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Downfall: The Setting Sun


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May 9th, 20XX [i]Nineteen Days after the Sinking of the Pride of Guangzhou[/i]

The information distribution networks in Japan: cell phones, live stream video, television, had in large part been attacked by a sophisticated worm which had began transmitting a false broadcast, several official looking news dispatches, official emergency government text messages (major way Japanese government disseminates information in national emergencies), and other forms of mass messaging had different stories going on. One said the Empress had been assassinated by Aiku separatists, another had a hardline military coup happening, a third was that the United Federation of the East had landed in nearby cities to where the signal was sent. All together it was an environment to rapidly spread a fog of war beyond the usual levels, and beyond that sheer panic.

High powered anti-satellite lasers were fired up into the path of Japanese satellites designed to fry transmitters for satellite phones, televisions, etc, and blind SAR, IR, and other sensors for what was coming.

Then there were the power grids. Across the country the worm attack was sending generators into overdrive while causing failures in cooling lines. Conventional power plants would cause explosions and be a nuisance but nuclear plants would be the ones in real danger. The Chinese weren't insane, they weren't about to cause large numbers of nuclear melt downs but they were capable of making it appear as such, forcing the Japanese Central Government to contend both with the mass panic and the nuclear issue.

Calculated to give the Japanese government about a twenty minute delay in their information pipeline, the cyber assault would be a distraction for what was the real story.

[i]Beijing, United Federation of the East[/i]

The atmosphere of the Federation had grown increasingly bellicose, while the media was not reporting it, many were suspecting Japan was behind the attack. What made matters all the more worse was an ill timed release of a new book by a radio political commentator, in it he detailed in especially graphic and fantastical detail the accounts of the Japanese occupation of Southern China. While the publisher denied it, there were many who had privately suspected the publisher released the popular but not particularly well referenced book specifically due to the incident. Historical villains being made simple and easy to understand was always a powerful draw to a mass group.

Few of course knew the truth, Ming had several such books unhand for his assets around the Federation to release. The march to war was nearly becoming unavoidable.

The preparations for the speech had been furious. Zhongnanhai was a crash course for speech writers who wanted to write a statement anywhere between, "Here's a 19 megaton gift to Tokyo from your old friends in Nanking." to long statements about the theories of just war and why this situation necessitated it. It was Jia who had chosen the final wording of the statement. It would be serious, to the point, lacking any flare. Jia would deliver it with the poise of a leader in control, passionate but not Patton.

Jia sat as his desk in his Office at Zhongnanhai. Behind him, the banners of the United Federation of the East were positioned. His face was resolute as he looked into the camera. He began to speak, reading it from the teleprompter at a brisk tempo, his voice began to rise slightly through the statement going from somber to resolute, but it would never seem angry. He would appear as a calm leader steering the ship of state.

[quote]Good evening,

Today, the United Federation of the East has concluded a thorough investigation of the explosion upon the UFE Coast Guard Vessel [i]Pride of Guangzhou[/i]. It is with deep sadness that it has indeed been found to be a torpedo attack upon our warship. Further the sonar log provides irrefutable evidence that a torpedo was fired from Nagasaki Harbor against the vessel. This act of aggression against UFE vessels operating within our territorial waters constitutes a clear act of military aggression by the Empire of Japan against the United Federation of the East.

The United Federation of the East hereby finds no other choice than to respond with force of arms. By attacking us within our own waters, the Federation finds the Japanese attack upon us to void our treaty under Article I.

I August Imperator Jia, on this day, order the People's Liberation Army with the assistance of our allies from around the world to join in common cause against the Empire of Japan.

To the nations of the world, should you wish to evacuate your embassies in Tokyo, we will avoid the Embassy District unless we receive fire from there. Safe passage will be provided. As per the usual policy of the Federation, it shall not initiate a nuclear first strike, it shall not use any chemical or biological weapons. Should anything of this nature though be used against our forces, we will respond with our full power.[/quote]

The broadcast would go around the world, everywhere that is but of course the Japanese public, who was facing the crippling cyber attack. No doubt the government had other methods of getting the information that were more secure, but it still would take a while to trickle through all the various layers of government bureaucracy instead of seeing it on CNN.

Ming watched the broadcast from his hotel room in Wuhan, the city was a industrial town but not anywhere near on the scale of the glamorous cosmopolitan cities on the coast. He sipped a fine glass of scotch as he smiled. He could not help but be proud of the conflict he'd be beginning. [i]Qi was right not to tell Jia.[/i] he thought to himself. Jia was a man of pragmatism, no doubt he was for the fight, but nothing like genuine moral outrage made a leader seem to be a man of conviction.

