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Everything posted by AirMe

  1. Also, IDIOT's score is in the 6.69 range.
  2. Welcome and good luck in your conquest!
  3. We are big IDIOTs, why else would we post 2 separate DoE threads.
  4. I heard you were looking at us
  5. SUP? I hear you guys are attacking us tonight? /s/ The alliance of IDIOT
  6. I think this announcement is just asking for trouble.
  7. AirMe


    And if it doesn't it will be one hell of a ride
  8. Alliance: IDIOT Forum URL: http://z8.invisionfree.com/newer_Polar_order/index.php IRC Channel/server: #idiot on coldfront
  9. AirMe


    Dear Planet ?, What started as a joint effort between some NpO and NAAC members back in the day when CN:TE first hit the internet is back. In the original round we were one of the biggest, craziest, aggressive and fun alliances around. We have returned! Let the idiocy commence. We currently have no gov, no policies, no charter and no forums but we do have an IRC channel. #idiot on coldfront. Lets have a fun round everyone. Signed, AirMe, Self Appointed Representative PS: I forgot what IDIOT used to stand for. PPS: I am sure there will be more IDIOT announcements to follow. PPPS: Yeah I know...terrible DoE. PPPPS: Found old forums and flag. Forums:http://z8.invisionfree.com/newer_Polar_order/index.php PPPPPS: IDIOT originally stood for, International Destructive Initiative Of Tyranny
  10. Don't listen to LJ, he got into Archon's secret stash.
  11. My vote is that we will slip away again
  12. Time to re-order the Miracle Grow
  13. Fifthed for the sake of keeping the pattern.
  14. Time for the MK curse to start
  15. Im convinced you need to learn how to read the stats page The Best Alliance Ever or TBAE for short
  16. Doubled. Our Ministry of Science has been working around the clock on an antidote. I think we are getting close to our first test of it. They will publish the results as soon as the study is over
  17. *AirMe puts on his flight suit and straps himself in to his F-22 Lets do this.
  18. And as an addon question, what will the maximum amount of ships a nation can have?
  19. Buying 5 border walls brought my income back up to what it was before he made this change. When I didn't have those borderwalls I was down 98 dollars per cit. per day. Now not everyone has the improvement slots to do this. This is a terrible change. Too severe. I to think environment should mean something.....but it shouldn't be the focus of the game. EDIT: Said border walls instead of labor camps. God im tired.
  20. You can't just pass up an alliance with this much win!
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