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Everything posted by raasaa

  1. didnt have the patience to read the entire thread.... If Sparta has learnt anything from TOP and IRON during their time in Q, then they should preemptively attack BAPS. One of their members started this topic, allowing other OWF posters to bash Sparta, which is a threat to the security of Sparta.
  2. [quote name='Dochartaigh' date='04 March 2010 - 10:11 AM' timestamp='1267715727' post='2213684'] italicized section: so it is okay for Athens to aggressively attack another alliance due to their feeling threatened, but not for TOP? yeah blah blah blah double standards blah blah blah hypocrisy... [/quote] Wait waah... You are comparison is way off. TPF conspired to destroy Athens, by sending a crack team of agents to infiltrate and take over Athens. This was their leader, mhawk's brainchild and had a lot of other government involved in it. Non-government members of MK bashed TOP around on the OWF. If TOP feels insecure and threatened over that, then they definitely need to grow up.
  3. nice one However, i think you should give them some credit. They have been quite consistent in their 'whining'....annoyingly consistent
  4. [quote name='wolverines1' date='03 March 2010 - 02:14 PM' timestamp='1267643877' post='2212855'] Betrayal can take many forms. If NpO gave its word to TOP that it would set aside the treaties it had with MK and other C&G members and participate in some activity, even if that activity consisted of doing nothing while TOP acted, then NpO broke its word. If someone wants to call it betrayal, then that is their right. [/quote] I am assuming NpO gave its word based on the situation that IRON and TOP would FIGHT on polar's side of the war, not preemptively attack her allies. If IRON and TOP had entered via NSO and were countered by CnG, i am quite sure NpO would have kept her word.
  5. [quote name='Oktavian' date='03 March 2010 - 12:01 PM' timestamp='1267635871' post='2212710'] We entered this war with the decision that we wouldn't extort C&G, but grant them [b]white peace if they surrendered[/b], yes. This, however, does have nothing to do with our entrance into this war. [/quote] How do you grant them white peace, if they surrender. As per your allies, its not white peace if the losing side / opponent surrenders. Sorry, but i couldn't resist pointing this out
  6. [quote] [center][img]http://nuevavida-cn.net/images/flags/NV_Flag_Peace.jpg[/img][img]http://nuevavida-cn.net/images/flags/MNDCflagcopy-1.jpg[/img][/center] Article I: Respect The signatories of this pact will agree to treat each other with the respect they deserve, they will not engage in espionage, warfare or any other means to damage the other nor will they support a third party planning to violate the sovereignty of the other signatory. Article II: Intelligence The signatories of this pact agree to share any and all information that might be important to the sovereignty of the other. Article III: Protection Nueva Vida will protect the Multi-National Defense Coalition against aggression by a third party, the Multi-National Defense Coalition is not required to return the favor but by this treaty has the legal right to do so. Should an attack on the Multi-National Defense Coalition be as a consequence of an attack by the Multi-National Defense Coalition activation will be optional rather than mandatory. Article IV: Technology The Multi-National Defense Coalition pledges to participate in the Vidian Enterprise, the fixed rate for tech exchanges will be $3 million for 100 tech. Article V: Cancelation This treaty can be canceled by either party by giving the other side 72 hours notice. At that time how to go on with diplomatic relations can be reviewed. [b]Signed for Nueva Vida[/b], Nelchael, Emperor Centurius, Lord of Brotherhood Raasaa, Lord of the Exchequer/Imperator [b]Signed for the Multi-National Defense Coalition[/b], ~Deerslayer, Emperor of Multi-National Defense Coalition.[/quote]
  7. [quote name='The Big Bad' date='01 March 2010 - 11:15 PM' timestamp='1267503565' post='2210780'] Your right they can not do any worse then that mess. [/quote] thats funny coming from you.... I was hoping that you would come out and play in this war, sadly it did not happen @ glof you guys are just a point away from passing us in score
  8. [quote name='der_ko' date='03 March 2010 - 02:41 AM' timestamp='1267602279' post='2212436'] I'd wager good money [i]defending Polar[/i] was mentioned a lot less then crushing C&G was. [/quote] My sentiments exactly. The entire logs before and after that snippet should be loads of fun to read. Without that, the snippet he posted is meaningless.
  9. [quote name='bigwoody' date='03 March 2010 - 02:10 AM' timestamp='1267600468' post='2212423'] Thats pretty much all there is w/r/t reps. "Hey guys, let give light or no terms." *logs* *other stuff* I'm not sure what you think transpired..."Ok guys, good acting, now what % of their tech shall we plunder?" [/quote] Just curious as to what led to that conversation on reps and what was spoken before and after that
  10. [quote name='bigwoody' date='02 March 2010 - 11:18 AM' timestamp='1267546949' post='2211360'] Relevant log snippet from before the war, anyways: [00:23] <%Feanor> White. [00:23] <%Feanor> Get them off the field. 01[00:24] <~bigwoody> remember we will be judged on our terms when the NEXT war comes [00:24] <%Feanor> We aren't looking for reps. [00:24] <Sleepib[TSO]> im not about to ask for reps in this war 01[00:24] <~bigwoody> and since we're likely to win 01[00:24] <~bigwoody> be gracious winners [/quote] I would definitely like to see the entire conversation. Snippets dont usually convey the full picture....
