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Everything posted by magicninja

  1. My nation has never been in peace mode and never will be.
  2. It's quite a bit more complicated than that but keep it up maybe you'll get there someday.
  3. The name David Banner rings a bell when I think of JB here even if JB is more well spoken.
  4. Pretty sure he demanded they remove their neutrality thread.
  5. It's what TPF does as well. I call it "attacking until the person makes amends for what they did." Yeah I know.
  6. JB attacked them for even more ridiculous crap. I think it's perfectly justified. He wants to be a tool instead of actually attempting to do something worthwhile in the game after he gets let off of PZI then quite frankly he deserves it.
  7. Well I guess NSO is an advocate of attacking people for no reason.
  8. They just saw JB get off ZI lists and it seems to me they can hardly be surprised he's on again if this is the way the guy acts. They are defending a guy who attacked an alliance for absolutely no reason. They then call out people on their morality. It's kinda funny and sad at the same time. I'd keep him on the Zi list for awhile. No one can do anything to you without losing a lot of face.
  9. You must think you're so funny. I was skeptical pf the PM thing until I had it explained now I think you will all rue it.
  10. It's all they can say about most of the alliances they talk about. Quite sad really that this is lost on them.
  11. Mhawk is more of diplomat than Slayer was sure but he will battle to any end. Don't forget that for a second friend.
  12. So it's personal then eh? So you really only hate TPF because of the company they keep eh? As far as things they have done that you dislike they're can't be many.
  13. You mean all TPF needs to do is turn it's back on Q and you'll fall in love with them? I don't think it works that way.
  14. That's really not the point but skate over it as you wish. It's typical of you already and I knew this is what you would post.
  15. The only thing that is questionable on your list is the NoV affair. I've told Slayer myself that I didn't believe attacking them for what they do in RL really applied to the game. I believe they tried to amend that by fighting for KM to get off other people's ZI lists. Which alienated them from a few alliances itself. Including RoK who wanted to help GOD keep KM on their ZI list. I know helping one guy cannot make up for destroying a whole alliance but hey it was the best they could do at the time.
  16. TPF has never used PZI-At least not when I joined over a year ago. Thgey Practiced attack someone until they come to make good. You can call that PZI if you like but it's not. The rest is subjective. Just something for you to talk about.
  17. Scuse me? When did I ever run from a war and since when did I want any of my old alliances to fall flat?
  18. I've been begging for a war for over a year. Why stop now?
  19. Add Uranium to that but only if you plan on keeping a Navy. Other than that try to get a 3br: Gold, Water, Uranium, Aluminum, Pigs, Cattle, Lumber, Sugar, Spices, Marble, Wheat, Iron
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