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Finding Malatose's MOB in the Indian (not sure if this roll is needed, given how big MOBs are and how close it was to my subs).

If the above is not needed, or is a success, SATINT/Drones over Avalon to see exact locations of where Germany's forces are located.

PS: Wouldn't one need separate rolls to cover the Indian AND the Pacific?

Edited by Kankou
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[quote name='iKrolm' timestamp='1330120101' post='2927689']
Requesting two spy rolls on Malatose to monitor incoming/outgoing communications. ([url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=109328&view=findpost&p=2927633"]Link[/url])


1-70 win
71-100 lose

15 62

Two wins

[quote name='Malatose' timestamp='1330131937' post='2927790']

Please roll the following:

To track Grand Papua submarines throughout the Indian and Pacific.

Location of Grand Papua ICBM silos.

1-70 win
71-100 lose

60 20

Two wins

[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1330146057' post='2927909']

Finding Malatose's MOB in the Indian (not sure if this roll is needed, given how big MOBs are and how close it was to my subs).

If the above is not needed, or is a success, SATINT/Drones over Avalon to see exact locations of where Germany's forces are located.

PS: Wouldn't one need separate rolls to cover the Indian AND the Pacific?

1-50 win
51-100 lose

19 29

Two wins.

I'd say you do need multiple rolls for more than one ocean.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1330192990' post='2928177']

Two rolls for Ding and friends to begin infiltrating New Guinea to save Sayla and Minerva from HAMAN KARN!

1-30 Lose
70-100 Win

53 36

Two wins, guv'nor.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1330225721' post='2928385'][b]Highly Classified:[/b]

Testing has begun on the creation of the Fairy Gay Bomb. The Fairy Gay Bomb is designed to increase homosexual desires within men. Ultimate weaponization shall be the goal of the program, particularly if it can be weaponized alongside drug addicting weapons and distributed over large areas. Mascurian Siberians will begin being used as test subjects for the Fairy Gay Bomb, so that its results can be confirmed before being used against the nation we'll use it against, we all know which one that is.[/quote] [quote name='Knowz' timestamp='1330254870' post='2928475']
OOC: I sincerely hope that this is a joke - not only is that impossible (considering that scientific consensus is that sexual orientation is naturally determined - whether heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or asexual - and not changeable -- and RL science and realities apply to CNRP I believe), but it is also grossly insulting to anyone on these forums who happen to be LGBT (especially since you're comparing "homosexual desires" to drug addiction, which makes this even more insulting).
I kindly OOCly request that you remove that.[/quote] Knowz believes Triyun’s post is offensive.

This needs GM review, preferably someone who isn’t Triyun.

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[quote name='Generalissimo' timestamp='1330266303' post='2928501']
Knowz believes Triyun’s post is offensive.

This needs GM review, preferably someone who isn’t Triyun.

It doesn't need gm review as it doesn't concern CNRP rules or guidelines. Case closed.

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[quote name='Generalissimo' timestamp='1330266303' post='2928501']
Knowz believes Triyun’s post is offensive.

This needs GM review, preferably someone who isn’t Triyun.

Yeah, it's more of an ooc issue between knowz and Triyun. While I do agree the idea is offensive, I will admit to laughing when I read it the first time.

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I didn't want to do this publicly, but no one seems to be answering anything anymore. I did invite Shammy to a private thread with all the contenders and there hasn't been much response as of yet so I'm guessing he's occupied elsewhere.

1) I request an autoadvance against JED and TY down in Africa.

2) I recognize that I fired off a fair number of missiles, as such is the case I will reduce the total fired to 50 percent of what I originally fired out of fairness and to prevent any other potential problems that might result from asking for an auto.

3) I request damages be assigned to the canadian fleet by the GM staff.

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I request a roll for the following:

The location of Grand Papua's Coastal Defenses

To find the location of Grand Papua's SAM sites

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Figured I should bring up this topic up again:



Aren't we getting a bit too liberal with what we can see using a single spy roll?

Clarification: I'm obviously not against being able to see large shore guns and concentrations of static SAM defense. What my concern is the fact there is a tendency to expand a single spy roll to include elements that would require years of concentrated intelligence gathering to be able to detect and mobile defenses which can be easily hidden, especially in rugged terrain. Exactly how does one find all that when it would take minimum of weeks to analyze the pictures, never mind the necessity of years of constant surveillance to make sure such defenses exist, never mind doing such over an entire subcontinental island?

Edited by Kankou
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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1330575641' post='2930980']
I didn't want to do this publicly, but no one seems to be answering anything anymore. I did invite Shammy to a private thread with all the contenders and there hasn't been much response as of yet so I'm guessing he's occupied elsewhere.

1) I request an autoadvance against JED and TY down in Africa.

2) I recognize that I fired off a fair number of missiles, as such is the case I will reduce the total fired to 50 percent of what I originally fired out of fairness and to prevent any other potential problems that might result from asking for an auto.

3) I request damages be assigned to the canadian fleet by the GM staff.

