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Everything posted by magicninja

  1. NPO said it was a thinking cap. Couldn't take anymore chances with me after the tirade in the GATO DoW thread.
  2. Be that as it may I still believe it has been overblown. Goodnight hopefully I'll be back in a week or two to argue some other random crap.
  3. I call them out on it. I wouldn't like it much myself. If I really liked the alliance maybe I'd merge. That's just me. If this is what is happening tp GGA and they accept it then so be it. It's none of my concern.
  4. No U. I vote war. Then maybe you guys would really have something to talk about instead of this. If a minor internal incident can blow up into whatever this was then yeah it's about that time again. Don't tell me to start it. I have neither the nations or the pull. You can start by attacking us though if you like. My big mouth deserves it right?
  5. I'm talking the lengths people went through (spying etc) to prove that GGA made a decision based on what it thought was best. Then it was NPO making decisions for GGA. Maybe that's the case. Certainly looks to me that there is some NPO influence on GGA's thought process but again if that is something GGA accepts then oh well. That's their business. Everyone here seems to want to make it their business and tell the GGA membership to scatter and jump ship. Seems a bit overboard for the situation.
  6. Ok Fine I'll give that it is somewhat related to the op just so you can argue something else. If this topic really is about GGA and what is wrong with them and not VE and their decisions, the whole issue has still been blown way out of proportion by those who hate GGA. I still don't think it was a big enough issue to spew 55 pages before I even got here.
  7. No I'm not calling out anyone. I realize the rules have changed I just didn't know to what degree. If this kind of tangent is allowed now that's cool with me. I actually prefer it. I still believe everyone is reaching.
  8. Well alright then. You pressed the issue for your own ego and agenda. You said it better than I was but hey it seems you know the score. Good for you.
  9. You guys made it relevant to the topic because you needed to to push your own agendas. There was a time on these boards where being this far off topic was frowned upon but I guess that time has passed. If that's the way it is so be it. I won't argue then but I still believe that you guys have all gone off the deep end on this one. By all means keep it up you guys are doing a steller job.
  10. Relevant to who Doitzel? You? I never thought I'd see the day when old Doitzy would live and die by what happened over at GGA. Then again that's all you've been living for for awhile isn't it? I guess I should learn to expect no less from you.
  11. Internet access isn't what it used to be. May come a time I miss the 20 day barrier and I don't have it in me to start over./ooc Anyhoo I enjoy hookers covered in flapjacks so I may have to strive to be here for that.
  12. No, the op had nothing to do with GGA at all. (notice the period) It became about GGA around post 7. Started pretty casually but snowballed pretty quick.
  13. You know damn well I'm too stubborn to ever do anything like that. :lol: I'll probably be gone soon anyway and you all won't have magicpirate to laugh with anymore. Don't throw me any parties either.
  14. Which is why you love me. Amirite? hmmm? My point still stands. this has been blown way out of proportion by people who really dislike GGA to serve their own ego maybe make themselves feel good because someone they hate made a little mistake so they feel compelled to milk it for all it's worth. Also yeah I haven't been around much and don't plan to be around much so I figured I'd get it all out now.
  15. I think I've made it clear that I don't believe they did. Maybe my English isn't what it used to be.
  16. But I digress. I think a lot of people came in before they did and made it about them. Started in the first few posts. They should've stayed quiet sure but hey how many alliances really can when they began to take that kind of beating? The thing is the situation really didn't call for this kind of backlash. It's all pent up rage for what GGA has been doing with themselves the last year or so. Some of it I suppose I can understand. 60+ pages though? C'mon you guys have got to have something better to do than harrass GGA over nothing in a thread not even about them. Then again maybe not.
  17. We were treaty bound to attack Athens once they hit NPO and that was what we did. We didn't attack anyone who hit GGA in response to the Hyperion attack. Was it all co-mingled? Sure but hey treaty web etc. Still doesn't explain why there could be so much of a fuss over nothing. It wasn't even an international incident it was an internal decision that sparked all of this, in a thread that had nothing to do with it. It could be any alliance taking this heat and I would speak up. Well maybe not Vanguard.
  18. I fought in support of my alliance. I've not always toed the party line. Some people forget.
  19. Thing is this thread was never about GGA and their shortcomings.
  20. I've already said I'm not the most honorable among us. Far from it. I have my faults but damn this goes to far even for me.
  21. Thing is people blew this whole thing way way out of proportion to serve their own egos and nothing more. It's quite disgusting. Mob mentality is truly an awesome sight to behold.
  22. I'm not blaming anyone for what happened at GGA. I don't even care all that much. It's their business and I wish them luck. What I can't stand is the sheer lack of tact in this thread but hey I'm no one to be preaching to people about tact, which in fact makes it even more sad that I am, but come on all this over something that is nothing of any importance to anyone outside GGA and it's allies.
  23. That's exactly the point WC. Not only do they care too much about what an alliance does that is not their own but they are two-faced about it. 60 pages? Seriously? Over what? Nothing that concerns anyone and that is in and of itself that big of a deal. Maybe NPO is exerting more influence than most of us would accept for our own alliance. Does it affect you directly? Hell, does it even affect you indirectly? No on both counts? Then your just talking !@#$ to talk !@#$ and you are a tool. This isn't directed at any individual just everyone in general. Even me. This don't only apply to this thread but every thread. Talk away though. Far be it from me to stop you. Just thought you guys might wanna see what you've become and maybe at least change your tactics. I know perfectly well that is asking too much from this group but hey someone needs to point it out to you. You obviously can't see it for yourselves how horrible your acting. (Vote magicninja for humanitarian of the year, also Vanguard sucks)
  24. I guess Umbrella and MK don't count either? That's just page 1. I can jive with what KingSrqt said about needing to have an opinion if the alliance the anouncement is about is an ally or you are considering ties to them. However, this is clearly not the case and he knows it. This is just a bunch of blowhards taking the royal piss out of another alliance for maybe a poor handling of an internal situation. It's hardly worth all the attention in and of itself. the only reason it garnered attention was because GGA has been a polarizing entity the last few months. Some love them some hate them. All this has done is given the closet haters an opportunity to come out of the woodwork and kick them while their down. While I admire your enthusiasm you people are dragging yourselves through the mud at the same time. Doing nothing more than showing your true colors. I don't claim to be the most honorable member of this community but there are some here in this thread who do and it's astonishing to see them fall to what they claim to despise.
  25. Seems a lot of people were taking shots at GGA within the first few posts to me. If they didn't say anything for 6 pages it shows quite a bit of restraint. I know I wouldn't sit by for that long taking shots for what i thought was best for my alliance. Yet everyone here decided to derail the topic into a GGA bashing and force them to make a statement to defend themselves. Regardless of the contents of any of their posts it was nobody's business to come and and badger GGA in a topic that quite frankly didn't concern them. You people act high and mighty but damn you guys are seriously screwed in the head. I won't condone what GGA did or attack it. Quite frankly it's none of my damn business. I'll let the parties involved sort it out. You people sicken me. You honestly think your doing the right thing but you don't see you're tearing down your own character to do it. It's sad. It really is. Now I remember why I decided not to keep posting here. You people are so bass ackwards you don't even realize it. Get it together CN.....seriously....or at least have a nice GW and start over because you guys are getting ridicul0us.
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