that aren't getting what I'm saying...


What I said, and what I meant, is that Eva's troops cannot get close enough to even see most of the trucks, much less shoot at them.


Also, Eva, do you seriously not think that any capital city worth its salt doesn't have, oh, a dozen or so trucks like that already inside it?

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It's all the rest of you that aren't getting what I'm saying...


What I said, and what I meant, is that Eva's troops cannot get close enough to even see most of the trucks, much less shoot at them.


Also, Eva, do you seriously not think that any capital city worth its salt doesn't have, oh, a dozen or so trucks like that already inside it?

My troops were there before your people even gathered, because they are the garrison and police. Actually they should have seen them coming and they should not just be locked out. If you want, there are high buildings and helicopters to occupy them, if you really want to go that far.


I won't even adress how you went past my degree outlawing gatherings of more than 10 people (not the curfew, that I established in another post) and gathered all these people, because I have to thank you, for it is quite convenient. Thus, you can keep protesting there, in the hope it does anything, besides keeping TBMs Burrito merchant in business.


Also, I demand an explanation for how many of the inhabitants of MGL's portion support the RAS, in this post for transparency reasons on the numbers used.


And I really wonder how you thought you'd get this much territory without issues, when you exhibit such a mindset as "I'm right, all others are wrong.", which btw, is not something new. But that's just my observation which I shall share, as the last shred of kindness I have.

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Just saying Mara, I want you to please state appropriate casualties if you go on with this brawl. You are outnumbering an army at not even 4:1 (580,000:150,000), with you having unarmed (!) civilians, fighting the Royal Faraway Army. And I think given I can bring in rear lines into the fight by firing rubber bullets into your crowd, it's not absurd to assume that this'll not end well for your side that can at best claim to use stolen batons and their protest signs.


No, you do not own a secret army of Captain Americas in Madison that can take apart a professional armed force with their bare hands!



I'm just a little confused as to how all these protesters suddenly had gas masks.

That too....

Edited by Evangeline Anovilis
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I never said they had gas masks; I said they had filter masks (I.E., construction worker/doctor wear, which DOES filter out tear gas) and water-soaked rags (which, again, work at filtering tear gas).


Also, you assume that the protesters actually are unarmed, Eva.


My view isn't that I'm right and all others are wrong, my view is that I've lost all patience with your antics and I'm not going to tolerate being trashed out like this by someone like you anymore.

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I never said they had gas masks; I said they had filter masks (I.E., construction worker/doctor wear, which DOES filter out tear gas) and water-soaked rags (which, again, work at filtering tear gas).
Also, you assume that the protesters actually are unarmed, Eva.
My view isn't that I'm right and all others are wrong, my view is that I've lost all patience with your antics and I'm not going to tolerate being trashed out like this by someone like you anymore.

Your protesters are unarmed, because you RPed them as such.

The protesters were gathered in full force, five-hundred-eighty thousand strong in the Capital. They had not come during curfew - it was the middle of the day. They had not come in large groups - there was no warning of the protest until fully three hundred thousand took to the streets, and the rest joined them soon after. They carried no weapons; the only things they had were placards and signs. They represented an extremely significant fraction of the state's population, and had gathered from the Madison metro area to ask their independence. When the Decree was issued, the crowd jeered. "We are the North American people! You hold no sway over us." "You laugh and bury our desire to govern ourselves as if we didn't matter, so why should we listen to you?" "Shoot us if you dare."

So, I don't assume, I know.


Lastly, look into a mirror for that statement.

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Meanwhile, the footage of unarmed protesters being beaten brutally by armed soldiers was broadcast across the entirety of the North American continent. But the unarmed protesters weren't alone in the city.

"Hammer to all Forge implements, Hammer to Forge, sound off."

"Tongs, in position."

"Anvil, in position."

"Shears, in position."

"Billows, in position." So on and so the list went, as a man in a highrise listened to the radio clipped to his armor. There were twenty teams of five, and with the other nineteen checked in, he settled back behind his binoculars and watched, waiting for the proper moment.

"This is Hammer, all Forge elements, acquire targets and wait for my signal." And then he watched.


Cherie and Susan Tourville were near the front of the ranks of the protesters, most of whom were doing nothing bad at all, and were being beaten senseless by the inhumane soldiers of the Farawayan people regardless. Cherie had begged her sister to stay inside, but the stubborn sixteen year old refused. "If you can go out there and stand up to these bullies, then I can to, dammit!" she said, her long brown hair flying up in a tizzy. "I'm not a little kid anymore, Cherry!" It had taken nearly an hour to convince Cherie to let her come, but in the end her older sister had agreed, on one condition.

"You stay with me, Susan. You stay with me, and you don't leave my sight, you understand?" Cherie had demanded, and Susan was only too happy to acquiesce. So, an hour later, they found themselves in the third rank of protesters, Susan holding her placard aloft.

