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Everything posted by TheDave

  1. Sell your PC and give the proceeds to charity. Sell you console games, TV, DVD, Designer clothes.... Sell it all and give the money away
  2. Of course you shouldn't buy DVD's. You shouldn't have the DVD player to begin with because you gave the money away remember
  3. It would cost me 70 million for 570 infra
  4. 11.6 million or 11 if you switch to Monarchy as your government type. It will definately come in under 10 million if you buy factories as you go along. Possibly under 9 million.
  5. SSS is probably the most profitable but many go with the SM because it is a few days less saving to get. Interstate is usually third or fourth with the DRA taking the slot it doesn't
  6. Whenever the script is run. I've seen it happen a couple of hourse into the day, I've seen nations go to within a couple of hours of 21 days. There is not set time and it doesn't depend on the time the nation was created.
  7. Spies in WW2 were destroying Dams, but to make your point you choose a ridiculously large target to make it. You can have 60 planes delivered ready for use by your nation in a matter of seconds. IRL, who is going to admit that they are spying on another nation? Who is going to admit a spy infiltrated their nation and destroyed a nuke? Nobody. Why don't you also complain about the fact you can build a hospital instantly? Its an added part of gameplay and there are people moaning about how unrealistic is when the majority of the game is unrealistic. Its a simulation, it isn't going to be perfect. You can't have spies steal information on plans to war with other nations because that isnt stored in game. The missions spy can go on have to reflect in-game actions. These are in game actions that will disrupt a nation.
  8. *Bumps* I'm interested. Are there any colour exceptions / time frames for changing colour?
  9. People seem to be living in fantasy land with their views on what spies can accomplish. Not all spies sneak across the border, do their work then leave. Some are working within organisations for years, decades even and leaking information and doing damage from the inside. Henceforth it really isn't that difficult for them to achieve all the things being said they would have no chance to do.
  10. Cancelled for cheating trade slots are used trades slots. You have to wait till it expires
  11. I can't remember all the effects, but I assume by the same oyu mean you also get the 5% infra reduction in which case the Revolutionary govt. is better as alreadty stated. The environment is worth .4 happiness for half a star, so .8 for a whole star.
  12. I'd take them, except my bills would increase and i'd waste an aid slot... no thanks
  13. How easy would it be to code successful spy missions to cause random negative events? For instance - instead of destroying tanks/aircraft they could contaminate the fuel supplies waiting to go into them and then they would require a small (roughly $100 per tank $5,000 + $200xlevel) fee to repair them. However, those units would also be out of action for a set period of days
  14. Spies should be independent of the war system. Spies should not be able to destroy infra bus should be able to steal tech (might also put an end to nations having millions of $$$ worth of infra destroyed so a nation could get 10 tech for free, and would stop retaliatory attacks. There obviously needs to be a way for spies to be unmasked They hould not change religion and they should not not change government. They could, I sduppose reduce happiness by say, instigating a rebellion or a riot but not one significant enough to put you into anarchy. Possible a feature along the lines of stealing efficiency (not in the game calculation sense but in everday working population sense) so for a one time only you could be able to send an additional foreign aid package (please no one suggest the same thing for a trade slot)
  15. Also, Q31 - Is that still a current answer? I thought they couldn't, and missed this in the Update log
  16. Just noticed a typo in Q18. Title is ok but the first line of a reply has "loose". I assume is should be lose.
  17. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=48
  18. Correct location link already given and terrible price.
  19. For future reference you only get a notice if it is manually cancelled. If the nations is deleted through inactivity their is no notice
  20. If you can get someone in your alliance to donate for a flat 3 million then that will be plenty. Otherwise I would say about 5 million. Can't remember to be honest because it was a while ago I passed over it
  21. Try looking in the stickies. Its about an inch away from where this thread currently is (at the top of the list)
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