Apologies, I had to go to sleep early last night (only got four hours of sleep the night before) and didn't get around to dealing with this, TBM. I'll be handling this later this evening, but I just thought I'd give a heads up to my two compatriot GMs that I'm already looking into it.

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[b]Tidybowlman's Autoadvance Request[/b]

Your autoadvance has been [color="#006400"][b]GRANTED[/b][/color], thanks for drawing down the number of missiles sent at the Canadian fleet, I appreciate it. That being said, the numbers of surface vessels that were fired at, by multiple nations, is relatively low, and the number of missiles was overkill, even at the numbers of Canadian vessels in the vicinity. Given all attacks, it is safe to assume that all Canadian naval surface vessels were [b]DESTROYED[/b] in the attacks on them.

However, given the lack of action against the Canadian submarine components of its naval task force, which actually comprises more than half of Canada's fleet, I can safely say that submarine casualties were slim-to-none, and a prescribed action in an autoadvance would be to say that these vessels returned fire on their African counterparts. Given the fact that these vessels were a mix of nuclear attack, guided, and ballistic missile submarines, and the relatively large number of submarines in this task force, a fairly substantial counterstrike should be leveled against the nations of the AUP in the vicinity of the attacks, including cruise missile attacks on targets of interest and well-coordinated counterbattery fire against anti-ship missile sites, and ballistic missile sites.

As is per normal, autoadvances do need to come at a cost, and a missile counterstrike against forces arrayed against Canada needs to be accepted by the nations of the AUP that sent ordinance downrange for any autoadvance to be considered fully acceptable.


[b]Malatose's Spyroll Request[/b]

[quote name='Malatose' timestamp='1330598434' post='2931155']

I request a roll for the following:

The location of Grand Papua's Coastal Defenses

To find the location of Grand Papua's SAM sites

1-30 Lose
31-100 Win

66 47

Two wins, guv'nor. Please do note that these rolls will only give you a nominal amount of information, and you cannot claim to have a full knowledge or structure of GP's coastal defenses, surface-to-air missile sites, et cetera, et cetera. There is only so much information that can be found out through a single spy roll, especially the location of mobile facets of this defense, and possibly ones that have been given substantial roleplay work to make them hard to see.

Seeing large coastal defense guns is one thing, but this roll won't give you access to know where every foxhole, every bunker, et cetera will be. Just a heads up, and a clarification. :)


[b]Triyun's Autoadvance Request[/b]

Given the fact that I am, here and now, withdrawing out of the Canadian conflict, one reason being due to inactivity on Canada's part, but more to the point, secondly, being that my time seems to get more and more limited as the days wear on, I will retain status as the neutral GM in this conflict. On that note, I award a [color="#006400"][b]DELAYED GRANT[/b][/color] for this request, this meaning I am granting Californian and/or JEDCJT a twenty-four hour grace period to respond to the attacks that have been arrayed against them. This is basically serving a warning to Canada's owners that it needs to respond to its attacks, in some way, shape, or form, within the next [b]TWENTY-FOUR HOURS[/b], or it faces an autoadvance grant to all its' enemies.

A response post must be leveled against these attacks, that at least includes casualties, by [b]2030 Hours, EASTERN STANDARD TIME, March 2, 2012[/b], if no response post comes forth, combatants arrayed against Canada will be granted autoadvances. These autoadvances [b]MUST[/b] include realistic casualties, or they will not be accepted as legitimate autoadvances. If [b]THESE[/b] posts are not responded to within one-hundred-and-eight hours, I will review the situation again, and will make another judgment on whether [i]another[/i] autoadvance is needed.

Edited by TheShammySocialist
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Since the war is ending on a rather strange taste, I'll bring the final issue.

First, IRC logs

[quote]13:51 Triyun I roll SDI roles
13:51 Triyun how many were fired
13:51 Kankou Triyun
13:52 KaiserMelech Americans were smart
13:52 KaiserMelech We used cats as weapons
13:52 Kankou you're going to do 50 ICBMs every day, through two rolls each, 14 times?
13:54 Triyun first of all
13:54 Triyun its not exactly clear
13:54 Triyun that all of those
13:54 Triyun are going over iKrolms
13:54 Triyun and your territory
13:54 Triyun second you can't RP iKrolms defenses
13:55 Kankou well
13:55 Kankou 1. Oceanic Protectorate: Remember you advocating that protectorates should also be protected by SDIs? iKrolm is the one that takes care of the protectorate
13:56 Kankou 2. He already did RP shooting down all missiles, but if you insist, I'll wait for iKrolm to post
13:56 Triyun most of the stuff goes just north of him if fired from the central and north Part of Germania, for all but the far East of your country, and spends much of its time in region over my territory or international waters, I ain't shooting
13:56 Triyun I very much do
13:56 Triyun I'm also requesting that Malatose give us launch locations
13:56 Triyun so that we can assess who it is
13:56 Triyun if you're going to be like this and try to get away with RPing no damage
13:57 Triyun and btw
13:57 Triyun territorial waters
13:57 Triyun are not grounds for shooting down missiles
13:57 Triyun landmasses are
13:57 Kankou yes, and the entire Oceanic Protectorate blocks any missiles going over it
13:58 Triyun nope
13:58 Triyun only if it goes over an island
13:58 Kankou sighs
13:58 Kankou you want me to draw lines?
13:59 KaiserMelech Penis
13:59 --- Triyun has banned *!*@nordreich.eu
13:59 *** Kankou was kicked by Triyun (Triyun)
13:59 !!! You have been kicked from #cnrp[/quote]
Since Triyun (May God Bless Him) decided that he can't stand listening to reality, I'll say it here.