"FREEDOM!" Was the chant they sang, along with many thousands of others. "FREEDOM!" Was the chant they sang, even as the protesters advanced against their captors. "FREEDOM!" was the chant they held, even as the rifle butts began to swing and the batons to beat and the guns to fire. Thousands of cellphones recorded and transmitted pictures and video of the impacts of the bullets, of bloodied and bruised faces and bodies; men, women, elderly and children alike.

But Susan and Cherie were in the third rank. Cherie was in the second, because she'd ordered Susan to stand behind her and stay there. The man in front of them fell, and Cherie found herself at the 'mercy' of a Farawayan with blood in his eyes. The man lowered his rifle, presenting the immensely long bayonet to Cherie, the blade pointed at her stomach. Her heart raced, and the world seemed to slow to a syrupy crawl as she moved, turning away from the blade, even as it carried past her.

But Susan had been behind her. In that same moment of awful clarity, she saw her little sister gasping, her pale blue shirt stained red, impaled on the bayonet, even as the soldier yanked it free of her. Cherie blanked, her mind and face set in a soundless scream, as a red haze slid over her vision. The twenty-four year old had been in her share of fights, and had a few years of martial artistry under her belt. When she moved, however, it wasn't in defense, as karate had taught her. Her left hand grasped the barrel of the gun, pushing it towards the ground. Her right grasped the pocket knife clipped to her jeans' waistband, partially inside her pocket, and the press of a switch brought the four inch blade flying from its self-made sheath, the spring letting it free, and she brought the weapon into the man's throat, dragging the razor edge across his jugular.


Hammer had been in just the right position to see the young girl fall, and to what - and whom. Or rather, he'd been looking in the right direction and it had caught his eye. His hands tightened on his binoculars, dangerously. His black face was set in a stony, nigh-on murderous expression. He had two daughters of his own.

Yanking the window just open enough to let his fire fly straight, true, and without giving away his position for the first few shots or so, he set his shooting earmuffs on his head, and keyed his throat mic.

"Forge elements, this is Hammer. Engage." He said, and settled in behind the stock of his weapon of choice, a long rifle set on a shooting rest, the barrel's end a distance from the windowsill itself, and his team mate loaded a hand-length magazine into the weapon's mag well. Hammer flipped the switch on the Barrett Optical Ranging System set atop the weapon's upper rails, and dialed it in. Another moment, and he set the range to his target, a group of troops firing on the crowd. He got their range, and then pressed a tab on the weapon's mag-well.

Then he took a deep breath, stilling his beating heart and his raging mind, before his finger squeezed the trigger. Five and a half pounds of pull later, the weapon bellowed, the blast rattling the windows of the apartment room he was in.

The M118 Nightstalker was a 20mm, electronically fired, programmable munitions system. The M400 HEFRAG 20mm was a programmable munition, capable of being used as an anti-infantry or anti-aircraft weapon, at the operator's choice. It was, in essence, a FlaK round. The round flew downrange, and at 910 meters from its starting point, exploded in midair - two feet above the soldiers' heads, spraying them with high-speed fragments

His muzzle traversed, the second round in his chamber an M395 depleted-uranium round. He targeted a water cannon unit, and put the BORS on target, letting it work its computational magic once more, and then he fired again.

All across the city, similar bellows were heard, taking out vehicle drivers, water cannon units, the soldiers firing on the panicked protesters. Still other teams held their fire, waiting for their order.

But in the front rank of the protesters, a young woman held her sister, a bloody knife in her hands, and a dozen helping hands materialized from the inside of the crowd. Cherie looked up, and saw the EMT patch on the shoulder of a bruised, battered, uniformed man, and Cherie numbly helped him get her sister as the rifles' reports began to be drowned out by sonorous booms like the thunder of a storm. Cherie stopped for a half-second, dragging the rifle that had gored her sister from the hands of the man she'd killed because of it, and disappeared into the enraged crowd with the slim hope of her sister's survival the only thing keeping her sane.

Alright, if you'd please stop pulling things from your rearend and godmodding...
1. The Royal Faraway Army has used their gunstocks. If you RP my soldiers stabbing you with bayonets, then there was never an order to stab with bayonets and you are actually RPing my forces.
2. I know the Faraway Realm is completely beyond your interest and you did nil research in the political climate of NA prior to your arrival, but for future reference, currently the Royal Faraway Armed Forces are open to women only and men only form auxiliary units.
3. No weapons means no weapons. So keep your knives and whatever else you use out of the crowd, as you established that one yourself.
4. I won't necessarily object to your attack now, as you seem to enjoy going rambo, but don't make my soldier murderers, when I ordered the usage of non-lethal weapons.
5. You did not insert casualties.

6. Got yet an explanation how your satelite dish survived a bullet that is used for big game hunting?
I'd request this to be fixed, so that it no longer violates the ules.

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If you'd do the same, that'd be great.


Also, I actually did. I did not give numbers, but  I did insert casualties. Rubber bullets do kill, as well, so I could very easily make that what happened... and the dead soldier wouldn't change, because a pocket knife is NIOT  a weapon until you use it as such. Tyvm.

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