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Justinian the Mighty

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Everything posted by Justinian the Mighty

  1. ooc: I think he used that on your fleet in the baltic, not on any of your cities. But still poor judgement on Germany's part. Edit: nvm he launched more than 1.
  2. The attack on the Hansa has Slavorussians stunned. The debate over the war is beginning to shift against the Germans. Slavorussians protested in Moscow and demanded that the Slavorussian government put pressure on its allies to stop the use of nuclear weapons. Germany has indeed made it much more dangerous for its allies, especially those without nuclear retaliation. ooc: can you link me to the post where you got nuked please, I must have missed it.
  3. Lol I remember that show, and all the ones you listed. Good times.
  4. What this is about is some people got mad because their merged countries got broken up. Boohoo, cry me a river. My navy got taken away, my colonies sold off by other rpers, half my country was gone when I returned to rping last May, but I dealt with it, and because I did that, my country has a richer history it did before.
  5. “Good Morning Slavorussia. I’m Oleg Mikhailov and you’re watching SNN morning news. Emperor Justinian delivered a speech where he offered Slavorussian support to the nations engaged in the war against Gebiv. In it he warns our enemies that Slavorussia will stand strong and ensure the mission to end tyranny is accomplished. His speech was met with varied response from around the world, some good some bad. Right now we’re we have Stepan Chistyakov from the university of Moscow, Ilya Anisimov a political analyst and former Slavorussian MP and last but not least General Ivan Belyakov joins us live from Minsk.” Mikhailov: Gentlemen what thoughts do you have about the emperor’s speech last night, and do you think he achieved the message he was trying to send? General Belyakov lets start with you. Gen Belyakov: You know, I think in the wake of the nuclear attacks His Majesty wanted to tell our allies that we are still dedicated to the cause. It’s important for us to stand by their side when times are hard. Although we don’t approve of the use of nuclear weapons by our allies we realize they were forced to take such necessary actions against the Gebivan regime. Chistyakov: I’m sorry but I have to disagree. If you ask me I think it was a direct threat to the Gebivan government, but quite frankly if they were concerned about Slavorussian involvement they would have nuked us too. The emperor is just trying to claim some spotlight from the politicians that really run this country, and to that end I think he was successful. Mikhailov: So Mr. Chistykov you think the message was too harsh, but why? What specifically was threatening? Chistyokov: The fact that he’s preparing the military to invade Gebiv is, in my opinion, very threatening. This country fought Nordland to end imperialism in Nordland, and now look at us. We’re talking about invading a country based on speculation only… Gen Belyakov: Speculation only?! There is cold hard evidence of Gebiv’s imperialist intentions. Do I have to remind you of the Switzerland incident? Gebiv is by no stretch of the imagination innocent, any blunder head can see that. Anisimov: I honestly think that the message sent to Gebiv was perfect. He pressured the government for starting a nuclear war, but at the same time tried to console the Gebivan people who are now suffering from the poor decision making of their leaders. Chistyokov: the fact is this whole thing has been handled all wrong. We’re living in a world where there is no diplomacy. World leaders point their guns and make threats and actually expect results. Gen. Belyakov: Nowadays force is the only thing some countries understand. As a soldier I live for war, but as a citizen I wish it could be avoided in some cases, but unfortunately unlike some people here, I live in the real world. I know what steps must be taken to create conditions for peace. Mikhailov: His Majesty seemed to avoid mentioning our RUSSIAN allies in his speech. Do you think that was a good move, or do you think he’s trying to distance ourselves from our RUSSIAN allies. Anisimov: I think it was an expected move, maybe not the route I would have taken but it was expected. We’re not tying to distance ourselves or alienate our allies, it would be foolish to do so. I do wish he had sent a serious message to Estovakia concerning their recent actions, and closing their borders to Slavorussian. I think on their part it was an attempt to pressure Slavorussia and keep us out of the war. Mikhailov: General Belyakov maybe you can answer this question. Are rumors that Estovakia has sent troops to the Hansa to defend them from attack? Gen. Belyakov: that is correct. The Estovakians see it as their duty to defend the Hansa from foreign aggression. Right now there are differing opinions in regard to the war, and we have to tread lightly but I’m sure things will work themselves out. Mikhailov: Gentlemen we have to take a break, but please stay with us. We’ll have more response to His Majesty’s statement or support when we return…
  6. Anything interesting? Besides you starting an OOC thread in an IC forum?
  7. Slavorussia is prepairing to drop food and medical supplies in the Netherlands and Germany to aid those suffering from the emp attacks. Since the Gebivan government is hostile we are unable to help the Gebivan victims of their government's nuclear war. ***Classified*** Slavorussia is converting cargo and cruise ships to transport Soldiers and equipment to Gebiv, as Slavorussia's involvement becomes more and more likely. ooc: since I have no navy i have to wait for a beachhead to be established.
