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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1335567576' post='2960212']
Wrong kind of landing craft, TSS. We're talking about ground effect vehicles.

Meh, ground effect vehicles.

Why can't we just stick to bobbing about on the oceans in landing craft mechanized, with medics handing out seasickness pills every two minutes?

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Because people like to have their technologically impossible, virtually worthless in military terms, or half-suicidal weapons just because they seem awesome when you ignore all the actual problems such weapons have for one's convenience?

Edited by Kankou
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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1335569355' post='2960222']
Because people like to have their technologically impossible, virtually worthless in military terms, or half-suicidal weapons just because they seem awesome when you ignore all the actual problems such weapons have for one's convenience?

With your expertise, I'm surprised you are using it here and not working for the defense ministry.

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When people go against what is already known in public information or use completely wrong technology for some purpose in the first place, is contesting such an outrageous technology having expertise, or is it simple elimination of junk from the real deal which anyone with a high school education and a basic understanding of weapon technology can see?

Edited by Kankou
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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1335570562' post='2960227']

No.. this is getting absurd. I'm not recognizing anymore of Kankou's magical insurgents popping up all over the place.
How is this a magically popping up insurgency? This is a background story for a single character...

[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1335618730' post='2960394']
It appears that she's just doing these things for the sake of copying Sarah. Its actually more pathetic than absurd.
...a character that was actually around a good bit longer then Anna and Etherington.

[quote name='Voodoo Nova' timestamp='1335619287' post='2960398']
With your expertise, I'm surprised you are using it here and not working for the defense ministry.
And the level of knowledge to know something is worthless is not all that is needed to work for the Ministry of defense. If I'd know that humans cannot fly on their own by flapping their arms, I'm also not magically suited for the aviation industry just based on that.

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[quote name='Evangeline Anovilis' timestamp='1335619821' post='2960401']
How is this a magically popping up insurgency? This is a background story for a single character...

...a character that was actually around a good bit longer then Anna and Etherington.

And the level of knowledge to know something is worthless is not all that is needed to work for the Ministry of defense. If I'd know that humans cannot fly on their own by flapping their arms, I'm also not magically suited for the aviation industry just based on that.

Just because she thinks its worthless, doesn't make it worthless.

Edited by Voodoo Nova
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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1335495070' post='2959983']
Already said its subject to the same missile defense restrictions. That you don't like it isn't really my fault or problem. If you'd prefer to shoot it in traverse phase to prevent it from doing a direct dissent as your RP of Missile Defense that is fine.

Its not that I don't like it. When I see you RPing a system that is analogous to a long standing banned weapon, I want to know why your system is permissible, while rods of god aren't. The only difference I see is the length of time your system stays in orbit, which will lead me to future assumptions about weaponry in space. Assumptions I will promptly act upon.

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I contest Centurius's lastest post against Australia in the New Guinea situation as an autoadvance. MO has not responded to the initial attacks over the airspace of New Guinea, and it had been deemed that a similar post by Melech in his war thread was an autoadvance.

Edited by Kankou
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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1335654384' post='2960565']

Two rolls on TBM's Fronts.

16 37

Two wins

As for your objection, this is an entirely different front from the attacks over New Guinea using completely different units and completely different objectives, they could have just as well been in the same post so I do not consider it an autoadvance.

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May I point out:

1. I think the mention of 40,000 deaths is in a way taking casualties, no?
2. Isn't 2. just 1. with the statement of what the GMs impose on her because of 1.?
3. That point I won't adress, as I'll keep my argument limited to other points.

[quote]Most of New Guinea is a jungle wasteland where the near constant rain which greatly hindered detection of any kind, the extremely rugged terrain left only people moving on foot (thus very difficult to discover), where UAVs would crash from the malfunctions brought about from the thick rain forests and the climate.[/quote]

She stated not that they were destroyed, but they [i]would[/i] be destroyed, implying that the chance is rather high that they'll fly into a tree. and if a region has naturally near-constant rain, well, I guess that claim has a basis. Also, I may not know the exact effect of nerve gas on trees, but even if they lose their leaves, it'll still stand there for a while. After all, I see no usage of a deforestation agent. I mean, there won't be any animals, but given V agents were developed from pesticides...

