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Everything posted by TehChron

  1. You aren't running your alliance. This is about diplomacy. This is about doing right by your allies who are fighting tougher opponents so you did not have to. And you crapped all over several of those allies. Congratulations. You have done an awesome job showing off your pretentiousness for all to see. I swear to god...For you the war was an "isolated incident"? And you saw fit to base your treatment of them based only on this "isolated incident"? How much more arrogant can you get? Wait...thats right, you could be Valhalla or the NPO.
  2. It will continue regardless of your actions here. That's what's sad. That's what makes them the "bad guys". Holding them down and letting the victims be mollified is what "justice" is about. Satisfying your own egos and sense of righteousness is not justice. It's a slap to the face of those victims who expected you to take their feelings into consideration instead of you deciding they were better than them. These terms are arrogant and an insult to those who suffered at Valhalla's hands. You shouldn't be ashamed of the folks you flipped the bird to, you should be ashamed of yourselves for not even taking their feelings into account. At least don't PROTECT them while they're rebuilding. I am calling you self-righteous. Because you are. These terms, your defense of them, they aren't about "right" or "wrong" they are about you "feeling better" about yourself. Because you were "better" than Valhalla was, because you were better than the victims of the alliance calling for Justice. Ive made my points well enough throughout the thread. If you really were interested in mollifying your offended allies, you would have addressed the points I was making much earlier. Lack of empathy for victim...No, rather, a lack of concern for them is nothing less than absolute arrogance on your parts. And I hope that you come to regret it. Because they'll be gunning for you guys first.
  3. You see, here's what makes your entire point moot. The folks that put those reps on STA did so to be complete !@#$%bags. It had nothing to do with vengeance, or justice, or anything like that. Making Valhalla suffer at least a little bit of humiliation is justice, and is mollifying. Because when you beat folks in war, they dont remember or care about the leniency of the terms. They remember that they lost, and frankly, thats all they care about. You think going easy on the surrender terms makes a difference in how they will remember this? You don't know a damn thing.
  4. Nevermind, misunderstood quotes intent. Still tho, the self-righteous need to do a better job explaining themselves.
  5. So...once again, you admit to being the wrong folks to send against Valhalla. When the issue comes up of surrender terms, you decide to flip your allies who did suffer at their hands the bird and go with your much-vaunted "principles", right? And when people say that's messed up, you essentially say "screw off, you didnt fight them, so you don't have a say in it". And then you twist the knife a little by saying "Well, they didnt hurt us in the past, so we figured they didn't deserve it as badly as you think they did." That seems to be the gist. Thanks for clearing that up. !@#$, man.
  6. You misinterpret how "diplomacy" works. And a large part of that is Empathy. Because of a stroke of ill-chance, your allies are denied justice to right wrongs done unto them, and then you refuse to even tell them beforehand of this travesty of justice? Of course, your soveriegnty is far more important than empathy to their plight. I hope that when your mistakes come back to haunt you folks, they bite you in the rear. You slapped your allies in the face with these terms. And I have no small suspicoun the reason you didn't inform the Valhalla victims beforehand was specifically because they would have protested against your self-righteous pissing. Keep the feel-good train going and whatnot.
  7. Based on everything ive seen, you folks deserved more than that. At least to mollify your victims. Because there's no way in hell Pacifica is going to get off as easily.
  8. You could have consulted your allies about it. Asked what they thought. Based on AirMe's reaction, I think it's fair to say that the thought never crossed your mind.
  9. ... I give up. You win. Clearly the most exceptional meeting of minds in this games history could have been matched or even surpassed by individuals that never joined the game. How very wrong I was. BLIND I was, BLIND! To the inevitability of what never happened. But it could have! IT COULD HAVE HAPPENED IN AN ALTERNATE UNIVERSE AND THATS WHAT MATTERS. ....Right. I spent all this time trying to force the absurdity of your stance into your skull and all you focus on at this point is the trolling. Congratulations, you are made of fail. But I concede the argument, go on and have your victory celebration. It matters so much to you, after all.