[i]War Theatre[/i]

[i]The opening five minutes[/i]

The United Federation of the East's B-10 Bombers were among the newest addition to the Federation's arsenal, and its most prized strike platform. Launching from Vietnam, six of these new sleek bombers increased to super sonic over Southern China before activating their pulse detonation engines at near space altitude. Their targets were the Japanese nuclear tread. Wave rider cruise missiles were launched as they passed over Japan alongside jammer drones. The jammer drones were designed to home in on enemy phased array systems, especially newer AESA systems necessary to even stand a remote chance against intercepting the missiles. They units would rapidly send out tailored data streams to corrupt the AESA's tracking ability. With less than a minute to respond against most of the 72 kill vehicles, the chance of stopping any of them was remote. Each missile had been designed to impact with a speed of an ICBM causing tremendous damage with the kinetic blast alone in addition to a high explosive warhead, they were capable of rendering bomb runways useless for strategic bombers, destroying missile silos, and knocking out submarine bases.

The Japanese Navy in the West Pacific has been under surveillance by a combination of satellites with synthetic aperture radar, electro optical sensors, and a national ocean surveillance system paired with several OTH radar arrays. Simultaneously DF-21 D anti ship ballistic missiles were rapidly launched against the Japanese fleet in port, the surrounding seas, and the North West Pacific. Each anti ship ballistic missile was equipped with an armor piercing maneuverable re-entry kill vehicle which would slice through a flight deck like butter. Carriers, large amphibious ships, and battleships were engaged with three of these each. The exceptions would be the Shokaku and Zuikaku which had a special place in China's heart as an example of Japan's lack of remorse for the crimes it committed in the 20th century. Other vessels would face two. Their shallow flight path, numerous decoy systems, and high gee maneuvering gave the carriers less than a minute to respond to them. Nor would they be alone. Missile batteries in Korea opened up firing arclight hyper sonic missiles at the carriers as well. The weapons with a 2300 nmi range, were capable of engaging carrier groups most anywhere within aircraft range of Japan. Volleys of these missiles would home in on carriers via Satellite based satellite and naval LRUAV guidance. As they were designed to execute high gee turns and take evasive action, they would be incredibly difficult to intercept against with long range SAMs, point defense missiles were to slow, and CIWS would have a hell of a time tracking them.

The three Southern home islands and their small neighborly islands would be pounded by the launch of short range ballistic missiles from Korea. Kept hidden in the forests of Korea on TELs, the weapons begin reigning down on the Japanese southern radar defense grid. As the missiles began their descent over Japan at speeds exceeding mach 6, the bodies would continue to fall behind the high explosive warheads camouflaging their approach against ballistic missile defenses. Japan's Northern Radar Defenses would be engaged by a grouping of four Xia Class battleships escorted by two ASW LCS and four attack subs. The Xias located nearly due east of the Hokkaido fired off a salvo of 200 hypersonic cruise missiles against the North Honshu and Hokkaido radar grid. Traveling at high altitude for most of the flight with their gliders, the missiles nearing air defense range would drop to near surface and release chaff as they made their final approach.

Three squadrons of Tu-160 Sinos were ordered to launch against airfields in Kyushu and Shikoku. Each squadron was made up of 2 air to air missile trucks which would be assisted in air protection by a picket force of stealth AWAC and EWAC drones to provide jamming and radar coverage and give long range early warning. 4 air to surface missile truck with LR-HARMs and 6 air to surface missile trucks with a combination would complete this squadron formation assisted by battle management drones as part of the picket force.

The picket forces sophisticated sensors would pick up radar signatures from Japanese air defenses and early warning systems on the two islands. Tailored data streams would be used for jamming against AESA radar while older radars would have more standard jamming practices used against them. LR-HARMs would be fired off in volleys, each missile unleashing thirty of them. The bombers would then make sharp g-turns and activate their super cruise back to base in Vietnam. At the same time as the super sonic LR-HARMs were engaging the air and missile defenses, navy and airbases were targeted by the air to ground missile trucks which remained at longer range due to their ordinance's own range. 18 long range hyper sonic cruise missiles would be fired from each of the bombers against targets at over 600 kilometers away. Their targets were the air fields in Kyushu, Southern Honshu, and Shikoku and the surrounding Islands along with suspected locations of cruise missile launchers.

