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England Falls


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The Athenian Federation has watched England devolve from a stable democracy to a fascist totalitarian state. This is something Europe has seen enough of. It is because of this that the Athenian Federation hereby officially recognizes a state of war with England. English fascism will end here.

We urge all other nations to stay out of this conflict. The Hellenic Forces can handle this conflict on their own and bandwagoning will not be responded well to.


Immediately upon the declaration of war being issued the Hellenic Forces rushed into action.

The Atlantic Fleet which had been positioned near France and Spain was ordered to establish a line around England, away enough to avoid being hit by most defenses but still in range to attack the coastline. The Franco Class submarines of the Hellenic Navy had been ordered to stay at the maximum depth and maintain a stealthy approach while the Dragon Class submarines would begin to seek out English ships, intelligence reports had shown England lacked a serious navy however to be ready for surprises the navy was going from the assumption they were dealing with a full English navy. A total of 4 U-2As were launched from carriers, the UAVs would fly to their maximum altitude at which point the sensor equipment and the onboard camera would record images of England, these were transmitted directly to datacenters within the Athenian Federation through the satellite infrastructure. ISIS satellites themselves would also position over England to constantly watch the movements. On the ground the images would be processed, mostly automatically, and forwarded to the Hellenic Forces at large which would give all units an excellent view.

Actually taking down the ships that had been identified as belonging to the English navy would be done by missile forces rather than the navy. Due to the large area ASBMs could be used on they were the prime weapon to take down a navy in Europe. From a base at the French coast 4 Neptune ASBMs(2 per ship) were launched, actively using the live satellite feed for guidance and its own systems, to hit the ships. Their destructive force would most likely destroy the ships.

Now was the time for the Hellenic Air Force to make their move, upon the ASBMs being launched the Hellenic Air Force launched 50 U-1 Maia UCAVs and 1 U-2C AWACS were launched from France, their objectives were to take down air and naval defenses near Dover. The second objective was to get fired upon by defenses, As soon as fire was opened on a U-1 the U-2C would register the location of the defenses. Other UCAVs would then target those or they were left for the large air force to launch attacks at a later time.

Upon completion of the air strike the ATDs of the Atlantic Fleet and docked at Calais began their first of many transports across the English Channel. Protection was provided by 2 F-99 squadrons and 3 F-1 squadrons which stayed near the ships to destroy defenses. The ships themselves would take less than an hour for the actual voyage from one side to the other which would allow it to deploy large amounts of forces in a relatively short timeframe.

The first 7500 Thracians were among the best, they had been trained for something just like this and gained experience in the many wars the Hellenic Navy had fought. The forces landed just north-east of the harbor. This would also be their first objective. Attacking with surgical precision harbor authorities were to be taken down and the direct area secured. Their rules of engagement being to engage all threatening and armed individuals. Civilians were ordered to leave the harbor for their own safety.

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Publicly, the Empire said nothing. However, the entirety of the 4th Fleet and her equipment, sans half of her helicopter force (50 helicopters, various types) to compliment the 30,000 troops and their equipment stationed at IMB: Ireland, weighed anchor and moved through the Irish Channel to the North Sea for their own protection. The 1st Fleet (19 ships, varying types) launched from Norfolk, as did the 6th Fleet (12 ships, all submarines) from Norfolk.

[b]***Private to the Athenian Federation***[/b]

We see this move by England as a direct threat to the security of our 30,000 troops at IMB: Ireland along with the 4th Fleet and her nine ships that are stationed there. The ships of the 4th have already weighed anchor and are moving to the North Sea for their own protection. However, given our considerable assets at IMB: Ireland, which is located at the eastern shore of Gare Loch in Argyll and Bute, Scotland, we believe we can be of assistance in this matter.

Once all naval assets are in place, we will be able to provide 13 squadrons of air support, plus missile support and helicopter support from our ships. In addition, we have 4,000 Imperial Marines ready to land where needed on England's northern shores.

Please consider us while coordinating attack plans. We have no doubt English troops will turn on everyone when they see their downfall coming, and it is not often such considerable assets are already in enemy territory.

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[b]Broadcast from Radio NovCorp:[/b]

"Midst yet another war in Europe, a new lesson has been derived, one of which future governments would hopefully learn from: never establish any government modelled after Fascism. Although an untold period of time had passed since the Second World War, the memory of fascism is still apparently fresh on several certain leaders' minds.

This lesson should be placed second after the first lesson of never establishing any nation, in North America, modelled after the United States of America.

But seriously, you couldn't have tried diplomacy first?"

Edited by JEDCJT
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We urge all other nations to stay out of this conflict. The Hellenic Forces can handle this conflict on their own and bandwagoning will not be responded well to.[/quote]

The New Republic of Ireland, which had already been preparing to enter our own conflict with England, takes this statement into consideration but will continue on with our already planned action. Although we had hoped to take British Isle matters into British Isle hands, the hasty actions of the Athenians have left us no choice but to hurry and [b]declare war on England[/b] ourselves. Before Athens considers this "bandwagoning", we reiterate that we were already planning to do this ourselves and our Addendum, which covers English land should it fall, should be a well-enough precursor for you to know our intentions of securing England.

