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Everything posted by Griff

  1. [quote name='Lord Bit' timestamp='1358216431' post='3076516'] 2) did Shangra La notify all their treaty partners that they were aid bombing NSO, and possibly incuring the wrath of Kaskus! and possibly opening a can of whoop a$$. BOO [/quote] Not as threatening as you think this is.
  2. [quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1358151479' post='3076093'] Woahh woahhh, what is this. I thought I was the worst. [/quote]No you're just the dumbest.
  3. The only one who's escalating it is NEW. That's a choice only they can make.
  4. [quote name='sigelopisan' timestamp='1358043158' post='3075713'] Now I get your attention... Calm down dudes.... wakakakkaka Good day [/quote] When in doubt, speak gibberish. Good job.
  5. [quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1358043575' post='3075719'] Yes it has been explained, everyone agrees with you, funny how "everyone" that agrees with you seems to be you and your friends and nobody else. [/quote]If you had been paying attention you would know this isn't true.
  6. [quote name='sigelopisan' timestamp='1358038852' post='3075665'] And I respect him as a fierce warrior of NSO. [/quote] I don't get it, you people keep switching between us being absolutely terrible at war and now we're all "fierce warriors". Just stick with one. [quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1358038368' post='3075662'] I defend them because of my friends but more importantly because you are in the wrong. [/quote] Everyone but you knows we're in the right, it's been explained to you all constantly for days on end now. If you really liked Kaskus you would be there actually helping them instead making them look bad from a distance.
  7. PZI the lot of em, I say!
  8. [quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1358004845' post='3075432'] NEW has a pretty good CB on Shangri La. Considering they aided NSO. Just saying. [/quote]...and? [quote name='KenoCore' timestamp='1358005002' post='3075433'] you dont attack the puppet you attack the man controlling it. but NEW touches NSO ill go awol and war NEW and NSO. [/quote] Totally brilliant idea, good to see the membership is as smart as their government.
  9. [quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1357936525' post='3074901'] Wait, do you actually think I'm female? Is THIS why you've been creeping like $%&@ on me despite me not even knowing who you are? [/quote]Well...this is awkward.
  10. [quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1357848139' post='3074051'] Nobody said you couldn't fight, the point is you are hiding behind a weak CB to defend the fact that NSO needs you. [/quote]I love how you ignore us every single time we've explained to you, in detail, why you are wrong. Still not sure why you're defending the same guys who kicked you out for being such a retarded MoFA.
  11. [quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1357804753' post='3073737'] [img]http://i1022.photobucket.com/albums/af349/Isaac-Johnson/NSOpeanutgallery_zps91bec713.png[/img] More fun, and the point of the entire damned thread. [/quote]NSO didn't make this thread, princess. Don't like it, leave.
  12. [quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1357799547' post='3073686'] Soooo back to propaganda...... [img]http://i1022.photobucket.com/albums/af349/Isaac-Johnson/ScumbagPolar_zps74e04574.png[/img] Show mercy, it was made on paint. [/quote]Must be feelin' like a big man, whining from the sidelines.
  13. I'd just like to thank NEW for making this possible, and welcome to our friends over at Pacifica. Have fun guys.
  14. [quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1357783503' post='3073516'] I understand NSO wants an apology but when I came to their forums with the intention of apologizing and trying to move forward I was heavily trolled then subsequently banned. [/quote] Uh, other way round, actually. You had no real intention of solving anything.
  15. [quote name='Lord Bit' timestamp='1357685204' post='3072949'] Fact Kaskus is below 30K Ns Fact 90 of 120 New Stith are also now below 30k NS Fact New Stith has lost alliance strength at a 2 to 1 ratio Fact The winner is the one without lasting effects (warchest) who can bounce back Fact Several New stith are at 0 cash or very near (large nations- not the babies) Fact Most wars start because of political stuff and soldiers are called to duty, as in this one, and heros made and songs sung. Fact Both alliance average nation don't know or care, about all the political BS, they are following orders/duty Fact The reason most posts are here is because NSO hates &*( and NPO hates ***, and ^^^ hates NPO, and $$$$ hates kaskus, so let us not delude and think we are rightous. This is Planet bob and its Dec-Mar, and in Northern hemisphere like Snow, War comes in winter. so lets have fun or stop fighting, makes me no nevermind [/quote] Shows how terrible we are. Better than the entirety of your alliance. Because we're bigger, seriously this has been explained to you over and over again. So we can expect your surrender when...? I'll bet you Kaskus has a lot more broke nations than ours. No one cares. Thankyou Lord Obvious. Everyone else gets to watch us roll you because you can't admit Kaskus messed up. So...thanks?
  16. [quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1357636662' post='3072778'] Hardly. Thanks for letting me collect out of anarchy/nuclear devastation. If you can't keep a "priority" target down wtf are you guys good for? [/quote]Considering I had absolutely nothing to do with that... you're... welcome? You tell me since you're the one who's good at making it up as you go along.
  17. [quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1357629823' post='3072735'] Lol. You're crying about a couple tech deals? NSO has 100s of tech deals going on with many alliances. And has been for a while. [/quote] Ahaha poor Smurf.
  18. [quote name='Lord Bit' timestamp='1357529843' post='3072261'] don't declare war on alliances that are set for war, with wonders and adaquate warchests next time. Do your research like attacking attacking, attack small smash and be ready for big brother to counter. oh yea, you guys attack big to be fair, and never counter to protect your weaker because of? of? of? If you guy do not want to fight ask for peace? no surrender needed, if your tired and not going to give a good fight just ask for peace. DAMN YOU scary clown, its almost bed time. how about a nice teddy bear profile pic? he he hell your emporer was 40k now 9k, no barracks, no factories, costly rebuild. lead by example, any goon that big with out 5 barracks and 5 g camp would be smacked by Sardonic [/quote]I can't help but feel you're in a different world to the rest of us...
  19. [quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1357295915' post='3071195'] NSO has now lost almost twice the NS Kaskus has; a total of which is nearing the starting NS of kaskus as a whole at the beginning of this war. They are also under 3mill tNS. [/quote]You've been around long enough to know how meaningless statements like this are. That being said, I can understand you need [i]something[/i] to help lift your spirits, so please continue!
  20. [quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1357292400' post='3071183'] Really the only important part of your post. [/quote] A.K.A Selective hearing.
  21. [quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1356969901' post='3069788'] What? I sold down before the war started to help win a tier. Kaskus is now dominating that tier. [/quote] Which, even if this was true, will get you absolutely nothing in the end.
  22. [quote name='suryanto tan' timestamp='1356856369' post='3069372'] The simple knowledge of war that is so obvious to many may not be so obvious for them. It may take a lot of effort for them to figure out. Let us not be too harsh on them. They are doing their best here. Albeit, they still have a lot to learn, but who does not. If we cannot commend them for their competency, at least give them appreciation for trying. "NSO, that is OK. You have done your best. Nothing to be ashamed about. The little inadequacy that you have shown here can happen to anybody. It is alright." [/quote]You know, drivel like this would be amusing were it not for the fact that you are clearly living in a different world to the rest of us.
  23. [quote name='Alexandros o Megas' timestamp='1356802170' post='3069135'] Wishing you to happen in your country as well! As of Iran you have as an avatar Greece was the one that prevented them twice in Marathon and in Salamis to invade Europe. Remember us again if you need us! We will welcome you again along the free world! [/quote]What's it like living in a failed state? If I was Greek I sure wouldn't be bragging about it right now.
  24. Winner, you're a perfect example of why homeschooling should be banned.
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