Problems with Malatose launching ICBMs at New Guinea.

1. Oceanic Protectorate and Selenactos

Look at the map below.


Red line is the southernmost limit of the the Oceanic Protectorate. This means that I basically have a complete SDI shield protecting me from any ICBMs that would fly my way from Europe. People might ask whether missiles could go further south and then swing up, but in the context of firing ICBMs, such maneuvers are impossible without the threat of flying into Australian airspace. Then, what about going north of Selenactos? Also impossible, since the Coriolis Effect would prevent the missiles from curving enough to get around Luzon and fly thousands of kilometers south.

2. Launching North

Then, what if Malatose launches north? Same problem: Coriolis Effect. Since my easternmost point and Malatose's westernmost point is less than 180 degrees in separation, the Coriolis Effect would basically curve the ICBM out of harm's way.

3. All's Quiet on the Western Front

What of missiles launched west? It would need to go over 18,000 km. Not exactly a short distance.

The three problems mean that there is no way for Malatose to be able to fire an ICBM without it passing through either the Oceanic Protectorate or Selenactos on its way to Grand Papua, leading to double SDI roles being done. If Triyun wishes to do at the minimum 700 rolls and at the most 1400 rolls, I'll give him the honor. But given his rather..... pro-Malatose stance, I ask that either Centurius or TSS look over my reasoning for the double rolls being used instead of single rolls.

Rant: I mean !@#$@#$ jeez, must I have to deal with all this stupidity just because someone who can't read a map and whine about a war he started not going his way? Really, I figured that a person going on the offensive would at least do a bit of research instead of this farce of a war. And what's up with all the supporting that same lunacy?

[b]Calculations for distance between Germany and Grand Papua through North Pole[/b]

Approximate circumference along north-south: 40,000 km

Northernmost point of Germany: List, Sylt, Schleswig-Holstein 55°03′N

Distance to the North Pole: 3,889 km

Distance from North Pole to Grand Papua: 10,000 km

Total necessary flight: at least 13,000 km

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After going over the war and more specifically the large amounts of (justified) complaints and in general horrible conduct the GM team has decided the war between Germany and Grand Papua is hereby wiped and no longer holds canon validity.

In addition Kankou, any claims of GM bias in public are considered GM abuse. Consider yourself on notice.

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Posting to confirm this decision. Additionally I'm reminding everyone that territorial waters is not grounds for SDI use. Territorial waters is purely an IC claim, its got no map validity. I.E. you can't claim 500 kilos of territorial waters and then claim your SDI goes out that far. The Oceanic protectorate would only apply in cases with direct island overflight. Either way the war is wiped, just for future reference.

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1330816862' post='2932731']
In addition Kankou, any claims of GM bias in public are considered GM abuse. Consider yourself on notice.
Yes sir, I've overstepped in my frustration at having to deal with this issue for almost an month.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1330816973' post='2932732']
Posting to confirm this decision. Additionally I'm reminding everyone that territorial waters is not grounds for SDI use. Territorial waters is purely an IC claim, its got no map validity. I.E. you can't claim 500 kilos of territorial waters and then claim your SDI goes out that far. The Oceanic protectorate would only apply in cases with direct island overflight. Either way the war is wiped, just for future reference.

I protest: there no IC reason to wipe the war. No participants have posted here to request that the war be wiped, rules have not been broken, and the war is essentially over and unlikely to start again.

The GMs are overstepping their role by ruling the thread non-canon.

Edited by iKrolm
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[quote name='iKrolm' timestamp='1330822204' post='2932773']
I protest: there no IC reason to wipe the war. No participants have posted here to request that the war be wiped, rules have not been broken, and the war is essentially over and unlikely to start again.

The GMs are overstepping their role by ruling the thread non-canon.

Several rule violations were made and the GMs have decided by consensus these are enough to justify a wipe. Something well within our job description.

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1330830054' post='2932849']
Several rule violations were made and the GMs have decided by consensus these are enough to justify a wipe. Something well within our job description.

Please point to the specific violations within the Case: Yellow thread that warrant a wipe without allowing participants to edit their posts?

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[quote name='iKrolm' timestamp='1330831352' post='2932869']
Please point to the specific violations within the Case: Yellow thread that warrant a wipe without allowing participants to edit their posts?
[quote name='Executive Minister' timestamp='1330832169' post='2932880']
GM abuse? Considered on notice? Please, GMs are not Mods.

EDIT: And a request for a (more) neutral GM to do her rolls is well within her right and a reasonable one at that.
I would just like to note that I support the content of both of these posts.

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