  10. That is a horribly arrogant way to look at it. And makes you look far more like tools for saying it.
  11. My nation cant declare, only returned to the game this week. And even then, you folks are the ones hiding behind 8 alliances to shield you. So who, exactly, is "backing" who up? Unless you want to let MK get at you properly, in which case, feel free to man up and keep acting like your bad. Because you're not. And if you had the balls to try and prove you were, you'd be stomped near instantly. fyi, calling folks pathetic without any sort of explanation is trolling. Shame you're too much of a coward to come out from behind those Karma miniskirts and stand up for yourself.
  12. Don't try and troll AirMe, kid. He's put up with ones far more competent than you, and kept his cool. If he had had the opportunity, the MK military would have rolled over you brats like a bulldozer on a crippled puppy. Thank your lucky stars they didnt get revenge, or else you would never have gotten off so easily.
  13. How long have you been playing this game, WC? The staggering levels of individual ignorance displayed one these forums over the years should make you de-sensitized to the absurdity of it by now.
  14. Surprisingly this is true... We at the NPO never forgave you guys for making Ivan apologize. Was a rallying point. AirMe. ...What can I say? At least you didnt experience the shame and rage of being forced from your home, only to return it being destroyed and !@#$ upon by those who forced you out. But the indignation you feel at this leniency...I can sympathize. Just hold out hope for the Pacifican terms. Like I do.
  15. o/ Welcome to the Dark Side, Vox. Our cookies kill the weak.
  16. Sorry to say this to G-man...But way back in the day (and I know Im hella late), GATO more than deserved its status as Worst Alliance Ever. Blame it on Chris Kaos and incompetent leadership if you will, but the NPO propaganda machine and troll corps would not have been able to use it to such devestating effectiveness had it not been so, so true.
  17. All things are relative. Considering 1 mil NS was almost unheard of outside the NPO at the time.
  18. Didnt realize this was the OOC Part. Aw well.
  19. (OOC)No...it was not possible. Thats my point. You don't understand what it takes to actually impose your will on a large group of individuals in an online game. A game where their real live selves are unaffected by any possible threat, and they more or less can act as they please without repercussions to their real life selves. You don't get what it takes to be a hyperpower in this game. Not just anyone can do it. And the opposition wasn't a bunch of brainless chuckleheads either (Though many of them were). Your inability to understand the scope of the NPO's accomplishment back then is indicative of just how wrong you are. Take note here: No one is agreeing with you. No one. At all. Because everyone reading this thread right now knows for a fact you have no idea what you are talking about.(/OOC)
  20. Him bragging about it certainly was to be.
  21. Was I backseat modding? Im sorry, I was only meaning to give friendly advice to someone that seemed to need it. I meant no offense. Sometimes its important to know the difference between a helping hand, and flipping the bird. But on the internet, the significance of such differences can be lost. Its alright, you dont need to apologize.
  22. (OOC)These arent RP boards...they're discussion boards for a nation simulator game. What occurs here has actual repercussions with how things occur in the game itself. In that other game...They dont. At all. Those forums growth or lack of it had nothing to do with the existance of the NPO. At all. They were completely divorced from the politics of the Regions and their off-site forums. And pulling a "human nature" defense as justification for your beliefs smacks of the inability to properly articulate a justification for your arguments. And even then, the NPO was exceptional to the point where it was their values, literally, which defined interactions on these forums. The fact that things here dont fit nicely and neatly into your claims is why you are wrong. The fact that you insist that you are right despite evidence showing otherwise makes your posts a waste of everyone's time. Stop it. You have no evidence. You claim to, but you don't. You have inferrences, but you dont have evidence of anything. At all. (/OOC)
  23. Like double-posting, you mean? Sorry to say, but that's generally frowned upon in most forums. If you're really quick about editting one of them empty, Im sure you'll be able to avoid annoying the mods. Good luck!
  24. Ah! I see you were able to edit out the bastardized quote text from my post, thats good.
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