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Everything posted by Anthony

  1. [quote name='WarriorConcept' date='25 February 2010 - 12:16 AM' timestamp='1267057170' post='2202255'] Pretty much this. NSO will have to surrender at the conclusion of this war and they're staying in for nothing they'll receive at the end. [/quote] Eh...no.
  2. [quote name='Lord Brendan' date='25 February 2010 - 12:05 AM' timestamp='1267056556' post='2202229'] Fark wasn't actually fighting any wars against STA. Not to mention the fact that STA was not defeated. There was white peace on that front because there was no clear winner, and we all agreed to simply part ways. That is not the case on the NSO front; you have been soundly defeated and as such it is quite reasonable to expect a surrender. edit: It would seem my mighty defender has spoken for me once again. [/quote] But we weren't entirely beat down at that point either.
  3. [quote name='Benjamin Arouet' date='24 February 2010 - 08:54 PM' timestamp='1267045061' post='2201952'] I'm sure if those of us on the other side were losing the war, we would be forced to agree to such terms as a condition for our release from the war, at the very least. As a matter of fact, the relatively few alliances who have sought peace from the "SuperGrievances" (or whatever we're calling ourselves these days) side have had to agree to exactly that kind of term. I think the notion that NSO somehow deserves white peace simply because they say they do is an interesting fiction, especially considering their continuing displays of obnoxious bravado, etc. [/quote] Actually no. NSO has never offered anything but a pure white peace. Don't go around thinking if the situation was reversed we'd be making wild demands. Edit: You know what, Lennox? You're in trouble...
  4. [quote]Would you just declare on NSO already so we don't have to read your members posts? [/quote] That would only make them worse On a side note, why is there a subplot in this thread about UPN?
  5. [quote name='Smacky' date='24 February 2010 - 06:51 AM' timestamp='1266994514' post='2200963'] Then you're pretty wrong. I'd look up the numbers if I had the means but aside from second wave only a couple were in peace. [/quote] Not very convincing but alright. The 'heh you're in PM heh' argument was taken care of pretty nicely by RV on the last page anyway.
  6. [quote name='Smacky' date='24 February 2010 - 06:45 AM' timestamp='1266994135' post='2200932'] If standard procedure was cowering in the corner as soon as you got a chance to, sure. [/quote] I'm pretty sure a good chunk of PC members were in peace mode during the scuffle with Polar last month.
  7. You have all the support in the world from me.
  8. [quote name='ConeBone69' date='24 February 2010 - 03:50 AM' timestamp='1266983616' post='2200471'] I think you are missing the broader view, they don't want to be forced to review anything; whether it's a beer, video game, or Taylor Swift review (which would be ). They want, expect, and deserve white peace. [/quote] And we'll get it. Even if it means rotting at ZI(Which I already am)for the next six months.
  9. [quote name='Ivan Moldavi' date='24 February 2010 - 03:38 AM' timestamp='1266982903' post='2200453'] For me personally, I find it offensive. My body is a temple and I treat it as such. But, beyond that, because I am well aware of the in character alternatives available, along with those willing to write it for me, I held a vote within my alliance. I asked the membership whether or not they wanted to surrender and do a review and they voted 86.2% against that. Since that time a lot of the other 13.8% has left or surrendered on their own. So I gave them my word. At this point, the only way the NSO will issue a beer review is if I am removed from office. There are means available to have me couped or Challenged out of my position within our governmental structure, so whenever my alliance deems that necessary I am certain they will strike me down with all due Force. [/quote] What a sweet vote that was.
  10. [quote name='treygreen13' date='22 February 2010 - 05:40 AM' timestamp='1266817203' post='2196455'] [img]http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll293/treygreen13/sithfailale.jpg[/img] [/quote] So since you've done a beer review does that mean we're at peace?
  11. [quote name='2burnt2eat' date='14 February 2010 - 06:19 AM' timestamp='1266128352' post='2180432'] ANYWAY, is there where we start chest-thumping about who has more nerds like ourselves to stay up for update strikes? [/quote] If we learned anything from this war it's that the caliber of alliance is determined by how many people in it are online at 12 to 1 AM.
