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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1336195759' post='2963792']You don't want your characters killed, don't put them in a place where others can get at them. Nothing is sacred in RP, and I literally mean nothing.[/quote]
So basically, are you saying that preplanned RPs can be changed unilaterally for one's OOC purposes?

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No, what I'm saying is if you are stupid enough to bring a war criminal into the open, you had it coming. Try not to shift the focus off yourself, you put yourself in the sweet spot for a buttspanking.

Now, there are a few things with the way Triyun did this ICly that you could object to. I can see three items right there waiting for you to make a valid case for raising objections that I'm some what surprised you missed.

Character rp and character kills are conducted on a very different level and someone like yourself who isn't familiar with how that works tends to miss out obvious errors. I've chalked up quite a tally of character kills and losses in my day, I do actually know exactly what I'm talking about. Ask your little complaining buddy Subtle if his face has healed yet.

Now, beings I'm a dick, I'm not going to help you.


Your drama is boring, uninspiring, far too unoriginal, inanely repetitious, and I want to see your character die. I love a good character kill, even if it will probably be a hanging, still... a kill is a kill.

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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1336203199' post='2963863']
No, what I'm saying is if you are stupid enough to bring a war criminal into the open, you had it coming. Try not to shift the focus off yourself, you put yourself in the sweet spot for a buttspanking.[/quote]
Again, doesn't answer the original question of going back on the planning section details.

[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1336203199' post='2963863']Now, there are a few things with the way Triyun did this ICly that you could object to. I can see three items right there waiting for you to make a valid case for raising objections that I'm some what surprised you missed. [/quote]
1. I never mentioned anything about red eyes in the original post, and certainly no surname, meaning it could have been some other Akeiko
2. There is no Akeiko Sumeragi. It's Kou Akeiko.
3. Unless the entire night market was going to be $%&@ed up, the use of cars would have been impossible and without massive civilian and police casualties, where Akeiko could easily mix into the crowd.

Just some of the IC arguments I can use easily use. However, I focus on the larger issue of Triyun's acts which are unbecoming of a RPer, no less a GM.

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1336214920' post='2963933']
Again, doesn't answer the original question of going back on the planning section details.

1. I never mentioned anything about red eyes in the original post, and certainly no surname, meaning it could have been some other Akeiko
2. There is no Akeiko Sumeragi. It's Kou Akeiko.
3. Unless the entire night market was going to be $%&@ed up, the use of cars would have been impossible and without massive civilian and police casualties, where Akeiko could easily mix into the crowd.[/quote]

All of it entirely besides the point as you put your character in a position to get taken down, you failed to respond, and got an auto declared against you.

And no, the use of cars is a minor point easily corrected by Triyun accepting some bruised up natives. You really are missing the best points of contention, tut tut.

[quote]Just some of the IC arguments I can use easily use. However, I focus on the larger issue of Triyun's acts which are unbecoming of a RPer, no less a GM.

Welp, good luck with that sunshine.


Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1336203199' post='2963863']
No, what I'm saying is if you are stupid enough to bring a war criminal into the open, you had it coming. Try not to shift the focus off yourself, you put yourself in the sweet spot for a buttspanking.
[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1336214920' post='2963933']
1. I never mentioned anything about red eyes in the original post, and certainly no surname, meaning it could have been some other Akeiko
2. There is no Akeiko Sumeragi. It's Kou Akeiko.
[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1336226453' post='2963981']
All of it entirely besides the point as you put your character in a position to get taken down, you failed to respond, and got an auto declared against you.
Well, not entirely. The line of argument here is that you shouldn't just round up any Akeiko, because one Akeiko committed a crime. Else, my next war criminal shall be General [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wang_%28surname%29"]Wáng[/url]. Not to mention that nothing really be gained by rounding up one Akeiko that isn't the one people are looking after.

And honestly, given the way, Triyun arrived with his police or generally the way how some people create some baseless !@#$ to get an IC reason to shoot at someone else, I see little wrong with it.

