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Everything posted by Flonker

  1. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1318562297' post='2824522'] [color="#0000FF"]Actually, 10,000 troops can. Well, at the lower levels. Assuming they buy their maximum number of soldiers prior to accepting the aid they can get quite an advantage. Sure they cannot replace those losses until the advantage is gone, but it can make a considerable difference while it lasts.[/color] [/quote] Exploits are exploits. Expect this hole to close after the current conflict. And may Admin have mercy on your souls.
  2. [quote name='R3nowned' timestamp='1318562119' post='2824519'] But.. But... We're NSO and you're Legion [/quote] You, sir, just won the silver medal in this thread.
  3. [quote name='Rayvon' timestamp='1318561143' post='2824490'] They've spent the last few years being Legion .... We've spent the past year preparing for a much bigger war than Legion can provide. We're pretty well set in our corner. Troops are cheap. You can read. YAY. You can also only buy so many, that pesky little 'Maximum Soldier Purchase' line .. When you're defending on 4 fronts and may not be active at the time of the attacks, it's ummm ... ummm ... ssss .. smm .. s-m-r-t? To have have that little bit extra defense against the attacks. [/quote] First statement toes the party line one more time, that NSO doesn't need any help whatsoever defeating us. Well, you've had almost 2 weeks now and you still haven't pulled it off. And if all you needed were the 2k extra troops to exploit that little game exploit, why are you getting cash as well? Come to think of it, you're a small tight-knit alliance, your own internal aid trains should be quite sufficient to exploit the rules like this.
  4. [quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1318560445' post='2824471'] Legion saw it first, get your own war! [/quote] You, sir, have just won the thread. Kudos.
  5. [quote name='Lord Boris' timestamp='1318560879' post='2824484'] If Legion was able to hold out without cash infusions until now, then they appear to be withstanding the war a bit better than your own alliance, which had to start receiving infusions quite a bit beforehand. [/quote] Shhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Next thing you know, they'll be accusing you of being a 'loLegion sympathiser'. Guess who's sitting back laughing in this whole war? Hint: They're holding off 5 alliances who are trying to nibble them to death. Mebbe we should call them the 'Duck Coalition'. As in, 'attempting to nibble us to death with ducks'.
  6. [quote name='Charles Stuart' timestamp='1318558573' post='2824399'] Couldn't help but notice that Polar are sending troops to the legion along with cash. Interesting... [/quote] Oh, puhleeze... [IMG]http://i171.photobucket.com/albums/u289/Flonker52/sithaid.gif[/IMG] As can be [b]plainly[/b] seen by this screengrab off the first aid screen of NSO, you have been recieving money [b]and[/b] troops for 2 days. And most of those foreign aid cash grants come with troops. [quote name='Charles Stuart' timestamp='1318558874' post='2824411'] Must not have gotten the memo, NSO members have warchests and don't need cash. Just troops. [/quote] Your aid screen says different. And besides, troops are [b]cheap[/b] in Defcon 1. Try again, please. [quote name='The Big Bad' timestamp='1318559002' post='2824415'] Outside of NSO considering the pathetic performance of the Coalition of Incompetence does Legion even need the help? I do not blame you if I was not allied to NSO I would send Legion aid as well and I do not like them at all. Its just the amount of failure from Tetris talking smack and getting crushed, to IAA and BTAs dramatic war fizzles to GATO acting the fool would have made an un-aided Legion victory one of the most amusing things I have ever seen on Planet Bob. [/quote] Hey, TBB, the 'Coalition of Incompetence' (cute name, you oughta trademark it!) isn't letting facts get in the way of their propaganda. And NSO isn't doing that great either when you get down to it.