Edited by Evangeline Anovilis
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[quote name='Evangeline Anovilis' timestamp='1335721877' post='2960804']
May I point out:

1. I think the mention of 40,000 deaths is in a way taking casualties, no?
2. Isn't 2. just 1. with the statement of what the GMs impose on her because of 1.?
3. That point I won't adress, as I'll keep my argument limited to other points.

She stated not that they were destroyed, but they [i]would[/i] be destroyed, implying that the chance is rather high that they'll fly into a tree. and if a region has naturally near-constant rain, well, I guess that claim has a basis. Also, I may not know the exact effect of nerve gas on trees, but even if they lose their leaves, it'll still stand there for a while. After all, I see no usage of a deforestation agent. I mean, there won't be any animals, but given V agents were developed from pesticides...

It loses its basis when that same piece of land was nuked and burned to hell only a week or two earlier.

Edited by Centurius
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40, 000 casualties from 3 nuclear bombs, about 80 WMD, and over 10, 000 bombs is not casualties Eva. Expanding in the face of numerically larger opponents like Lavo with no explanation as to how is also not an explanation.

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I do not recognize the ruling, for the following reasons:

[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1335720360' post='2960799']
OOC: All players please note Kankou's last post is considered wiped:

As per GM rulings stated prior to that post:
1) You must take damage
2) You're failure to post damage from others means that they get to RP damage for you, you seem to have ignored that ruling by continuing to claim no effect by others bombings of you.[/quote]
I'm the only one who ever RPed actual death numbers in the past two RPs I was in. In no other RPs were people required to write that detailed posts. I challenge this as discrimination unbecoming of a GM.

[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1335720360' post='2960799']3) Kankou you are out of WMD, you can't launch those VX gas attacks. You're done. End of story.[/quote]
Oh no, you do not suddenly say I do not have any use of IG CMs just when it is convenient for you. Sorry, but no.

[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1335720360' post='2960799']Further forcing damage on others UAVs, especially having them fly into trees is completely unacceptable. This has to stop. Some other quick things too: 1) You don't have unilateral control the weather in land thats not yours.[/quote]
My post is based on the actual climate of New Guinea which does have at that much rain all year around. Unless you're ruling that we're to change the climate to suit people's needs, my post is in line with what is natural.

[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1335720360' post='2960799']2) You blew up most of the Island and thus are bound by that decision and the extreme deforestation that goes with it. You cannot retcon either of these to your convenience.[/quote]
I used only chemical from the start, contrary to what your selective reading was. That was the understanding of all the original participants in this RP until someone conveniently disputed things, and where you conveniently said I used nukes. This is basically you changing the RP to the way you see fit in order to match your rulings. Any thoughts that I would have nuked to hell a country which was supposed to be annexed by members of the OU if it weren't for convenient meddling is not logical at all.

Basically, do not retcon the original RP to satisfy your view of events. My control of the situation may have been lost after I rerolled, but to change chemical weapons which was the understanding of all the original participants of the RP before I began the RP into something else is not a valid thing to do.

A slightly more in depth analysis of the following comment from IRC:

[quote]which note when she gets into a war is always the most horrible place on Earth and goes from being the best economy in the world to completely uninhabitable under developed landscape, funny how that works[/quote]

Think of Algeria. Most of the population live along the coast, with the interior being the complete wasteland. Frankly, even the coast is a horrible place to live if it weren't for France across the sea. It's the same situation with Grand Papua. The weather has always been bad except for the western coast of the Papuan Peninsula (following RL), and over 90% of the civilian population live along the coasts, reliant on trade with OU to keep the economy moving. If VX missiles cover the coasts, then pretty much the entire country is messed up.

Also, [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=105432&view=findpost&p=2946709"]my post on the economy[/url]. I never said it was the best economy in the world, since I am not that unrealistic to ignore basic economics. How on earth you thought that I ever said my economy is the best is beyond me. Sure, I have some of the biggest precious metal mines on earth, and it is true my low expenditures in most areas of government allows me a great surplus, but best economy? Grand Papua is just like any of the Asian Tigers, dynamic but fragile if its line of support were ever cut.

[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1335722832' post='2960809']
40, 000 casualties from 3 nuclear bombs, about 80 WMD, and over 10, 000 bombs is not casualties Eva. Expanding in the face of numerically larger opponents like Lavo with no explanation as to how is also not an explanation.
3 nuclear bombs, about 80 WMD, and over 10, 000 bombs does not cover 190,000 square kilometers of either mountains or swamps, which is what the Kamborian region of influence is in size. Furthermore, the near-extermination of the Kamborians and the change of focus from the Chinese to Papuan (a group which had not been bombed to hell and back) all adds up to a raw but rugged force which has not been the focus of your alliance's attacks.

