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Everything posted by Anthony

  1. Finally. Screw this war. So tired of getting rolled for something Heft didn't do. Good fight GOONS!
  2. [quote name='Sir Sci' timestamp='1295673531' post='2590970'] GATO = Brown. Don't believe me? Well, how many other major alliances do you see in the sphere? [/quote] I see zero major alliances on brown
  3. Didn't know this was to be posted so soon. Yay us!
  4. [quote name='Van Hoo III' timestamp='1282674059' post='2429625'] Who demilitarized due to lack of targets in range, took nukes in the mid-ranges from nations we knocked down and lost some members who only joined to hit the NSO. I know you guys make a habit out of trying to turn defeat into victory, but at least choose something that makes sense instead of reaching. [/quote] Are you nauseas from that spin
  5. [quote name='Il Impero Romano' timestamp='1282673670' post='2429617'] I beg to differ, discounting war material build up then decline (which itself only constituted 100k), we gained NS. You lost over half your strength. [/quote] I was referring to RoK
  6. [quote name='ktarthan' timestamp='1282673359' post='2429613'] This is [b]almost[/b] as bad as peace mode arguments. [/quote] Just living up to expectations, sorry.
  7. [quote name='Heft' timestamp='1282673014' post='2429604'] We took your war and dealt with it without serious complaint, and put up with the inability of your side to agree on an actual decision or to stay consistent without complaint.[/quote] Serious complaint wasn't necessary when they started losing as much NS as we did.
  8. [quote name='Choader' timestamp='1282633207' post='2429176'] And this is why going easy on NSO is pointless, and even counterproductive. To them the basic acts of apologizing and admitting defeat are as horrible as being kept under terms for a year and a half while sending out all their tech. The sheer amount of whining you get from them and STA over the technicalities of an essentially white peace is more painful than the tears you'd have to listen to were they disbanded. Please, the next alliance to defeat NSO has to put them out of their misery. Letting them go after every war is only dooming the rest of us to more months of hearing their !@#$%^&*. [/quote] Do you think putting us under year long terms would only weaken our resolve or something?
  9. I can't wait to be rebuilt in a month.
  10. [quote name='commander thrawn' timestamp='1280641406' post='2396830'] This will prove to be interesting. [/quote] Someone's jealous.
  11. [quote name='shaneprice' timestamp='1280636180' post='2396748'] While I congratulate Rebel Virginia on winning his seat to as a Dark Lord of the Sith...I must say that by tradition there are way to many. "Always two there are, a master, and an apprentice. No more and no less." [/quote] You just ousted Heggo.
  12. [quote name='Ryan Greenberg' timestamp='1280539365' post='2395578'] I don't know if [i]soon[/i] is the correct word. There could be a possibility of someone in the NPO/Iron Curtain sphere doing something stupid, allowing SuperGrievences to roll them, but that wouldn't be the global war people want. I can't see any global war happening for a few months. I could be wrong though. You never truly know. [/quote] Funny you include the Iron Curtain in there. It's not as if [i]my[/i] alliance starts the massive wars around here.
  13. [quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1280462619' post='2394755'] That's the kind of talk that could get you expelled. [/quote] It's one way to save the world.
  14. [quote name='Olaf Styke' timestamp='1280380258' post='2393603'] For one thing, we seem to be alot better at attracting hatred and attention than NPO. I assume that's your primary measure of what a good alliance is, as there isn't anything else NPO has contributed to CN aside from pointless drama and a few unsuccessful hegemonies. Your little NSO friend seems to agree with my analysis; If the measure of NPO being a great alliance is people defining themselves in opposition to them, then Sparta is a far greater alliance than NPO. The haters in this thread are evidence of that, you included. [/quote] What an overstatement of your alliance's legacy, if there is one.
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