Edited by Evangeline Anovilis
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1) It was Akeiko who was in Taiwan, we already have evidence of such now, any claim to the contrary is now a retcon imo (Obviously Cent's final say), I actually asked about this very claim attempt before posting, considering the BS pulled last time an arrest was made of her, when she was magically switched out with a double after she had been taken into custody and brought before the supreme court.
2) We have an up to date image of what she looks like because she came to see the Imperial Couple in Paris.
3) Cars easily are explained by common sense fire safety zoning laws.

Edited by Triyun
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  • 2 weeks later...


Spyroll for the Guild of Dastardly !@#$%^&* to assasinate the Romanov Arch Duke while the ruskies are visiting MO!


Spyroll implicating Isaac in funding MOs Guild of Dastardly !@#$%^&*.

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I don't see why anyone would need permission to rp out an assassination when the character is being put in the position for someone to make a reasonable attempt on the character's life, which is very much the case when the character is being put into public by going on a diplomatic trip, though I'd suggest that a few more spy rolls and rp than that would be needed.

I loves me a good well done character kill.

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1337648958' post='2970441']

Spyroll for the Guild of Dastardly !@#$%^&* to assasinate the Romanov Arch Duke while the ruskies are visiting MO!


Spyroll implicating Isaac in funding MOs Guild of Dastardly !@#$%^&*.

[quote name='iKrolm' timestamp='1337658534' post='2970512']
Assignation attempts are allowed through spy rolls? Is it planned, or how does that fit with no killing characters?

I have to agree with this point, you can make an attempt through spy rolls. However these rolls simply aren't enough for that. In addition to this you can not force the other to accept death and have to leave space to avoid death of the character.

This has been brought up before and does not fall under the exception of putting a character in a dangerous situation which was intended for things like active combat zones and similar. So I can only roll for an attempt where Justinian has the position to avoid death.

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Just asking, considering this is a meeting of Emperors and Nutmeg Empire is a proper country, would one spyroll suffice to make an attempt on the Archdukes life? Won't there be a few more spyrolls, for getting past the security or into Nutmeg Empire first?

Also, the assasination attempt, wouldn't it require a spyroll on Justinian, for it is his character? Or can one now just cicumvent that by assasinating characters normally protected by greater powers, by killing those characters in small less defended nations?

All other faults have been already pointed out.

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1337686209' post='2970600']
I have to agree with this point, you can make an attempt through spy rolls. However these rolls simply aren't enough for that. In addition to this you can not force the other to accept death and have to leave space to avoid death of the character.

This has been brought up before and does not fall under the exception of putting a character in a dangerous situation which was intended for things like active combat zones and similar. So I can only roll for an attempt where Justinian has the position to avoid death.

Proper character kills always have an option for escape. Unless one of the characters paints himself/herself completely into a corner that they can't escape.

However, the burdens are on the attacker to launch a properly executed attack, which will include getting into position and on the defender for making a legit escape.

Meaning, the attacker just can't teleport in from the SS Enterprise and the defender just can't hand wavium away an attack.

If the defender makes a pansy escape, they are providing room to having it go wrong on themselves via their ic action. Further, even if they escape the attempt.. the action is still ongoing as long as they are in range of the attacker.

Meaning, the defender has to do more than escape one attempt.. They have to get to a position of safe haven.

Which is why I'd suggest the attack not be done on spy roll. Make them rp it out and weigh the merits of the actions of their RP. The getting into position, into the country, and all that malarkey sounds alright to be done by spy roll though.

Further, the attacker needs to post exactly what weapons and tools they have on them in private or on the thread depending on how you want to do it.

God damn, I love character kills. Lemme know if need any help mediating this bad boy, I got about 50 or 60 character kills under my belt in everything from neanderthal rp to future cyborg crap.

lol, thag, good times that.

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1337686209' post='2970600']
I have to agree with this point, you can make an attempt through spy rolls. However these rolls simply aren't enough for that. In addition to this you can not force the other to accept death and have to leave space to avoid death of the character.

This has been brought up before and does not fall under the exception of putting a character in a dangerous situation which was intended for things like active combat zones and similar. So I can only roll for an attempt where Justinian has the position to avoid death.