  11. [img]http://images.craveonline.com/article_imgs/Image/herradura-green-agave-cocktail.jpg[/img] Here's to another prosperous year o/
  12. whoa...NATO is leaving CDT again Sad to see this announcement. All the very best to NATO, FEAR and the remaining CDT alliances.
  13. [quote name='Alaric' date='27 February 2010 - 05:29 PM' timestamp='1267309956' post='2207023'] congrat's to all p.s. - NV is always grabbing up the cool protectorates. what is a guy/alliance to do? [/quote] bcome a cool protectorate
  14. [quote name='Baden-Württemberg' date='27 February 2010 - 06:52 PM' timestamp='1267314934' post='2207117'] Thus we are fighting for TOP now. Like it or not. [/quote] Thats the only part i like about TSO
  15. wait what....oh noes....with this lineup, it cannot be good.... o/ The Newly Elected o/ The previous council members for the ones who are continuing one for a 2nd term
  16. well...at least this order is pretty clear in what they want.....nuclear carnage So far GNO has proven to be a very active alliance lead by a level-headed founder / leader. Looking forward to a sustained friendship with them o/ GNO
  17. [quote name='Ezequiel' date='22 February 2010 - 09:36 PM' timestamp='1266892818' post='2198357'] Did we really need a Smurf themed alliance? Good luck I suppose, nice protectors you have there... Hai Raasaa! Ezequiel. [/quote] Thank Ez....you def lead one of the better micro-alliances in CN.
  18. [quote name='hymli' date='26 February 2010 - 02:45 AM' timestamp='1267170552' post='2204678'] Which false rumors where these? Because of NpO's lies surrounding the BLEU-NADC war, it was an issue of either NpO goes or MCXA goes. The rest of BLEU chose NpO and MCXA went. If anything, BLEU got rolled because they trusted NpO, and that part of the history keeps repeating itself to this very day. [/quote] BLEU got rolled because they stood by their MADP ally in NpO. We are not the kind to cut and run at times of war, jumping to the more stronger side. Fortunately, that didn't work out for you on the long run. [quote name='keltoi' date='26 February 2010 - 02:48 AM' timestamp='1267170738' post='2204681'] it is a fact, fresh acted without chancellor authority in signing that petition. no argument from me on that however the rift with sponge started much earlier, also a fact. [/quote] Oh great, now Fresh acted without government authority on trying to eject NpO from BLEU...what next, Fresh was the complete mastermind behind every and any bad decisions taken by MCXA ?? [quote name='hymli' date='26 February 2010 - 02:52 AM' timestamp='1267170972' post='2204685'] So this is really an issue with NPO? It might be that NPO where running a campaign against NpO. But for [b]MCXA part it was a simple case NpO not being a trustworthy ally.[/b] [/quote] And how did you arrive at that conclusion....which brilliant genius fed you guys the wrong information regarding the NpO - NADC war ?? [quote name='hymli' date='26 February 2010 - 03:00 AM' timestamp='1267171464' post='2204693'] Look, leaving a bloc doesn't make it a betrayal just because you keep repeating the word betrayal. But if you just have to keep insisting on it, take it up with MCXA. Nothing is going to stop this broken record from playing, is there? [/quote] Why MCXA, the people who executed the plot reside in TSO.... Broken record will stop once scum own up and change their attitude
  19. [quote name='keltoi' date='26 February 2010 - 02:36 AM' timestamp='1267169992' post='2204665'] this is common propaganda, huge difference magnet. I really don't blame you for believing your friends, but to constantly try to convince those of us who know better is just silly and perpetuates the cycle of hate. cheers [/quote] problem here is, being one of the leaders who was approached by Dr Fresh at that time, i know that MCXA did try to undermine NpO's position in BLEU. That is not common propaganda, it is a fact.
  20. [quote name='goldielax25' date='23 February 2010 - 08:58 PM' timestamp='1266976946' post='2200278'] The real winners in this war is WAPA, who held on after taking quite a licking because they saw the light at the end of the tunnel and the greater good that hanging in their accomplished. VE's role in this was to relieve them and to help secure peace on this front, and I am very honored to have been able to do that successfully. [/quote] QFT Fighting NATO....getting counter-attacked by TFD, TPF and GUN....situation was quite tough for them. They managed to hold out, kept their morale high and inflicted decent amounts of damage on all 4 alliances, with NATO taking the brunt of it. [quote name='Bjornoya' date='23 February 2010 - 09:38 PM' timestamp='1266979343' post='2200347'] Reading this thread from a somewhat outside (not too familiar with either WAPA or VE) perspective it felt like some VE members were pushing TPF to admit surrender due solely to their involvement and for their sake. However if one reads it as VE trying to push that word out for WAPA's sake its a different and more honorable story. WAPA could definitely use a morale boost after its fight. So could TPF for that matter. [/quote] Actually, if i remember rite, it was the other way around. mhawk was pushing for a WAPA surrender to TPF and also did not like the fact that his alliance would not be allowed to re-enter the war. VE just helped knock some sense into his bloated head and seal the victory for WAPA. [quote name='SonOfHoward' date='23 February 2010 - 11:33 PM' timestamp='1266986227' post='2200547'] Where's the rest of NV's gov't? [/quote] considering the fact that we launched a grand total of ZERO wars on TPF, i think a one man sig will do for this occasion.