EF-50 Squadrons would launch from bases in Okinawa and Taiwan and engage in cyber and electronic jamming, working with F/A-47 Sino Fighters, the electronic warfare craft would fly 1-3 with the strike craft. Both were stealthy and capable of penetrating most radar defense grids, never the less they flew below the radar as they delivered stand off munition attacks against the Kyushu coastal defenses and army bases. In total 4 EF-50 Squadrons and 8 F/A-47 squadrons participated in the sortie.

Air defenses around Tokyo would come under surprise attack as six F/B-23s surgically launched a first strike against Tokyo's radar systems, two B-9s firing over the Pacific from 300 kilometers would engage the major television and radio transmission system with extended range hypersonic waverider M-51 missiles. The rest of assault group would then open up with their own stand off munitions targeting the ministries of defense and air and naval assets around Tokyo.

Eight squadrons of F/A-66 fighters were launched from bases in the Ryukyus and Korea to perform air superiority over the southern Japanese Islands. They would be assisted by two navy squadrons of EF-50s and the picket force of UAV AWACs and EWACs. The F/A-66 would not have their own search radars turned on but rather would be relayed information by secure radar to radar communications to engage any Japanese air forces that may have managed to survive the initial runway cratering campaign and capable of taking off.

[b]Ten minutes in[/b]

Vladivostok would come under heavy attack from the Federation forces across the harbor. Three artillery batteries (4 200 mm guns) opened up camouflaged in the woods of way point R targeting military positions and radar installations across Vladivostok while DR-15s from North Korea opened up on the naval facilities in the port, bringing down 30 ballistic missiles. Non-Line of Site II Missile Launchers at Waypoint R fired missiles into the air which were designed with a loiter time of thirty minutes Expeditionary fighting vehicles, tanks with hover crafts, and fast patrol boats zoomed across the harbor to make landings against Vladivostok as part of a surprise attack.

The port itself would be directly assaulted by the landings of tanks and IFVs which would use speed to their advantage attacking Japanese forces on site with ferocity. The goal would be to take advantage of the confusion spread by the cyber attack and the loss of contact with the Japanese Home Islands to not really give the forces there a clue in hell at what had happened. The NLOS-LS II missiles would loiter around the combat zone as soon as an enemy gun opened up one would reign down on it. At the same time an armored combined arms division would move out of Khanka charging Southwards aiming to cut Vladivostok from the rest of Siberia.

Meanwhile the bulk of the UFE fleet had moved into the open ocean of the Western Pacific. It would remain out of the initial stages of the fighting. The Pacific Wall, prepared to repel an amphibious invasion of the UFE remained at the ready, its many mobile and hidden missile systems and smart naval mine fields deployed to repel an attempted Japanese counter attack. So to were the air defenses of the UFE now on full alert.

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[u][b]Ministry of External Affairs,
Cochin City[/b][/u]

Minutes after the broadcast from Beijing, the King himself had ordered the immediate evacuation of the Cochin Embassy in Tokyo. The secure diplomatic communication channels to the Embassy would of course be unaffected by any war time communication failures in Japan and an immediate evacuation order would be given to the Embassy personnel. Attempts would be made to contact registered Cochin citizens in Japan to come to Embassy ASAP.

Meanwhile the Minister of External Affairs would draft a personal message to Emperor Jia of United Federation of the East

[quote]Greetings Sir,
We have received news of the tumultuous events in Far East. We request permission for emergency overflight into Tokyo to evacuate our Embassy personnel. A Special Operations GH44 aircraft is standing by at Hami to fly towards Beijing from where hopefully with UFE assistance and command our diplomatic personnel may be rescued. The aircraft dispatched is capable of performing the said mission, especially hostile evacuation from the embassy grounds itself. The personnel flying the aircraft are also fluent in Mandarin and other vernacular languages of UFE and thus able to cooperate with UFE personnel.

We hope the rescue operation of our Embassy would be accomplished with the help of UFE.


KP Varma,
Minister of External Affairs,
Kingdom of Cochin[/quote]

[b]FAB Hami[/b]

The GH0515 Quad Tilt Rotor aircraft landed amidst a plume of dust blown off by its rotor wash as a fuel bowser raced to refuel the aircraft. An Axe jeep also followed closely behind from which three persons would rapidly enter the aircraft. The RCSF aviators of the GH44 would now be accompanied by NIA officers of Hami Sector. With secure communication links established with MoEA in Cochin City and Cochin Embassy in Tokyo, the GH0515 is waiting for clearance to take off for the onward flight to Beijing.