If Athens has an issue with our own activities, we are fully open to Athenian diplomacy: you are a stabilizing force in Europe and we have been on the same sides (albeit distantly) before, and we trust you to be fair-minded.

No immediate military movements were made, but all across the nation missile silos were opening and the air forces were prepping for combat.

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What sort of country simply declares war without attempting diplomacy first? We have no aggressive plans to expand any border, we have not threatened your livelihood in any way shape or form and yet you seek to destroy us without so much as a hesitation?

Do we really live in a world where war is the only answer? Do people really need to die for you to prove a point?

We have plans to make England a better nation, to pull it out of the anarchic state of despair it had fallen into. It is the people's choice for us to be in power, why not let them have that choice rather than making it for them. You are more than welcome to inspect the validity of the election if you wish to.

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These are the same lies and talking points perpetrated by every failed regime such as yours parroted for decades on this Earth. Years of experience dealing with your kind from Europe to Africa to North America and around the world has shown that diplomacy is not a tool to be used with kind of your ilk.

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[quote name='Pravus Ingruo' timestamp='1313178089' post='2778745']
Publicly, the Empire said nothing. However, the entirety of the 4th Fleet and her equipment, sans half of her helicopter force (50 helicopters, various types) to compliment the 30,000 troops and their equipment stationed at IMB: Ireland, weighed anchor and moved through the Irish Channel to the North Sea for their own protection. The 1st Fleet (19 ships, varying types) launched from Norfolk, as did the 6th Fleet (12 ships, all submarines) from Norfolk.

[b]***Private to the Athenian Federation***[/b]

We see this move by England as a direct threat to the security of our 30,000 troops at IMB: Ireland along with the 4th Fleet and her nine ships that are stationed there. The ships of the 4th have already weighed anchor and are moving to the North Sea for their own protection. However, given our considerable assets at IMB: Ireland, which is located at the eastern shore of Gare Loch in Argyll and Bute, Scotland, we believe we can be of assistance in this matter.

Once all naval assets are in place, we will be able to provide 13 squadrons of air support, plus missile support and helicopter support from our ships. In addition, we have 4,000 Imperial Marines ready to land where needed on England's northern shores.

Please consider us while coordinating attack plans. We have no doubt English troops will turn on everyone when they see their downfall coming, and it is not often such considerable assets are already in enemy territory.

[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1313182025' post='2778796']
The New Republic of Ireland, which had already been preparing to enter our own conflict with England, takes this statement into consideration but will continue on with our already planned action. Although we had hoped to take British Isle matters into British Isle hands, the hasty actions of the Athenians have left us no choice but to hurry and [b]declare war on England[/b] ourselves. Before Athens considers this "bandwagoning", we reiterate that we were already planning to do this ourselves and our Addendum, which covers English land should it fall, should be a well-enough precursor for you to know our intentions of securing England.

If Athens has an issue with our own activities, we are fully open to Athenian diplomacy: you are a stabilizing force in Europe and we have been on the same sides (albeit distantly) before, and we trust you to be fair-minded.

No immediate military movements were made, but all across the nation missile silos were opening and the air forces were prepping for combat.

**Classified Reply to Both**

We shall discuss the matter and come with a more definite response soon. We also welcome both for a private meeting to discuss the issue.

[quote name='JEDCJT' timestamp='1313180880' post='2778779']
[b]Broadcast from Radio NovCorp:[/b]

"Midst yet another war in Europe, a new lesson has been derived, one of which future governments would hopefully learn from: never establish any government modelled after Fascism. Although an untold period of time had passed since the Second World War, the memory of fascism is still apparently fresh on several certain leaders' minds.

This lesson should be placed second after the first lesson of never establishing any nation, in North America, modelled after the United States of America.

But seriously, you couldn't have tried diplomacy first?"

[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1313181988' post='2778795']
The Northern Federation mirrors this statement.

[quote name='King Timmy' timestamp='1313182510' post='2778804']
What sort of country simply declares war without attempting diplomacy first? We have no aggressive plans to expand any border, we have not threatened your livelihood in any way shape or form and yet you seek to destroy us without so much as a hesitation?

Do we really live in a world where war is the only answer? Do people really need to die for you to prove a point?

We have plans to make England a better nation, to pull it out of the anarchic state of despair it had fallen into. It is the people's choice for us to be in power, why not let them have that choice rather than making it for them. You are more than welcome to inspect the validity of the election if you wish to.

"Fascism, whether desired by the people or not, has no place in Europe. Over the past 150 years we have seen the world go through immense suffering in the name of one country. Genocide, development of the worst weapons imaginable. It all happened while fascism reigned supreme. Only recently we fought fascists in another country that had ambitions much like this new government. There is no room for diplomacy. Fascism must end and we have the power to do it in at least one country."