  21. [quote name='Penlugue Solaris' date='26 February 2010 - 02:24 AM' timestamp='1267169307' post='2204646'] So basically, you are ignoring the fact that I replied to all of your post, but because I only quoted part of it I am evil. Your excuses of them lying to you are great, now its funny that it happened to occur as NPO was looking for a new power on blue and to bring more people into OneVision - oh, MCXA signed Agora and OV soon after this [b]betrayal of a MADP partner[/b], didn't you? [/quote] betrayal....are u naive ?? Sam clearly stated that he did it only in accordance with the Q accords, which required them to betray one set of allies to move closer to the rest. They have always been in the right, people opposing them are navie and ignorant of the honorable people they are :sarcasm:
  22. all the best Curiosity...how many alliances has King Xander founded so far
  23. [quote name='SunnyInc' date='26 February 2010 - 01:56 AM' timestamp='1267167588' post='2204617'] Giving up would be a prudent decision. I doubt TSO is going to listen to a group of individuals who sport a rather large chip on their collective shoulder and have been propagating the same slanderous crap for the [b]past x number of years[/b]. Not to fear though! When you prove yourselves capable of making accusations based on anything that comes close to resembling accurate and complete information, I am sure they will start to take you seriously and do their earnest to comprehensively address the points you raise. [/quote] x number of years....this is your first year of existence I don't really care whether TSO listens to a group of individual or takes their statements seriously.....TSO announcements are always fun to rant in.
  24. [quote name='hymli' date='26 February 2010 - 01:47 AM' timestamp='1267167053' post='2204609'] I understand that simple minds have problems distinguishing between an alliance and an alliances leadership. But I'm going to try and explain this one more time. Leaving BLEU was an alliance wide decision. A vote was held, and the majority voted to leave. If you have an issue with somebody, it's with the alliance MCXA. [/quote] I understand that gullible minds simply cannot comprehend the manner in which the exit was carried out. We have no issues with MCXA leaving BLEU, their alliance, their choice, their decision whether or not to remain in the bloc. But we do have an issue that MCXA tried to spread false rumors regarding another member of the same bloc, trying to get them ejected from BLEU and isolate them on the treaty web. Again, the majority of the voters, which comprised of the active members of MCXA, are now in TSO P.S : a few more announcements from TSO should help my post count on these forums
  25. [quote name='Lord Levistus' date='25 February 2010 - 05:46 PM' timestamp='1267138189' post='2203742'] iFOK was but a tiny portion of the forced aligned against this front. His lack of tact was meant only to humiliate Invicta and serves to belittle the efforts and work put in by the majority of the Alliances involved. If iFOK had come in early, instead of playing the part of the bandwagoner who used a ridiculous ghost oA chain to take advantage of the work already being put in by the other alliances involved, then his claim would perhaps be legit. Still classless, but legit. [/quote] I believe that iFOK along with the rest of stickmen soaked up most of the counter-attacks. Also, they were the first wave on Invicta, Nueva Vida only came in 2 days later.... True that the war effort is not theirs alone, but compared to other alliances of similar size, they did a brilliant job. [quote name='Kn1nJa' date='25 February 2010 - 06:00 PM' timestamp='1267139053' post='2203767'] You FOUGHT for it? Don't make me laugh........ we barely nicked ifok and they ran away crying, never to attack again. NV and NoR on the other hand fought like true warriors. o/ PEACE [/quote] iFOK ran away crying Stickmen did the 1st wave on Invicta. They got countered by quite a few alliances, they timed out, allowing NoR and NV to take over on Invicta. We more or less did it in waves with some pretty good co-ordination between alliances. [quote name='Haflinger' date='25 February 2010 - 06:21 PM' timestamp='1267140324' post='2203826'] None of the six nations that declared on me were below my NS. [/quote] You are a magnet...ppl dont care what their NS is when attacking u [quote name='Jorost' date='25 February 2010 - 06:33 PM' timestamp='1267141015' post='2203850'] Mmm... wine! Well, that was one hell of a war. I hope that, if nothing else, it laid to rest some of the ill will that has been festering for a while. Now we hug it out, !@#$%*es. o/ Peace! [/quote] That it was, missed fighting you in the 2nd wave of the war. I hope the new opponents from NV were just as cordial
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