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[quote]To: KoC MoEA
From: Office of the August Imperator

Subject: Evac of Tokyo Embassy

Body: Be sure to have your IFF and forward us its signature. We'll give it to our armed forces. You have our word our military will not harm it. There will not be any UFE sorties for several days over the embassy district if we can help it. The only exception will be if Japan starts using it as a safe zone for missiles or other weapons engaging our forces.[/quote]

Edited by Triyun
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[b]May 9th[/b]

With the UFE beginning their mobilisation, the Buryatian Military began its own mobilisation. Classified orders were issued to military forces in Magadan Province detailing operations against Sakhalin. The Buryatia Navy was already at sea on full deployment in the Sea of Okhotsk heading towards Sakhalin. The Buryatia Army had plans to land eight infantry divisions on the first day with three mechanised divisions and one armoured division following up later. The Buryatia Air Force would commit seventeen fighter squadrons and nine bomber squadrons to the campaign with twelve support aircraft squadrons supporting the landing itself.

As news of the UFE attack beginning, President Anna Petrov gave the order: "Begin Operation Arctic Wolf."

[b]Outside Sakhalin Coastal Waters[/b]

With the order given, the first offensive salvos were launched just outside the coastal waters of Sakhalin. Three squadrons of TU-95MS “Bear H” Strategic Bombers and two squadrons of Tu-160M "Blackjack" Strategic Bombers fired their two AGM-60 "Titan" Air Launched Strategic Cruise Missiles towards the northern area of Sakhalin with the intention of clearing the way for the landing force.

Meanwhile the Buryatia Navy vessels began their final approach to Sakhalin. The four Stronghold Class Landing Ships BNS Stronghold, BNS Bastion, BNS Mainstay and BNS Fortress began to land their force of twelve BMP-3M Infantry Fighting Vehicles and three hundred and fourty soldiers each from 1st Regiment, 4th Mechanised Division onto the northeastern tip of the island. At the same time the rest of the 4th Mechanised Division was being dropped by one hundred and fifty C-130H Hercules Transport Aircraft and one hundred An-124 "Ruslan" Strategic Transport Aircraft.

One hundred and thirty five MiG-35D "Fulcrum F" Multirole Fighters were also fast approaching the combat zone armed with AAM-23 "Bullseye" Medium Range Air to Air Missiles and AGM-30 "Javelin" Air to Ground Missiles. Their job would be to protect the transports and then attack ground targets in support of the invasion force. Siberia Class Aircraft Carriers BNS President Vladimir Potomkin and BNS Yakutsk had also launched their twelve Sukhoi Su-33 Fighters which had orders to protect the task force from enemy air attack.

The invasion of Sakhalin had begun.

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Office of the Imperator,
United Federation of the East

The IFF code of the aircraft, with call sign GH0515 is attached herewith. The aircraft would be flying with all lights on and IFF radiating throughout its flight over UFE territories. While over Japan airspace, the aircraft would be flying with lights out but radiating the IFF.

Ministry of External Affairs,
Kingdom of Cochin[/quote]

Minutes after receiving the permission from United Federation of the East, the GH0515 raced up the tarmac for a fuel efficient STO takeoff. As per stringent instructions from MoEA, the IFF would be propagated they would be flying with all lights on, an uneasy flight for aviators who had trained to conduct covert missions into hostile airspaces with invisibility a trained artform for them. This manner of flight especially over a nation that has been a hostile for nearly all of their service history and a recent ally was slightly giddying. A straight and level flight from UFE, over Zargathia and again extreme caution would be taken as the aircraft would fly north of Pyongyang on a level flight plan to Tokyo. As the GH0515 crossed the Sea of Japan and neared Ishikawa threat no longer was of any friendly fire from UFE but of being engaged by Japanese Air Defense itself. Though the Special Operations GH44 was well equipped with counter measures, it is still a large transport aircraft with substantial thermal signatures from its four tilt rotor engines. It would fly straight and level keeping to the air corridors used by commercial air traffic but as it nears Tokyo it would drop down in altitude to go to hover mode and land on the lawn of Cochin Embassy in Tokyo. After a successful landing and a speedy evacuation, the aircraft would seek to retrace the same course and head back to Hami.

