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Everything posted by muffasamini

  1. While my allaince cannot officially support anyone, good luck my red brothers!
  3. Ugh the depths too wich that one line "just cause" irks me is amazing. Honestly, I don't even know why I'm posting this. Its over, your always going to think that it was some grand moral crusade, and I'm always going to know it was just Judases and vipers e-preaching their way to dominance by any means they could. Nothing about 'just cause' or 'morals' or any of that nonsense I know you believe in less than I do, seeing as yall managed to break or commit each 'moral' you could while ramming them down our throat. But dont even respond, I'm not going to defend it. Its an argument we already lost, buts its true, and everyone not full of themselves knows it. @OP there will always be someone next. You may have to be patient. Give it a couple months, it will happen. FYI, Once Sparta grows a spine and actually stands for something, I'm voting them into the evil costume.
  4. Why do we go to so much trouble to manage who gets Founder, AOPs, SOPs, HOPs, and V in chans? Is it because we expect each rank to need to use their power? No, we go to these lengths to delineate the level of trust and importance we place on each individual. This is the same thing. Sure, really, all the pacts are the same, each one can be used to go to war, or excused to not need to, but, they are a clear delineation to the world of the strength of the alliance's friendship, and the magnitude or expectancy of denial or initiation of assistance to each other.
  5. Whats interesting to me is, our signature on this pact is pending KARMA approval. Will they allow us to? Most most importantly, How long is it going to take them too. I'm betting a month. Actually, I'm betting they don't even consider it and hope that no one will pay attention long enough.
  6. The decision was more about the fact that red nations already know the location, and we already have the systems in place, so it might as well be stationed there. We will all be corroperating to make it happen.
  7. Meatshields? No, we have much better plans.
  8. No. You missed the point. Though it could be an unwanted side effect.If everyone just did what their friendships guided them to do, the whole treaty following/breaking/bandwagoning/e-lawyering thing wouldn't be problem. Honestly though, if you plan to go in for someone, your just going to sign a treaty anyway, but at least it would fix the problem of old treaties going stale yet not bieng dissolved <points a guilty finger at himself>
  9. The NPO is extremely grateful for those who stood with us and fought, no matter their duration. Indeed alliances asking were encouraged to seek peace. Those forgetful friends who abandoned at the drop of the hat are a different story, though some of whom I've come to understand their reasons, several I even sympathize. But I will make it crystal clear, no ill will has been or will be felt for any alliance's ability to, while standing with us, garner peace no matter the timing, method, or requirements.
  10. Tim Lee beat you to it, but I really like this. Despite the fact that the Karma war showed that this was already in effect. But still, I really like making this official
  11. since your in an alliance who's sole purpose in life is to make the NPO suffer, I'm going to hazard a guess that your pretty into lying to get your means. Especially if your lying has a negative impact on the NPO. I mean sure, that inane bit of nonsese is repeated constantly, over this forum. But could you point out where its true? In fact, in light of recent events, I kind of see the opposite. We do anything our allies want, play the henchman, start wars for them, give them aid, allow them to dictate our friendships, then they drop us the second its inconvenient for them. We were so eager to have as many freinds as possible we did anything they wanted, even though in the long run all it's brought us is misery, entanglements, and all the blame for everything bad in the world yet somehow that means we were stringing them along?
  12. @Eamon Valda Well, since you have an inane need to know *exactly* why this was posted, beyond the obvious reason, to re-affirm a freindship. I'll give you the reason, tinfoil free. When the NPO's terms included dissolving all military pacts, regardless of their termination clauses, or the will of the other party, some (most) allies saw this as an opportunity to be rid of any relation to the highly unpopular NPO. Whether freinds or not, it is currently most prudent of an alliance not to appear our friends. As well many alliances that would not have approached these previous allies before are hungering to snap up that ally for themselves. Invicta is stating to all parties that they are not going to go down that path, and are still committed to this friendship, not matter it's unpopularity.
  13. I am a diplomat, and I speak this out of experience. Trust, me, there are many relationships that were lost to us because we failed to uphold our side of the friendship. And to those in my diplomatic jurisdiction I have personally apologized. But these are not who I am talking about. There are many that it is simply impossible. There are many things we've done wrong, but yet for many there is no amount of humility, apology, or admition that can satiate them. I understand this, its going to happen. But do not confuse an alliances incompatibility with the NPO as an excuse to troll and flame it at every corner, while excusing it by saying that they 'would' be nice, if were just a little more this, just a lot more that. No, that is not an excuse, and it is a lie.
  14. This is an outright lie you stole from many others also lying. The biggest lol is, that it is a lie you are telling yourself. We could start acting like groveling dogs to you tommorrow and you would still hate us. We pay our massive reps, we change our entire diplomatic model, we do not troll post-Karma threads (as yall love too), we dont even really complain about the fact than none of yall lift a finger to fufill ya'lls end of the peace terms and protect us. Yet the audacity to defend ourselves from being flamed, trolled, and subjugated to relentless lies and spin, is being arrogant? So tell me, you who would be willing to like us at the drop of a hat if we were "humble," what would you have us do? Tell me, what would you have us do? You set a burden of responsibility that is impossible. My questions above were rhetorical, there is nothing we could do. Absolutely nothing. We could tomorrow grovel on or knees, licking every filthy doublespeaking hater's feet, and all yall could say is "PR ftl. You havent changed a bit" I think I'll keep the tiny shred of dignity I have left.
  15. Even though I am continually happy ~ won, and think it was the correct thing to occur. I think this game would be more interesting if the Unjust Highway alliances could have made it out alive. I mean, many of them were asshats, but if they had been curbed, but not curbstomped by it, it might have been very interesting for this game
  16. The number of times you contradict yourself to make the NPO look bad is astounding.
  17. Saying they are just as bad you are is only an admission of guilt.
  18. You say it like a bad thing? No, bieng freinds with us is a choice that shouldnt be met with such ridiculous criticism. And I dont expect Invicta to start keeling over and sucking the NPO teet for survival like GGA did anytime soon.
  19. But when your whole persona is tied to bieng "downtrodden and opressed by the big bad NPO" and you feel the incessant need to blame all your problems on someone else, it tends to happen. Lol, you'll like this. Check out "Karma Fails" on twitter. Were starting a feed of all the raiders of NPO who Karma conveniently "forgets" to attack. P.S. Invicta: Sorry for the bickering in our love thread.
  20. Pity. But still, we'll know what just happened right there.
  21. Oh dear, why didnt I think of this before? *A friendship undefeated* score!
  22. A friendship is not some mathematical chess move. I love Invicta, and they wub us too. And thats that. Were letting you know.
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