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Recognition is not 'optional' Kankou. These rulings were all based on ones that Shammy, Cent, and I all talked about before. To act as though they do not apply now is not something available to you if you wish to continue to play in continuity. You have the option of of course playing only with those who RP with you by mutual consent. We've warned about this in prior post in fact:


For the record too, these posts were made in prior consultation with all the GMs. We've also told you that you cannot regenerate your WMD, nukes, or any other material without a nation. You've lacked a nation for all this time. So I am sorry but no, you don't get to regenerate your WMD.

If you used chemical instead of nuclear weapons fine, but for the record you don't get to 'plan' what is used in the original territory. If you are suggesting that there was some pre-planned agreement which was a sort of defacto land gifting though, thats subject to more severe rulings. However even if chemical weapons are used, you still do not get to declare other peoples tracking ineffective and act like others cannot hit the broad side of a barn which is what you've been doing. If you want to RP a decrease in effectiveness by say 10% of what otherwise may have been with one line based on terrain that is one thing, you're up in the 90% ratio. Further all you've been doing is invalidating others RPs based on presumptions of technological and military incompetence, and an inability to adapt to conditions. We've been targeting your troops, and you've been saying we missed because apparently others do not know what they are doing and are stupid. That attitude is not respectful and is the equivalent of god modding on your part.

What makes matters worse is that this is only done in a few lines. In short you're basically RPing other people's militaries for them and assuming the worse while your group of what has to be now mostly raw recruits is advancing against much better trained and well equipped foes (Lavo and TBM haven't nearly depleted their trained soldier groupings). This is in short a god mode.

I'm going to hereby be blunt then. Recognize rulings, start showing respect to other people rather than treating everyone who disagrees with you politically as being presumed completely inept, or others will not have to recognize you. Period.

Edited by Triyun
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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1316889261' post='2807495']
[b]3.[/b] In cases where GMs are in conflict with each other, or are otherwise compromised, GMs may now elect amongst themselves with a unanimous vote a temporary neutral fourth GM who's sole responsibility will be arbitrating that particular dispute.

With both Cent and Triyun involved in the New Guinea conflict, I would like to request they appoint a temporary GM until a new GM is selected.

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[quote name='iKrolm' timestamp='1335739095' post='2960888']
With both Cent and Triyun involved in the New Guinea conflict, I would like to request they appoint a temporary GM until a new GM is selected.

Very well, by an unanimous vote I and Triyun have chosen Vektor, on the forums known as Malatose, as the temporary GM to rule the Pacific front in the ongoing New Guinea rp.

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1335745998' post='2960934']
Very well, by an unanimous vote I and Triyun have chosen Vektor, on the forums known as Malatose, as the temporary GM to rule the Pacific front in the ongoing New Guinea rp.

Thank you.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1335304765' post='2958631']The Tianxia Launch Loop was used to launch up a two stage fractional orbital rod bombardment bundle. Using the Launch Loop to put up the massive weapon a second stage booster would put it into a polar orbit for part of the way before deorbiting a bundle of three tungsten rods down straight onto the enemy force. The result would be that they'd melt upon impact creating a massive area effect triple blast on the targets.[/quote]
I have questions to ask about this.

1. Given that launch loops are designed to fire 5 ton loads from the equator, the location of the Mongolian loop would mean that at most a 3 ton package could have been launched.
2. Even if we suppose that somehow a 5 ton package is launched, the the fuel for the two stage boosters would take up a significant amount of the weight, something like 2/3 at the least. This leaves 1.67 tons for the weapons, meaning 0.56 tons per rod (including booster).
3. Supposing the rods manage to accelerate to 1,500 m/s (anything faster would require even more fuel), this is only equal to something like 4 tungsten rods of the Conventional Trident Prompt Strike program. Each rod can destroy a small building when solid or over a 1,000 square meter area at ideal spread (a .5 caliber bullet per square meter).
4. Taken all of the above together, the widest area of damages would be three circles of 4,000 square meters each (circles of 35.7 meter radius). If you use solid rods, the most you'll destroy would be a large house.

Conclusion: Massive area effect triple blast? Impossible.

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