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[b]Operation:[/b] Nordic Eagle

With the beginning of operations against Japan, the Greater Nordic Airforce went into action. Almost immediately, three squadrons of the massive GLI-133 Ank'ríat Super Heavy Bombers lifted into the skies. Escorting them would be two squadrons of the Lu-67 Multi-Role fighter. The bombers weren't equipped with the wide assortment of offensive missiles, which had become a trademark of Nordic Air Operations.

Instead, the bombers were equipped with the Jaws Torpedo/Mine System. These mines were to be deployed in both the Tokyo and Osaka Harbors to target enemy combat and logistical vessels. As the massive air fleet approached the harbors, the bomb bay doors opened and dozens of these mines glided into the harbors. Upon landing in the harbors, the passive sonar systems activated.

Upon detecting a target, the LIDAR, Active Sonar, and MAD would activate. The Fire control system would calculate the intercept points. Normal movement for the mine is done by terrain mapping and pre-mapped way point map. All of the mines were equipped with a 400kg warhead. All of the mines were programmed to detect Japanese vessels only. Upon the end of hostilities, the code for deactivation of the mines would be sent to the Central Command Authority over the Japanese Theater of Conflict.

Edited by Malatose
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Things in the Marscurian Siberian camp were in quite disarray. Everyone was struggling to make sure none of their citizens died, but things were getting bad. A diplomatic team was in Tokyo and several thousand workers were building Chiharashtot on what was technically Japanese territory. A desperate plea was put into UFE headquarters for a slot to extract the diplomatic team from Tokyo. In Chiharashtot, Marscurian Siberian flags were raised wherever possible to avoid casualties to the workers. Meanwhile, the destroyers [i]Amur[/i] and [i]Bira[/i] were ordered to sail to the Chiharashtot sight, about 20 miles upstream from the mouth of the Amur.

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[b]D plus three hours[/b]

With the landing of the 4th Mechanised Division, the invasion kicked into second gear as the one hundred and thirty five MiG-35D "Fulcrum F" Multirole Fighters swept over the coast and began attacking anything that moved. A small airfield had been completed which the first T-96A Main Battle Tanks of the 1st Armoured Division which would support the attack were being brought in.

Supplies and vehicles that had arrived at the airfield were being sent immediately to the front line which were rapidly moving southwards. The target of the first attack was the town of Okha which stood near the base of the northeastern tip of the island. If captured, the invaders would get some breathing space and would be able to break out.

[b]D plus six hours[/b]

The 1st Armoured Division was now on Sakhalin at full strength. They were immediately thrown into the offensive which had captured Okha and had turned west to take Moskal'vo and Nekrasova for use as bases for landing more soldiers and equipment.

A-50M Shmel Airborne Warning and Control Aircraft and Il-78M Aerial Refueling Tanker Aircraft had entered the area to support the air operations. They had been joined by fourty five MiG-31E "Foxhound" Interceptor Fighters whose duty was to support the Buryatia Navy Sukhoi Su-33 Fighters protecting the ships and airfield.

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[b]Southern Cross Public Announcement[/b]

"With the initiation of hostilities against the United Federation of the East, the Union of the Southern Cross, pursuant to our Mutual Defense Agreement with the United Federation of the East, hereby enacts a declaration of war against Japan."

[b]Classified - Operation Cartwheel[/b]

As the United Federation of the East began its air assault on Japan, the Union of the Southern Cross, with its naval assets close to Taiwan, began steaming east quickly. Their route would hug the coast of Taiwan, before breaking out into the open Pacific. The course was one only known to the navigation staff, who were monitored at all times, as well as the senior officers.

The task force included a large amount of ships, including one stealth destroyer, one frigate, three amphibious landing docks, a Joint Support Ship, the landing dock helicopter [i]Storm[/i], and the carrier [i]Indefatigable[/i] which flew the flagship pennant. The vessels were also backed up by land based aircraft from Taiwan, including air-to-air refuelers, and AWACS aircraft, as well as fighters and bombers. As the naval task force steamed out for the open Pacific, a number of aircraft, including air superiority fighters and bombers, followed by refuelers, began taking off and shot past the convoy, their heading a little farther south of the Home Islands, heading into the Pacific.

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"Zargathia finds the speed and scale with which hostilities have been declared upon Japan by a coalition of Asian nations entirely out of proportion, and we can only hope dialogue has at least been attempted before the preparations for this multinational offensive have gotten underway. Furthermore, we wish to point out that your report mentions where the torpedo attack had been fired from, but has there been proof that the vessel from which the torpedo had been fired was acting under the orders of its government? There was a time not long ago when several rogue submarines wreaked nuclear havoc on several Asian nations at once, what certainty do you have that this attack was not the actions of another rogue?"

