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Everything posted by TehChron

  1. What he said. We have lightning bolts.
  2. I have. Ive also lied to him. But that isnt the point I was making.
  3. The morals became generalized because through sheer force of personality, we enforced them. Spying? We beat the !@#$ out of alliances we caught doing it. Being my idols to others in general? Beat the !@#$ out of them too. If you wanted to talk trash about an alliance pre-GWI, you needed to do it off-forum or in PMs. Those kinds of morals were enforced by us...No one else had the will or drive to impose those standards. We did. LUE had the force of will to propagate their standards of decency, and to a large extent, that was what GWI started about. The fact of the matter is, the very standards of decency you enjoy now on these forums, were allowed to take firm root because of what we Pacificans brought with us when we founded the NPO. If we had not, there would have been no one to do so by the time LUE arrived, and by then, the gross-happy folks wouldn't have been needed to be kept reined in in fear of pissing off Pacifica and instigating a war before they were ready. The forums would have been shut down due to invisionfree violations, and the healthy forum conversations you and I are having now would never have happened. Again, you have no idea what you're talking about. Drop it.
  4. Congratulations Moo! May you now provide the Green Flavoring to St. Patrick's day related food for everyone in perpetuity!
  5. My point is you don't know what on Earth you are talking about. The ODN initially had no cultural identity save to oppose us. GATO was spineless. Consistently. The NAAC was led by a bunch of idiots that acted like Beavis and Butthead on the forums. Not to mention actually biased mods culled from their ranks at the time of our arrival, which instigated their overreach and removal. The Legion only ever acted in imitation of us. Especially after GWI. Before LUE, there would not have been a presence charismatic or powerful enough to set standards in the CN community before they got here. And Pacifica's entrenched standards are what forced their leadership to keep the more Gaotse-happy membership well leashed. Thus allowing cooler heads to take the reins.
  6. Well, I suppose peace mode would make sense if you guys still possessed a capable military structure and command that could make proper use of the aid system, but considering how badly you folks are screwing this one up, its safe to say that strategery isnt really playing a role in your decision making. That being said; lol cortath.
  7. Your would-be ODN, GATO and Legion overlords would not have been us, I assure you. We set the precedent for soveriegnty when we arrived. Everything else was just screwing around. Without the NPO to set standards in place for conduct beforehand, it would have been LUE and its ilk to have done it, trust me, you don't know a damn thing about the community back then. And I, unlike Markov there, can honestly say that without any doubt.
  8. Correct. If anything, this topic is utterly and painfully pointless...And frankly don't see a point outside of attention-whoring. That's nice. But you weren't around for the first great war...and quite frankly, this seems to be the only conflict worthy of that title since the original three.
  9. methinks he fits said criteria perfectly.
  10. /nod Me too. Between that and lost IRC logs, losing two computers in two years really, really sucks.
  11. I wanted to use it to premiere Teh Spiked Gauntlet of Chron avatar of mine. Woulda been a sweet thing, considering how often I trolled you those days,
  12. Listen to this man, for he is wise.
  13. Mild disgust is a more appropriate description. One of these days Ill feel bored enough to show you how the job is really done.
  14. People are ignoring you and you're surprised?
  15. I remember when upstarts like you knew how to troll properly.
  16. Wouldn't call him an idol, but at least he was more relevant than that nameless troll....druid, right?
  17. Very well written, I can't help but applaud the eloquent (yet verbose, it is a crime of passion for ones opinions) presentation of a Sith philosophy. Well done. Almost makes me want to be one.
  18. The more I catch up, the less faith I have in the once vaunted resilience of Pacifica... What have you done!?!?
  19. Shut. Up. The werefrog paid his dues more times than any other Pacifican possibly ever could. No one has the right to tell him off. No one. Not even Moldavi.
  20. GGA was relevant for a very long time. Even as an extension of Pacifican Policy, it still retained its relevance due to being a close ally of the NPO... Closer than Polaris, anyway...
  21. I remember asking Moo or Zha if I could see the thread announcing my removal from the Order, just for !@#$% and giggles. It was sadly not allowed unless I returned. The spot was always open...I just felt I didn't deserve it. Funny how that works out.
  22. Got high off it, though. Being on the top does that to most people...Makes them blind to everything else. It's what caused my...exit. Or rather, it caused the situation that lead to it. Good to see Dilber's learning he's only human, and not some kind of machiavellian genius, or however you spell it. But I deeply regret that things had to get so bad for another purging fire to occur.
  23. *Pacifican. Please spell it correctly Whatever else, I still take pride in what it once meant.
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