  12. [quote name='Penkala' date='14 February 2010 - 06:01 AM' timestamp='1266127276' post='2180389'] Or that we just couldn't hold off on attacking you. Peace is a lie, Anthony. Tell your buds to come out and play! [/quote] Oh but [i]it's a tactic[/i]...
  13. [quote name='Penkala' date='14 February 2010 - 05:55 AM' timestamp='1266126926' post='2180374'] It's a tactic, really. Once enough of you are in peace we'll declare that NSO is, indeed, a lie. [/quote] You sure? I think it would declare that six alliances can't chase us all down.
  14. [quote name='Penkala' date='14 February 2010 - 05:50 AM' timestamp='1266126614' post='2180359'] It's too late for any overdose to stop us now. You're next, NSO. Brace yourselves. [/quote] Well, we have. But you sides superb staggering skills have been allowing us to move around a bit.
  15. [quote name='NationRuler' date='14 February 2010 - 05:43 AM' timestamp='1266126189' post='2180342'] Heh it's a joke on your hegemony heh [img]http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s235/revmyspace2/graphics/Misc/Funny/9_funny_youre_next.jpg[/img] CSN is much too classy to do that sort of thing, and you know it. [/quote] Not if we get this guy on our side: [img]http://i.telegraph.co.uk/telegraph/multimedia/archive/01432/Conrad-Murray_1432228c.jpg[/img]
  16. [quote name='Penkala' date='14 February 2010 - 05:33 AM' timestamp='1266125600' post='2180315'] Oh yes, more targets for me to devastate with nukes too. In fact, if I'm correct, don't I get this viceroyalty? I know AT gets NADC, you get GDA, and Wicked gets UBD. I'm next in line, right? I'm moving you guys to pink fyi. [/quote] Heh brave new world heh
  17. [quote] You're at war with what, Fark, GOD and CSN? You're all going to resemble your Emperor if you wait until we turn on each other. [/quote] And that would mean...what, to us, exactly? edit: fine fine, destro.
  18. [quote name='ty345' date='11 February 2010 - 02:52 AM' timestamp='1265856730' post='2173725'] NSO: Favoring disbandment/eternal war over doing a beer review. [/quote] No not eternal. Just until you turn on each other.
  19. [quote name='Lord Brendan' date='11 February 2010 - 02:41 AM' timestamp='1265856088' post='2173692'] It's going to be pretty amusing when you do end up doing a beer review. [/quote] We won't. Even if we're the last ones standing out there, we'll wait until you wind up killing your current allies to get our peace.
  20. [quote name='Fallen_Fool' date='09 February 2010 - 09:33 PM' timestamp='1265751215' post='2171180'] I'd pay quite a few American dollars to see a picture of the King of Hubris, Ivan Moldavi, looking embarrassed. Probably not the amount that Doppelganger would pay for nudes, but still. [/quote] What makes you think he has to pay?
  21. Is it Groundhogs day or something?
  22. [quote name='heggo' date='09 February 2010 - 02:17 AM' timestamp='1265681822' post='2169526'] Do FOK people really get to make fun of Ivan for not having infra when their top nation didn't have a warchest? [/quote] You mean Fark, boo.
  23. [quote name='Snowbeast' date='08 February 2010 - 11:01 PM' timestamp='1265670072' post='2169251'] I'm going to go out on a limb and direct you to my avatar. [/quote] And I'll direct you to this: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=78984&view=findpost&p=2169194
  24. [quote name='First Post' date='08 February 2010 - 09:48 PM' timestamp='1265665705' post='2169114'] I'm surprised you could get this info out Ivan - what with you have Zero infra, Zero Tech, and Zero purchased land now. Perhaps you should look into our surrender terms [/quote] Does it make your alliance feel good to know they've wasted $500,000 on nukes to destroy .0008 of Ivan's tech?
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