"Regardless, the White Cross will be sending workers and engineers to establish refugee camps near major civilian centers. These workers will carry light weapons to protect against raiders, and may be inspected by either warring party on the sole, non-negotiable condition that the workers and refugees and the supplies stored within these camps will not be arrested, impounded or otherwise have their duties impeded upon. Similar camps will be set up within Zargathia for any civilians crossing the eastern border. Zargathian territorial waters, airspace and land borders will be closed to military transports of any nature. Should a military escort be requested (e.g. for the evacuation of refugees) these will be handled on a per-case manner and escorted or be performed by Zargathian military vehicles for the duration of the journey within Zargathia."

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"The attack originated in Japanese waters and came from a blast profile resembling torpedoes known to be in IJN service. If the Japanese are unable to control their own navy's actions that is equally disturbing. Either way aggression against the Federation has its price. If a rogue Japanese sub launched an attack on the Federation without any warning we would respond with the necessary force to make clear such an aggressive act is unacceptable. In regards to setting up refugee camps we have no problem with this provided the White Cross be made completely aware that sheltering members of the government or soldiers of the Empire of Japan will not be permitted. We will also expect them to be responsible for ensuring that these camps are not used to recruit for or be a base of counterattacks against coalition forces as refugee camps have been known to be in crises past. Other than that we have no quarrel with the White Cross's actions. Simply obey the rules of engagement in a war zone."

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"Pursent to our treaty commitments with the United Federation of the East and the Union of the Southern Cross, the Union of Indonesia and Malaysia is, henceforth, in a state of war with the Greater Japanese Empire."


Through secure channels, Union President Suhadi Kalla issued orders to the Ministry of Defense detailing of military preparations, including but not limited to mobilization, to be carried out immediately. The nation was placed on DEFCON 2, and efforts on construction of a nuclear bomb was accelerated considerably.

In airbases and hangards across the Union, several squadrons of the small, but growing, Indonesian-Malaysian Air Force were scrambled for action. Pilots were given orders to "participate in the operations taking place in Japan." And not to mention, AWAC and EWAC aircrafts were readied for action as well, and so were reconnaissance aircrafts and UAVs. At around the same time, all military leaves were cancelled as hundreds of thousands of soldiers and military personnel, including but not limited to officers and attaches, were readied for action. The first deployments of troops were to be carried out via air, in military transport aircrafts defended by several fighter squadrons.

However, as the Union still had a brown-water Navy, the government would send a transmission to the UFE and the USC, inquiring for the assistance of their Navies in transportation of troops and equipment, and the like.

Lastly, the Ministry of Defense notified the Selenarctos government that Union aircrafts, including transport aircrafts, would be passing through its territories. Yes, the Selenarctos government had earlier stated that "UFE-allied vessels and aircrafts" had "permission to traverse the Selenarctos EEZ and airspace for the duration of the conflict", but Kalla knew it wouldnt hurt to notify them first.

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"In line with the Mutual Defense and Aggression Pact with the Greater Nordic Empire of Dalmatia and the United Federation of the East and the Mutual Defense and Optional Aggression Pact with the United Federation of the East and perhaps most importantly the Sovereign Initiative bloc we hereby consider ourselves in an official state of war with Japan."


Ever since the attacks on the UFE the Asian forces had been on high alert and reinforcements had been pulled in, most of the Second Fleet had moved from Lisbon to Cimei Naval Station and had positioned itself strategically near Eastern Asia in general, with the DoW orders were issued for the fleet to spread out and commence combat operations. In this specific strike the submarine force would take the lead, attack submarines would specifically target Japanese ships as identified by satellite intelligence. The rest of the fleet would mostly be staying back until the ground offensive on Japan proper started.

Where the navy and army maintained restraint the HAF would do no such thing. Dozens of squadrons that had been moved to Cimei and the UFE would be put in the air.

Considering the B-9s were about to be replaced doctrine had changed in regards to this specific airplane, 60 Grim Reapers were put into the air from bases in the UFE, they would be escorted by a combination of 120 F/A-47 Sino Fighters and 60 F-1 Shadows. The goal of this attack would be to utterly cripple any kind of defensive capabilities the Japanese Air Force and Navy would have after the allied attacks. Using intelligence obtained from allies and Athens' her own intelligence system air force bases and dockyards would be the target of the bulk of the attacks, a single B-9 squadron was also ordered to specifically target communications infrastructure as long as civilians were avoided. For now collateral damage was to be kept at a minimum. In the opening strike 240 hypersonic cruise missiles would wreak havoc in the remains of Japanese defensive capabilities. The fighters while their primary objective was the protection of the bombers would be ordered to gain as much information as possible and take down any fighters Japan put in the air as to guarantee aerial superiority. Upon completion of the mission the aircraft that survived would return to their carriers and bases.