  7. [quote name='Charles Stuart' timestamp='1318558459' post='2824397'] To be honest, Polar really did have no choice in this. The legion's financial reserves were at their breaking point after one round of war so Polar have done what any decent ally would do. [/quote] Considering we're halfways through the [b]2nd[/b] round and still in good shape while NSO called for cash a couple days ago, your statement has zero merit. Ivan would be proud of you guys. [b]NOT[/b]
  8. [quote name='TehChron' timestamp='1318543681' post='2824264'] I like Kzopp and Smurf, theyre trying extremely hard to reform an alliance crushed by the burdens of their past mistakes, and that takes a lot of tenacity and courage. I respect that, and wish them the best of luck. [/quote] 'Reform an...' Seriously, Darth Fluffybunny, you make me laugh. [quote name='TehChron' timestamp='1318543341' post='2824259'] Oh, come now, the only intelligent stroke of strategic brilliance the Legion has shown in recent memory was to wait until hearing about VE's downgraded treaty before attacking Tetris. Moreover, considering you've got others running your war strategy rather than legitimately contributing, you're really off the mark accusing anyone of waiting until things were safe, being idiots, or being anything other than someone's puppet. [/quote] Oh? Let me see if I have this straight... Legion can't possibly fight 2 or more alliances for more than 3 days. Well, it's been 2 rounds already, so that theory just got shot in the ass. Legion will fold just as soon as the dreaded Sith come in. Well, we didn't, so [b]that[/b] theory gets shot in the ass, too. Which leads us to our latest Sith spin/propaganda effort to explain why they're still losing their shirts: Legion's using somebody else's playbook. Sorry, you are incorrect, but thanks for playing. And I know this for a [b]fact[/b] because I'm in the War Department. Were you [b]seriously[/b] trying to rope Polar/whoever into this on [b]that[/b] flimsy excuse for you guys' poor war performance? If you guys were as great as you [b]claim[/b] to be, we woulda folded long ago. We're still in this. Seriously, I think Ivan would be disappointed in you guys. [quote name='TehChron' timestamp='1318543341' post='2824259'] Free advice: If you want people to take you seriously, don't be a blatant hypocrite where everyone can see you. It don't reflect too well. [/quote] Free advice: Learn more effective propaganda. You guys' spin isn't even within 4 universes of what's happening.
  9. [quote name='TehChron' timestamp='1318538894' post='2824218'] Well, Id be lying if I said that we were able to enforce our WC requirements entirely across the board. But it's not like people are going to turn down free money. Taking and giving money freely to and from whomever is something we've done for years, after all. Then again, at least our friends are willing to give us whatever help they can, rather than look for whatever excuse to leave us out to dry. *shrug* Well, I suppose that twisted worldview is what makes the Legion, the Legion. Don't accept the hand held out for charity, scorn common sense, buy infra in war, pick fights with alliances 1/5 their size and call it "ballsy", "5 vs 1 is us at a disadvantage", "We dont need to make new friends the ones we have are the only ones we need!"...I could go on. [/quote] Whatever you say, Darth FluffyBunny. Whatever gets you through the night.
  10. [quote name='TehChron' timestamp='1318537897' post='2824211'] [ooc]Either that is a truly wonderful shop job, or...I feel bad for the guy who went and posed for that photo[/ooc] But, yeah...An excellent evasion. My full compliments to you. At least you could try and justify it, like Smurf over here is, rather than resorting to tired old talking points that no one other than yourselves find clever. Or propaganda that engenders more pity than genuine support towards your cause. lol Considering the stuff coming from a great number of your (present) comrades, it takes a great brass pair to call anyone deluded, or a fool, for that matter. And I don't know, I think that aid doesn't cut, after all, if it did, someone would already be doing something to GATO and TLR about it, wouldnt they? By the way, make no mistake, I am fighting, in my own way and on the battlefield, which is a lot more than a sizable percentage of your alliance can claim to their credit. So please, by all means, continue with the hypocrisy, it makes my efforts all the more worthwhile to engage in. [/quote] The aid provision in our surrender terms is for declared combatants, Darth FluffyBunny. We like the aidfall from TlR & GATO, just means there's more to take home when our GAs do their grocery runs. We're almost at the end of Round 2, and nobody thought we'd make it 3 days. And I notice NSO's getting aidfalls as well. WCs ain't quite as big as you tried letting on they were, eh?
  11. [quote name='TehChron' timestamp='1318536930' post='2824201'] Well, either way, the offer is on the table, just drop me a PM if you'd like. [/quote] [center][img]http://i53.tinypic.com/s6t25z.png[/img][/center] Yes, the offer is [b]indeed[/b] on the table: If you wish to exit the conflict then please: 1. Change your alliance affiliation to Legion POW. 2. Decom all tanks, aircraft, navy, nukes, CMs, war improvements, and release all but 20% of your soldiers. 3 MDs and 3 Satellites can be kept for an SDI. 3. Do not aid, in any form, any nation currently at war or planning to be at war with The Legion, her allies, or her cause as a whole. 4. Issue a statement of surrender in the following thread stating your compliance with te above. *http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=213* Upon doing so, attacks will cease on your nation. Abusing or breaking terms of surrender will result in continued attack and loss of the rights and privileges of a POW. POWs will be released once a ceasefire is declared. So hurry up and join all the cool kids already.
