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Everything posted by magicninja

  1. I didn't sign the treaty RV. Soldier was in OPP long before I got here. Fyrthermore since you are intent on displaying your ignorance on why there is a treaty let me inform you. Maybe you remember the whole incident between TPF and Soldier involving Jackthe Great? TPF actually attacked Soldier. After the war the AUT wanted nothing to do with TPF but chose to go to your friends in Karma and ask for a protectorate. He was denied on more than one occasion. There came a time where AUT and TailsK of RoK had a little spat in IRC and TailsK decided he wanted to ZI AUT and attack Soldier. SAoldier was under temporary TPF protection after the war. So, TailsK went to TPF for the clearance to roll Soldier.l Mhawk who had just rolled the alliance a little himself went to bat for AUT and Soldier and declined his then treaty partners. This show made a bond between TPF and Soldier that had nothing, absolutley nothing to do with what TPF does but how they much they were looking out for Soldier. So Soldier joined OPP. Maybe that'll clear that up but knowing you.........
  2. TPF has never practiced even PZI. You sir are grossly misinformed or rather you wanna twist the perception to suit your view. Either way you are wrong.
  3. We had a treaty. We aren't cowards and even if they are wrong on an issue or two doesn't mean you turn your back on them.
  4. RV you know my history. You know where I've been. TPF hasn't brainwashed me completely just yet. Quite frankly there has been a lot haven't agreed with on my side of the web. While I can't control what TPF and NPO do I can control what Soldier does which is why I chose to keep our own PoWs instead of going in with the blanket coalition PoW AA. I did it so I can manage these very types of situations on my own instead of going through a bunch of red tape.
  5. OOC: See the "Spanish Fry" Episode of Futurama. Good stuff"/ooc Probably.
  6. Meh my horns used to getting a good tooting anyway.
  7. I'm pretty sure the second paragraph conveys our overall stance. Yes I was bragging we got the firs surrender. (In the surrender thread anyway. I mean who woulda thought it would be us? I'm actually quite proud even if in the end it will be meaningless. At least we got that one small piece of a bit of victory, If even for a moment.)
  8. I didn't realize Soldier news spread so far and wide. When Karma announces good terms it's said to be honorable and great. Soldier announces we'll release PoW's if they want to go to a neutral alliance and it's the end of the world? Don't start getting into the habit of creating double standards to suit yourself. We all see how that ends up.
  9. Hizzy can you tell me why Soldier would need PR points? Sure we're on the "wrong" side of the war. We had treaty obligations. This person said they were not interested in war or politics and didn't even know about the war until she was attacked. I can't justify keeping someone like that. No one could. This is a policy statement that we aren't gonna keep people sitting needlessly at PoW status for months while we're at war. I seriously don't think it's fair and if I was in her position I don't think I'd like it one bit if I were made to sit there with no community for months. Odds are in that case a younger nation would quit. I'm not out to do that to people.
  10. We'll take it on a case by case basis of course. This particular person was honest and very kind. There was no reason to hold her. I'm sure both sides will get their fair share of these people and I hope that those people will all be allowed to join nuetral alliances if they so desire.
  11. Yesterday Soldier took the first PoW of the war. Today Reeses Cup Girl came to ask me if she could be released to World Task Force. Since WTF is quite neutral and a really good alliance I have released her to them. Soldier has no intention of keeping PoW's locked up for months and weeks if there is a safe place for them to go. While some alliances may keep their PoW's from moving to a safe alliance for security reasons there are cases where we should all use our common sense. In some cases there is no need to keep people shackled for extended periods of time. This was one of those times.
  12. Umm....you sure you meant to quote Raga when you said all that?
  13. I beat you to the first individual surrender. So in essence I've already won. Decent terms if not many.
  14. Well I know I've spent my time checking my nation for new attacks. Clicking through my members and those they declared on to see how they are doing. I've also been doing reserch on alliances that may enter against us and their members to gauge the threat. ETC. ETC. Tonight was the second time I've seen the 500/100 actions used up warning. Have you seen it this war?
  15. Well, we were just doing our part Twisted just as TFO was when they hit TPF nations. Nothing personal just the way things fell. As for me I've found TFO to be alright. Shigh is a bit over the top but every alliance has one of those guys these days. Soldier discussed a no nuke thing with TFO and they accepted. If TP and TSI didn't think to do that and TFO is a first strike alliance then I'll be honest and say TFO has nothing to be sorry about. So far they have kept their word with me and I with them. Honor enough on both sides between us anyway.
  16. To: Magicninja From: Reeses Cup Queen Date: 4/25/2009 11:46:37 AM Subject: I surrender Message: Per the surrender terms I was given, I am contacting you to announce my surrender on the cybernations forums, I am unable to do so. Thanks. Reeses Cup Queen has resigned from The Christian Coalition of Countries and has become a Soldier PoW. She will be protected by all available forces for the duration of the war.
  17. I hate MASH so much. They have always been backstabbers and cowards. This doesn't surprise me at all.
  18. Aww cam if you needed aid you shoulda came to me. Also, since it was before the war there should be nothing to complain about from any of the alliances we engaged.
  19. Ok if that is so then I apologize but if you were gonna help out PC you shoulda just issued a DoW. It wouldn't have changed much and everyone woulda loved you for hitting TPF. As it is you didn't and well it looks kinda fishy.
  20. Jens I'm sorry but it is. Still best of luck to you all.
  21. Poison Clan Protectorates were apparently asked that their top nations help in the fight against TPF. Needless to say they didn't issue a DoW in hoping to fly under the radar and protect their smaller players and avoid an alliance war themselves. Well we can't have that now. @Revanche hey if I had an alliance that was as prominent with the strength you guys have I would've loved nothing more. However, I have to work with what I have and work within our limits. On another note I had a lot of fun with Dutchy and THD last night in the forsaken channel. Both fighting well and honorably. We've made a gentlemen's pact not to nuke eachother so that they might have a chance.
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