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[quote name='JEDCJT' timestamp='1302299178' post='2687087']
However, as the Union still had a brown-water Navy, the government would send a transmission to the UFE and the USC, inquiring for the assistance of their Navies in transportation of troops and equipment, and the like.

[b]Encrypted to UIM[/b]

"We are working on an operation that could be of some interest to you in the case of bringing your forces to the fight, we will notify you when we have completed this operation, and will give you more relevant details when that time comes."

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"In line with our nonexistant pacts with no one we hereby declare war on ourselves."

"Breaking news: we've won."

"The Western Alliance will officialy condemn the immediate, undiplomatic war mongering exhibited by the Chinese. Just because you are attacked once does not mean a large war should start. Did you even once try communicating with the Japanese? No? We consider you savages and barbarians and hereby do not recognize UFE or any nation aligned with the Chinese in this unjust and disgusting war."

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1302307049' post='2687145']
"In line with our nonexistant pacts with no one we hereby declare war on ourselves."

"Breaking news: we've won."

"The Western Alliance will officialy condemn the immediate, undiplomatic war mongering exhibited by the Chinese. Just because you are attacked once does not mean a large war should start. Did you even once try communicating with the Japanese? No? We consider you savages and barbarians and hereby do not recognize UFE or any nation aligned with the Chinese in this unjust and disgusting war."

"Your statement is understood and processed, as we obviously no longer are a sovereign entity to your state consider your rights to enter Athenian waters, land and airspace revoked. In essence keep to the western side of the Mediterranean, you're not welcome in most of the Eastern"

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With hostilities underway against Japan, the PRA has mobilized its air assets in the region. Flying from Taipei County, first east, then arching back towards Japan. 24 F-35 Lightning II Fighter Aircraft would strike at defensive installations along Japan's eastern coast in central Honshu (near Tokyo), using intelligence gathered by allied and coalition forces. After these initial strikes, 24 B-2 Spirit Stealth Bombers have been ordered to attack air bases, naval bases/harbors in the area, hoping to cripple the possible offensive and defensive capabilities of the region. The F-35 Lightning II Fighter Aircraft are armed with CBU-100 Cluster Bombs and AGM-154C Missiles for ground attacks, as well as the standard GAU-12 gun and AIM-132 ASRAAM Missiles for any anti-air needs.Half of the B-2 Bombers are armed with GBU-28 'bunker busting' bombs as well as AGM-158 JASSM missiles and the other half are armed with 750lb CBU class bombs.

No public message of PRA involvement was released.

Edited by Axolotlia
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Pursuant to our treaty with the UFE, I have authorized the 10,000 Marines stationed in the UFE to prepare for immediate military action. If transport can be provided, these men will fight for their allies.

The 10,000 Marines readied themselves and their equipment if they were to be deployed to Japan.

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1302307049' post='2687145']
"The Western Alliance will officialy condemn the immediate, undiplomatic war mongering exhibited by the Chinese. Just because you are attacked once does not mean a large war should start. Did you even once try communicating with the Japanese? No? We consider you savages and barbarians and hereby do not recognize UFE or any nation aligned with the Chinese in this unjust and disgusting war."

"It seems that the Western Alliance has little experience in foreign affairs or legal procedures governing treaties, which in turn, makes the Union of the Southern Cross question whether they should even be recognized as a nation-state. If you read the text of most Mutual Defense Pacts, if a signatory requests assistance, we are obliged to give it. The Union of the Southern Cross was called upon to make a mutual contribution to this unprovoked strike on a peaceful UFE Coast Guard ship. By that same token, I don't see why the Western Alliance is commenting on a regional security situation that it really has nothing to do with it.

We'll remember to name our newest classes of Frigates after the barbarian warlords of old, just for this occasion, we very much hope we can live up to their standards."

[b]Classified - Operation Cartwheel[/b]

The B-1S Strategic Bombers, F-23 Stealth Air Superiority fighters, and F-35 Stealth Multiroles, after refueling over the Philippine Sea, began flying at low level towards their targets. The Bonin Islands were a grouping of small islands south of the Japanese Home Islands, which included the iconic Iwo Jima. The islands, while small, still possessed significant strategic value for the ongoing operations against the Japanese State.