  12. [quote name='TehChron' timestamp='1318524151' post='2824128'] It's easy to stem the loss of NS when you've got standing orders for your nations to buy infra after every GA/nuke/Air strike/CM that happens to do damage. The problem is that you guys are gonna go broke fast, doing that...And well, we won't. We don't mind playing the long game, you know? I just hope your guys' handler conveyed the downside of the bet your alliance made when embarking upon this strategy. [/quote] No, we don't. In fact, we're ordered to [b]NOT[/b] buy infra for the duration of war, just rebuy [b]military[/b]. Get your facts straight. [center][img]http://images.memegenerator.net/instances/400x/10553752.jpg[/img][/center]
  13. [quote name='Gingervites' timestamp='1318385624' post='2823183'] someone please DoW soon, this is such a boring war [/quote] Sorry, this is a private party. Maybe next time you'll leave your card at the front desk and you [b]might[/b] get an invite.
  14. [quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1318366661' post='2823033'] I'm loving how people like Lennox made this list while far more influential (and, for that matter, still in CN) posters like Ardus or Zog did not. [/quote] I'm wondering why I didn't make the list.
  15. [quote name='Wabooz' timestamp='1318190217' post='2821649'] rhetorical question? otherwise: no nukes, no anarchy. Unless a nation is neglected and doesn't have their guerrilla camps, troops etc [/quote] Or they're just that good?
  16. [quote name='Varianz' timestamp='1318106791' post='2821068'] [url="http://www.cybernations.net/search_wars.asp?searchstring=Declaring_Alliance%2CReceiving_Alliance&search=SalamaSond&anyallexact=exact"]Looks like Legion brought in help![/url] By the logic of some people around here, the addition of this one alliance now unbalances the war again, since I guess we only judge based on the number of alliances and not how big they are! Time to call in RoK! [/quote] Who is that dude? We never heard of him.
  17. [quote name='Leet Guy' timestamp='1318095640' post='2820925'] I'm pretty sure his warchest totals about 1/2 of your collective alliance's coffers. [/quote] Don't bet the ranch on that.
  18. [quote name='Vladimir Stukov II' timestamp='1318054107' post='2820586'] How dare you not praise our entrance. Tread carefully or we will switch sides. [/quote] No, that's ok, stay on the side you declared on.
  19. [quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1318066044' post='2820693'] You are the same alliance, are you not? You followed a certain pattern of behaviour righht up until the start of this war, didn't you? [/quote] Well, among other things, we've figured out something that you obviously haven't - 'If ya always do what ya always done, ya always get what ya always got'. We changed the paradigm. Have some more Kook-Aide(tm), I hear it'll help.
  20. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1318041696' post='2820384'] Activating an optional aggression treaty doesn't require much honor, just an eagerness to hit an alliance who is already busy fighting someone else. Whether its becuase you guys needed the help or BTA/IAA decided they wanted to get in on the curb stomp hitting an alliance who's already getting beaten, either scenario doesn't paint your side as being that great. Either you guys got yourselves into a war you couldn't win to honor your treaty with Tetris or BTA/IAA are opportunistic alliances who enjoy bandwaggoning onto the winning side in a war for fun even when their help isn't needed. If you guys actually needed BTA/IAA to assist you in the war, them entering to help an ally who got themselves in a bad situation is understandable, but even that scenario makes Legion seem like an alliance either so powerful you guys need to keep bringing more alliances in to attack them or the ones they are fighting aren't very strong themselves. I don't need it in writing to have the option to attack someone, that you guys put that option in writing doesn't change that they're choosing to aggressively attack Legion. [/quote] What gives you the idea we're losing? Seriously. Cause from where I'm sitting, we're winning bigtime.
  21. [quote name='Heft' timestamp='1318030267' post='2820226'] Keep trying, I'm sure you'll find the point eventually. [/quote] The one on top of your head, covered in fur?
  22. [quote name='Heft' timestamp='1318029085' post='2820208'] And you keep saying you're the Queen of England. [/quote] And I said this where, exactly?
  23. [quote name='Heft' timestamp='1318028344' post='2820193'] We haven't had more NS or more nations or really more anything at our disposal for most of the war. Even now, our numerical advantage is only slight and incomplete. And even a 60M alliance wouldn't be able to destroy a 6M alliance in 4 days, or one week for that matter. These things take time. Be patient. [/quote] And yet you keep claiming you've already won the war. More Kook-Aide(tm), Heft?
  24. [quote name='Petrovich4' timestamp='1318016180' post='2819981'] Have fun Flonk and MASHers [/quote] Mikey!! How the hell are ya, dood???
  25. [quote name='Kzoppistan' timestamp='1318016624' post='2819987'] Flonker, you're awesome. As for Ordo Paradoxia, we will never submit to the likes of such religious fanatics as you. Having been one, I can tell you the tent revivals are awesome, but the afterparties suck, and that's something no hard partying Legionnaire can abide by. [/quote] Alright, [b]THAT[/b] does it, we're deporting all our Hare Krishnas and dumping them on your doorstep.
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