Edited by Centurius
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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1313182975' post='2778810']
**Classified Reply to Both**

We shall discuss the matter and come with a more definite response soon. We also welcome both for a private meeting to discuss the issue.

[b]Classified Response[/b]

The New Republic, out of respect for the Athenian declaration, will hold off on our planned advances until a meeting or talks are held. Godspeed.

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### Top Secret: Encrypted to 2048 bit. ###

Diplomatic Cable

To: Athenian Federation
From: The Angevin Monarchy

Subject: Historic claims to England and liberating the oppression of the English people.


We offer you, free of how you choose to respond to this, free access to our ports, our airfields, and full right of way so long as you provide your own fuel and munitions in this conflict. This should ease the logistical burden of you reaching the isles.

My people, who are also of English ancestry to some degree on the Norman side of the culture, are very upset at the events unfolding in the isles. We do not wish to upset you as a strategic friend, ally, and our liberator.. but we wish to participate in your struggle to liberate those who are close relatives with many of our own, if not to liberate England from the UK altogether. Additionally, the UK is our immediate neighbor and the events that occur there are of great strategic importance to our own safety and stability.

If you accept our petition, our forces will deploy along side yours. We will use your naval cover to assist landings from Normandy in the south of England.

Below are invasion plans under consideration if your proposal is accepted:


You may notice some historical similarities to other events in history.

Due Regards and Best Wishes in your conflict,
Geoffrey Plantegenet IX.


### Public ###

The following comments appeared in a public press release and were spoken by the King before the international media operating in Angers, "The People of the Angevin Monarcy are saddened at the tragic changes we see in a land of a people with whom we share a common heritage. We call for the people of London to throw off the shackles of this new oppression. Remember your long history of fighting for freedom.. of grand empire.. and look now upon what your government has come to represent. Do not allow this tragedy to succeed. Do not allow your culture and heritage to be tarnished in this gloomy way."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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From: International Brigade Command
Subject: England

We request permission to enter this conflict. We belive it is the duty of the brigades to fight against facism in all its forms, as was the stance we took against Haas, and we wish to take now against Norefire. We can have 12,000 men and 2,000 armoured vehicles deployed in a matter of days.

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Geoffrey responded to the new release from Sutler via the press literally minutes after he made his first announcement, "It is good to see that the folly of this fiasco has been realized by the government of the United Kingdom. We do not recognize their claim to the title England. We are the Angevin Monarchy. Our lands ARE Angevin Lands.. England for short. We do not look fondly upon international identity theft. Next thing I know you'll be wanting to use the banner for the House of Angevin as your Emblem."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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"Indeed, the only people who should be upset with the Avengin Monarchy are the French, who according to you, Herr Plantegenet are part of the same kind of oppression. If you are England for short that it. The Republic of Austria would like clarification, are you English or are you French? It seems to me, an English Coat-of-Arms, an English Family name, and historical claims to England. Perhaps it is you who is the oppressor. If you recall, France fought a rather long war to push you and your ilk from their lands."

-Director Jessika Adler

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"One could claim communism has no place in Europe either given the death tolls racked up by various communist dictatorships since the rise of the old USSR under Lenin's leadership. In regards for the British, we'll reserve commenting until the rest of this poorly scripted remake plays out."


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[quote name='Sarah Tintagyl' timestamp='1313187392' post='2778885']
"Indeed, the only people who should be upset with the Avengin Monarchy are the French, who according to you, Herr Plantegenet are part of the same kind of oppression. If you are England for short that it. The Republic of Austria would like clarification, are you English or are you French? It seems to me, an English Coat-of-Arms, an English Family name, and historical claims to England. Perhaps it is you who is the oppressor. If you recall, France fought a rather long war to push you and your ilk from their lands."

-Director Jessika Adler

"In their day, my ancestors rightfully and happily ruled their domains in France and the geographic region known as England in the Isles for some several centuries in peace and prosperity. Great enough William was able to, for a century or two, unite the Isles and mainland Europe. Not all governments who rise to replace another are necessarily rightful in their resolve. Sometimes it's a band of brutish thugs who seek to overthrow years of tradition, as in the case of Sutler, or sometimes it can be simply a family dispute that causes the break. Alass, in the case of the Angevin Crown.. brothers could not resolve their differences well.. the people had little to do with that split outside of their loyalties to particular sides of the family. We are English and French. The precise word, is Norman. The Plantegenets are an Angevin House of a Norman Culture. It's.. a little complex."

-Geoffrey Plantegenet IX

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1313188079' post='2778895']
It seems the Angevins are still the delusional weaklings they have been since their foundation. We highly suspect that it would not survive long should it attempt to enforce its "claims" on territory which it has no rights to.

"Few nations could stand alone in supporting their claims. That is not a mark of weakness, that is simply how the world works. Anyone who thinks otherwise is due to be unraveled."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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