A duo of AWACS aircraft had already flown ahead, and had begun identify potential targets across the islands, including radar sites, and any anti-aircraft positions. Also identified were communication facilities, power plants and other facilities. As soon as the B-1S Strategic Bombers got within about one hundred and fifty nautical miles, they began dropping their munitions, each one dropped four AGM-158 JASSM Heavy Standoff Munitions at predetermined targets across the small island chain. F-35 Lightning II Aircraft went afterburner, and followed the munitions in, and at sixty or so nautical miles out, launched a full strike of one AGM-88 Anti-Radiation Missile from each plane at the identified radar sites.

The pinpoint strikes were aimed away from any population centers for minimal collateral damage to civilian structures and avoid civilian deaths. While data was still be collected by satellites and AWACS aircraft on any relevant military infrastructure on the island, any communications facilities would be thoroughly pounded by a strike of forty-eight JASSM weapons, plus an extra strike of two AGM-154 weapons, courtesy of each F-35.

As the air attack began against the Bonin Islands, Task Force Somersault, the name now assigned to the naval forces now churning across the Philippine Sea was encountering some heavy seas. The task force plowed ahead through a large squall that had blown in over the sea, and flight operations on the carrier [i]Indefatigable[/i] were suspended for the evening until the squall subsided. The ships were still well guarded, however, with two full squadrons of F-23 Black Widow IIs circling protectively above the low cloud cover. The ships were completely dark, and were maintaining radio silence as they crashed through heavy seas.

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1302307049' post='2687145']
"In line with our nonexistant pacts with no one we hereby declare war on ourselves."

"Breaking news: we've won."

"The Western Alliance will officialy condemn the immediate, undiplomatic war mongering exhibited by the Chinese. Just because you are attacked once does not mean a large war should start. Did you even once try communicating with the Japanese? No? We consider you savages and barbarians and hereby do not recognize UFE or any nation aligned with the Chinese in this unjust and disgusting war."

[i]Unrecognizing our ally Athens is not the best of moves your nation can make. Following Athens closure of the Eastern part of the [font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"][size="2"][color="#5D5D5D"]Mediterranean, you shall not be allowed through Monaco-Valencia's airspace or waters. [/color][/size][/font][/i]
[i][font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"][size="2"] [/size][/font][/i]
[font="tahoma, arial, verdana, sans-serif"][size="2"][color="#5D5D5D"][i]- [/i] [b]Monaco-Valencia Ministry of External Affairs [/b][/color][/size][/font]

Edited by Sir Keshav IV
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The code call was given: "There is no Kamikaze!"

The troops in Hiroshima and Fukuoka came out of their ships in the midst of the chaos, and soon
the cities would be a war zone. As the Japanese forces in those cities fight with the sudden appearance of troops, the 400,000 troops Chosun soldiers mobilized in Busan and Ulsan began crossing the strait in hovercrafts and landing ships. 150,000 would attempt to land in Fukuoka and Kitakyushu, and 250,000 would try landing all around the northern Chugoku coast.

The troops were conscripts from the purged families, promised amnesty. They were ordered to advance forward regardless of the costs, to first attempt occupation of Northern Kyushu and Chugoku, and then march east to Lake Biwa. Only one city excepted from any warfare: Kyoto. Casualties would be high, estimated to reach 40%, but damn the costs.

In the meantime, special forces were sent to Kinki to find Suzumiya haruhi.

In Korea, 70,000 troops, 3,900 K-2 tanks, and 4,900 K-9 SPAs were stationed at the border with Zargathia, while 30,000 troops, 2,000 K-2 tanks, and 1,000 K-9 SPAs were stationed at Khanka.

There was a special policy concerning the Zargathian White Cross: The Chosun troops would hinder the White Cross's operation within the future occupation zones, starting with the prevention of establishing the refugee camps. If this could not be done, then, all Japanese "refugees" would be investigated by the troops before being allowed to go to the camps. In addition, the Korean coastal guards and air force patrolled the East Korean Sea (Sea of Japan), impounding any Japanese "refugee" boats and airplanes. They would be investigated in Korea first before being allowed to proceed to Zargathia.

Edited by Kankou
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As PRA Air Assests began their bombings on Eastern Honshu on local and regional defense installations, air fields, and harbors/ports, PRA troops in Taipei County have begun preparing for the possibilities of an invasion.

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