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The Big Bad

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Everything posted by The Big Bad

  1. From what I understand he has to wait in line. I don't know you all did to bring hate on you from so many sides of Planet Bob but, it will be fun to watch what happens.
  2. Congrats guys I like Ronin but, I don't know OSA. Perhaps someone should come by sometime and we will fix that.
  3. Congrats guys. From what I have seen The Bad and NSO seem to have much in common. You have some good people there. Perhaps we should have a beer sometime.
  4. Good luck, sorry to see you go. I get the bored with game part but, its really all the about the people thats why I am back. Maybe you will rerturn as well.
  5. I will remind you just this once you are speaking to member of IAA. I suggest a more respectful tone in the future. As for IS, I don't know them but they seem to have made many many enemies in a short time. Better this way I guess.
  6. I have a confession. Yesterday I accidently wrote Internet Superheroes on my list. This accidently made it was around Planet Bob and IS went away. Sorry.
  7. No idea who IS was. No idea who this Boogeyman is . But this seems like a nice thing to do.
  8. (OOC Do not try and speak for anyone who has or currently serves. The fact you do not know TPF has many vets and current miltary serving even now in conflict shows just how foolish you are being. Speak for yourself but never declare yourself to speak for me or any other vet, ever.) As for TPF well done as expected. You have fantastic allies and great members and as the Phoenix rises again its hunger will once again call to it.
  9. Indeed it came done to NV and IAA in the end. NV is well established so went with IAA. Come by my channel anytime.
  10. The last thing I am is a white knight bub. You come out and act like this in public people tend to notice. And that ain't a good thing.
  11. Good to see, as far as I can recall I like both your groups. Come by and see me sometime so we can get know each other.
  12. Sorry Schatt, I am sure we will work together in the future. I do enjoy your cult.
  13. Let me get this clear. One of what appears to be several groups claiming to be GOONS at war with other GOONS has signed what may or may not be a joke treaty with some little alliance. A treaty that says A treaty that cleary requires no one to do anything. Then people threaten the little alliance? And keep threatening them? And why is that again? Is this the way things work on the new changed Planet Bob? People said things were bad now but, this is pathetic.
  14. Me, is it wrong I was hoping the Shadows would win? Also we need an option for Londo was and he told me.
  15. I would like to thank everyone for all the offers. I have decided to join The Imperial Assault Alliance - IAA. Everyone friend and foe alike is welcome to join me at #thebigbad. Thanks again everyone.
  16. Encourages coups? I like the sound of that.
  17. You know I would love to see ODN move beyond it reputation. That would be a sight to behold. I hope you are the guy to do it.
  18. Your memory is short I see. I was the tough guy when I was I anti NPO just as much as when I was allied to NPO. I was just as much a tough guy when COLD was 5 members. And its clear you have no idea how many wars I been beat down in. NS is a crutch of the weak. And so far everything I have seen the "Hegemony" is still on top it just has different names. I also talk to so many who fought in the Karma war who are depressed by what has come from it. They sought change and found out they were just being used by those just wanting power. The masses are unsettled and they want someone to shake things up. Its time to give the people what they want.
  19. Yeah no ODN and ODN and GPA not my cup of tea. Although if I joined ODN they would be forced to grow a pair. That sure would change what people think of you all. End all the you "should join GPA or ODN LOL" jokes I have been getting. Could ODN handle the sexy being brought to it? Could ODN handle the respect? Could ODN handle the Bad? No more Optional Defense Network? No more being derided by your own allies? Could you handle ODN being a driving force on Planet Bob and not its biggest punch line? Could you ODN? Think about it.
  20. Well really I had no nukes, no money, no tech and no CMs but I did what I could. My nation had just been farming out its resources for the last couple months. I don't even know how the war started or who was fighting at the time.
  21. Congrats on getting SSSW18 as a protector they good people. The Bad approves.
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