You know me. Do you think I care more about killing a archduke, or creating general global war mongering? :lol1:

[quote name='Evangeline Anovilis' timestamp='1337688808' post='2970603']
Just asking, considering this is a meeting of Emperors and Nutmeg Empire is a proper country, would one spyroll suffice to make an attempt on the Archdukes life? Won't there be a few more spyrolls, for getting past the security or into Nutmeg Empire first?

Also, the assasination attempt, wouldn't it require a spyroll on Justinian, for it is his character? Or can one now just cicumvent that by assasinating characters normally protected by greater powers, by killing those characters in small less defended nations?

All other faults have been already pointed out.

One of the disadvantages of having a nation RPed in the era MO has is significantly less maritime border security. You'll see if the role is successful.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1337706203' post='2970678']
You know me. Do you think I care more about killing a archduke, or creating general global war mongering? :lol1:

One of the disadvantages of having a nation RPed in the era MO has is significantly less maritime border security. You'll see if the role is successful.

With the clarification it is an attempt and actual death will not be rp'd by yourself:

1 46

Two wins.

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[quote name='Joel James' timestamp='1337733008' post='2970781']
While talking about character kills, does that mean you could kill the leader of another nation by a roll? Or am I missing something here?

You most definitely cannot. Kills are only allowed against an owning RPer's will if the character in question is put in an explicitly dangerous situation, or is allowed to be captured by an enemy.

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What constitutes a dangerous situation is highly debatable. And personally, I encourage the assassination of characters, makes for a dynamic and engaging roleplay. Not to mention most characters in CNRP suck monkey nuts and are bad copies of anime villains.

I'm hoping a trend develops here that will allow us to move on from this pansy version of CNRP we have now to something more stimulating.

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Requesting the GMs wipe the following post by Isaac for the reason of metagaming.

[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=110980"]Le Link[/url]

And quoted below for efficiency's sake.

[quote]The United Carolinian Navy has detected a large offensive posturing in the Atlantic by Athens. All condition levels raised to 3, The United Carolinian Navy, Air Force, and Army have been set to DEFCON 2 in response.

FROM: National Military Command Center, Charlotte, NC



The United Carolinian government has set in motion Guerrilla war fare plan - A1: In the event that a larger force poses a threat of harm to United Carolinian Sovereignty, a plan will be set into motion to maintain assets and fight a guerrilla war. Assets will be hidden under heavy camouflage for the event that they need to be used, the president and his cabinet will be secured in an underground location and the secretary of war will be the acting president. Delta tactic has been set into motion.

UAVs and AWACS will be patrolling coastal waters as a first warn system. In the event that any foreign plan is spotted the United Carolinain government will be alerted, in the event that communication is lost the United Carolinian Air Force will be ordered to scramble. Anti Satellite menouvers were set into motion. [/quote]


And here is the most recent post I could find of Cent's in relation to the Atlantic movements.

[quote]Posted Today, 12:08 AM
Movements(Mostly classified):

The First Division is being moved to full combat radiness and transfered to ships and Bermuda while the rest of the I Corps remains at high alert in San Bias. Twenty F-5 squadrons are being moved to Bermuda and the MOB in the Central Atlantic near Bermuda, an additional two B-11 squadrons, three B-1 squadrons and three B-10 squadrons are moved to Bermuda and other Atlantic islands for easier combat operations. The Atlantic Fleet is moved away from its conventional patrol route throughout the entire Atlantic to only the Central and South with a great focus on the Central Atlantic. A very select group of High Guard Razors Special Operations consisting of a total of 50 special forces are kept on alert and prepared for easy deployment. FIA and HSF space assets begin surveillance runs over the Carolinas to find military facilities and track movements of both regular units, reserves or militia in the form of national guards. [/quote]

I would remind the GMs that Athens owns many islands in the area, so it would be near impossible for a nation to somehow assume that, because of internal political problems, a nation moving armed forces from one area of their property to a different area is a result of the first nation's internal crisis, and therefore must be a threat to the nation's security.

Edited by Yawoo
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