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Everything posted by TheDave

  1. 49 nations. 49*3 = 157 34 expired/peaced 157-34 = 122 edit: 123 - booze plus math = fail 122= sapre slots Fill up or shut up. kthanxbai
  2. Ah. Fighting 3 sperate alliances must be why your nations with 6k and 5lk soldiers have made a combined failure to put my 2.5k soldier nation into anarchy! <3 see you round 3 <3
  3. Not from MASH. Your big nations are too busy declaring on our mid nations. You smaller nations are declaring on our smallest. Out biggest nations are free from attack.
  4. At 15.7K infra and all economic wonders, buying the border wall would remove more income in citizen loss than you would gain from a better environment
  5. To me it seems that the ratios are significantly more favourable to nations who haven't passed the 12 and 15K infra jumps.
  6. 15,409.99 Infra $28,519,663 income $15,247,794 bills
  7. Well I'm glad we cleared that one up.
  8. I have a 'red' trade I've never had a trouble keeping trades. Not when I was on Maroon, not when I was on Aqua and not now on Blue. I don't see how oil and coal is more acceptable than Gold and Iron. Gold isn't great but it has worked for me as a wilcard in 3BR. Oil and Coal you have to go 5BR and you need someone prepared to accept two environment harming resources.
  9. BG. Please Really, a seml-imposed ban might stop you looking like such a raging imbecile. You're numbers vs numbers / strength v's strenght stats have been rubbished time and time again but you still prattle them off as if they are gospel. No matter how many times you tell the lie it won't make it true.
  10. Good for you. His post doesn't change the fact your alliance got a beating, and you are whining about it
  11. For someone who makes as many topics on the forum abuse board, you'd think you'd have a bit more brains about you.
  12. You'd have had more nations fighting for you if they hadn't ditched the TPF AA right at the start of the war. Honour, Loyalty and Friendship. I lold
  13. Get your cards out. Lets look at the FACTS We had 19 guys in anarchy after our wars with WAPA. We had 27 after your guys attacked, and a second round of fighting with WAPA YOU are claiming responsibility for 20+ anarchies However flashy yourt cards are; YOU ARE WRONG
  14. They went up. Correct. They were at 19 and went up to 27. If you were responsible for every single one you got 8. Not the 20+ you are claiming credit for. Last I looked 2/3rds of your alliance was in anarchy.
  15. Keep replying and by the weekend it will 1000+ You just dont seem to grasp the nations were in anrchy after WAPA, nothing to do with TPF. Oh by the way, as you love anarchy stats so much... TPF has a collection
  16. *Sigh* Yes. Thats right. Th war stats with WAPA topic wasn't a commentary but a prediction of what TPF was going to do to us a full 36 hours later. So how about you either a) stop claiming credit for other peopls work B) stop being such a donkey c) both of the above kthnxbai
  17. They appear to be out of date. Hmm. Actually it appears to be a mix of new and old events/effects
  18. Um, don't flatter yourself. While you weere nowhere to be seen WAPA were fighting us, we were into the teens of anarchy while you were still nowhere to be seen. TPF gets declared on and all of a sudden here you are shouting the odds claiming the credit for a dozen+ anarchy nations while you were nowhere to be seen.
  19. Sadly I can't declare on you, your boy had to resort to nukes in a one on one fight. Don't worry, I'll come for you soon though
  20. Ok. I conceed. GDA can't fight. We are so rubbish at fighting our nations can't even avoid anarchy when being nuked.
  21. You got one thing tight in the first post.
  22. Must be something to do with taking all those WAPA nukes...
  23. So TPF declare war, and you attack. Interesteing MDP you have there, but whatever. More people in the party the better. Fingers crossed the nukes fly. See if I can hit zero stars on environment :lol:
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