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Everything posted by magicninja

  1. Someone brings me a screenie of TGR's gov forum. They say hey here's a screenie of TGR's gov forum. I take it I peruse it. Check it out yeah? I pass it to some guy. I say hey here's a screenie of TGR's gov forum. He peruses it. etc. etc. He passes it to ten people. and so on and so on.
  2. Simple yes or no will do folks. Who doesn't mind having their forum compromised and spread around CN like the crabs?
  3. Karma Chameleons or no deal.
  4. I thought the best reply to the whole spying issue was OV's side claiming they didn't mind Screen Shots of their Gov forums circulating CN as long as nobody was seeking them. Who minds that kind of thing? I would mind.
  5. I'd love to see logs of the convo tonight. If they really did attack mid negotiations well......SURPRISE!!!!
  6. Take iut a step further to the Karma Chameleons and you got it.
  7. So if your side win it's The Karma War eh? I like it. Best of luck guys.
  8. Picked a fine night to return. You must be like Predators. Drawn by the heat and warfare.
  9. There's actually a few topics going around that revolve around that. I haven't posted in any of them but I heard they were ok. There's this one: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...t=0&start=0 And this little shoot off: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...t=0&start=0
  10. Well There you go. Poll the masses I say. Question 1 is Multiple choice.
  11. Why not? Is spying the new trend? Did everyone up and decide that spying was ok within certain boundaries all of a sudden? Maybe they just up and decided to fit this bill? That's what it looks like to me.
  12. If there's proof then so be it. I don't think anyone is exempt.
  13. OV isn't being punished for it. Only one person would be. It's not as bad as active spying but not by much. Enough to not have to roll an alliance over it but bad enough to punish the person who took the info knowingly.
  14. Nope I've been steadfast in what I've been saying. Except I relented and I'll say taking info knowingly isn't quite as bad as sending out people to get it but it's just a notch lower not so drastically different that no one needs to worry about it. I'm trying to explain the obvious to them. They are the ones being deliberate to try to find a way to make Pacifica wrong iun this affair. So much so that they say they wouldn't care if screenies of their gov forums are circulated around CN as long as no one is asking for them. Give me a break.
  15. I'll give you the active spying bit but I still think knowingly receiving info when you didn't seek it is just a notch below that and not drastically different. As for the Tattler and the TWiP, it's quite a bit different when the info is posted publicly and when it's passed between two people in secret. Also when you look at it the two proposed punishments are fitting with what I've said. In MK's instance they attacked the whole alliance. NPO just wants to ZI one guy. So the level of punishment isn't close to what you would get for actively spying as well.
  16. That's different than receiving info about us spying. I think warchest requirements are somewhat important. If you know how much we have you know you have to at least match it to be able to hang in a lengthy war. Then there's just the whole principle of the matter.
  17. Really? So as long as the guy doesn't give up his informant he can keep having info dropped in his lap as long as he doesn't ask for it? You're asking to be spied on if you ask me. Anyone who wanted to aggressively spy on you could just use that as his defense if you were none the wiser.
  18. Wasn't talking about this treaty. Do try to keep up.
  19. Thanks everyone. The treaty seems of no consequence unless they don't wanna follow the NAP bit.
  20. Forgive me for not looking it up myself. What does that entail as far as defense and such?
  21. Quick question. I know there are a few Orange Blocs around. Do you two coexist in any?
  22. insert meme about brilliance in politics. I guess you do what you gotta do though. Why didn't you just post them here for all to see? Just cut out the middle man?
  23. While I was at TPF I never saw screenshot 1 of anything that wasn't directly related to TPF. To me it's not the same thing. Receiving info that is critical to the security of your alliance is not the same as taking a look at someone's secure forums just for kicks.
  24. The guy knew what he was taking. It's not like he was caught unaware. In my eyes it's the same thing as what happened to MK. If he had been tricked into looking.....fine. I'll cut him some slack on that one. He wasn't. He got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. I seriously cannot believe that all of you wouldn't care if screenies of your forums were passed around as long as whoever received them didn't reeaalllyyy want to see it but it just happened landed in their lap and they couldn't help themselves.
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