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Everything posted by magicninja

  1. Nothing else is relevant.....to me anyway. Then, you know how I am.
  2. It won't take much to downgrade a treaty when you really can't tell which way an apparent ally will swing in the "upcoming war." Frankly if the rate of cancellations and downgrades doesn't pick up I doubt we'll see any war. That said I can't say I personally have strong feelings either way about this treaty. Good luck to both parties nonetheless.
  3. lol at the 4 simultaneous posts saying the same thing. Carry on. Make that 7.
  4. Since when? Obviously it does or things would be different.
  5. A global tragedy. It always is when a player whom everyone has to either lover or hate leaves. Thanks for everything TBB. Hurry nack mmmkay?
  6. Been trying to get a real GW going for years. No one wants to play.
  7. I know a guy with gems and furs if you wanna do affluent pop instead of something else.
  8. Awwww/ I guess GtG is still alright. How's Costa Rican girl? Any news? Sad to see this. Good luck to both of you.
  9. I have taken the spot of MoIA and the only treaty we had was The TPF protectorate. Since Soldier is in OPP it would be a step backward. No use in that eh?
  10. They piled them all into one tomb? Damn I knew the economy was bad but cutting back on tombs seems rash.
  11. Well that was quick wasn't it? Enigma will be merging into Soldier as of.....wait for it.....wait for it...almost....now. Soldier and TPF will be protecting the Enigma AA for at least 14 days. Maybe longer..we'll see how it goes. So that's it then. Choke on that causality.
  12. TPF eh? Never heard of them. I wonder if I know anyone there. I doubt they'd ever trust me with a gov spot though.
  13. Well hello again. As you may or may have not have noticed I've been pretty absent for the last month or two. However, don't be troubled any longer. I'm back. Yes you can now once again bask in my glory and hate me on a regular basis again. In my absence all Foreign Affairs dealings with Enigma basically ground to a halt. Not only was my nick deleted from Coldfront but I don't think I logged on to our forums in nearly all this time. Even so my loyal members never did call for my head or resignation. Sheep...mere sheep...muahashahaahahahah! I'd like to inform you all that the lines of communication are back open and I may even seriously consider some merger offers now that I realize that I shouldn't be the head cheese but maybe just have a cushy gov spot where there is no pressure but i can still order people around like the good old days. You can come calling at #enigma on Coldfront even though I don't own the chan anymore and can't register it because for some reason people have been sitting in there waiting for me all these months. or you can go to our forums at http://cnenigma.site40.net/smf/index.php I promise to have all the exhibits in the Nude Bea Arthur Museum dusted off before you get there. TL;DR Guess who's back....back again...
  14. I'm new so I haven't heard of either of these alliances. Good luck to you both anyway.
  15. Exactly. If that !@#$%^& posted all the time it wouldn't be worth reporting.
  16. No magicpirate sightings this week? That blows.
  17. Thank you Stumpy. I don't have as much to say tonight as last week. All I cared for was Reyne hating on Vanguard.
  18. Well I knew more people hated Vanguard than just myself. Imagine that.
  19. No fair. You weren't supposed to see any sense in what I was saying.
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