  8. Moscow is abuzz after the devastating attacks in central Europe recently. The debate over whether or not to enter the war against Gebiv is heating up. Most Slavorussians were in favor of war despite the threat of nuclear retaliation by the “cowardly Gebivan government.” In response to the nuclear war iniated by Gebiv Emperor Justinian scheduled to male a live statement to his subjects and the entire world. In the press conference room of the Grand Kremlin Palace a news camera is positioned facing a desk, and behind the desk is a window that gives an amazing view of Red Square. The emperor sits behind the desk reviewing the last minute changes made to his speech. “Your Majesty, you‘re going to be going live on all major Slavorussian news channels and international satellite stations in under a minute, and you‘ll be at the front of the evening news.” said a man standing behind the camera, making a few adjustments. Without looking away from his speech the emperor replies, “yes, just let me know when we’re ready please.” The man begins the countdown to air and gives the emperor the signal to begin speaking to the camera. Emperor Justinian hoped the words that he is about to speak would inspire a sense of patiotism and unity throughout Slavorussia. “Since the sad news of nuclear attacks used in central Europe we have experienced in Slavorussia and throughout Europe a great sense of sadness, fear, and even anger. It has become abundantly clear that after the fall of Nordland, Gebiv has had aspirations of taking over as the single European superpower. This is evident in the hostile actions against their European neighbors in an attempt to silence the freedom loving people who would stand in their way, when the time came for Gebiv to begin their campaign of European conquest. The Gebivan government‘s decision to use nuclear weapons against their invaders is indeed a very cowardly one. Any nation that would initiate a nuclear war is no friend of Slavorussia. By doing so the Gebivan government has put millions of innocent Europeans lives at risk, not only Dutch, German and Gebivan citizens but also Prussian, Byzantine, Welsh, Iberian, Proxian, Slavorussian and many more. Slavorussia cannot sit idly by while the people of Europe are put in danger by the Gebivan government. Therefore the Slavorussian government vows to support the nations involved in the war against Gebiv. Your mission is a noble one. Your actions will free the European people from the tyranny of the past and preserve freedom for future generations. I have called the Slavorussian Imperial Armed Forces to alert. They too may embark on a journey to rid Europe of the Dark Empire which has for so long plagued the continent and gripped it in fear. I can assure our enemies that Slavorussia is no stranger to armed conflict. Our military is among the most well trained and best equipped in the world, and our soldiers resolve is undying and unyielding. When Slavorussians dedicate themselves to a cause they will not slow down, nor will then stop until the mission is accomplished. If necessary we will fight with all our might and even if injured our glorious people will march on. We are united forever under the banner of peace which will bring safety and security. No man should fear for his safety or that of his family, that is our mission. To the Gebivan people you should know the thoughts and prayers of all Slavorussians are with you. We mourn the loss great people and the cities they lived in. We wish such sensless casualties could have been avoided but sadly they could not. Our quarrel is not with you, the Gebivan people, your government is to blame for the devastation of your cities and the death of your loved ones. Join the cause and rid your country of the evil that has invited the wrath of the peace loving nations around the world, and restore your nation to the greatness it once knew. Fight with your neighbors against the corrupt government that oppresses you to end the bloodshed once and for all. While the world sleeps tonight the war will wage on, and lives will be lost, but we mustn’t forget the cause which we have so nobly dedicated ourselves to. The wars we fight today will ensure peace tomorrow. We will leave future generations with a much calmer and safer world than what we inherited. May our allies prevail and know we stand with them in their cause. Let us bring peace to the world for years to come, and let us forge friendships and bonds that will endure the test of time. Good night and God bless.”
  9. Of course Estovakia knows Slavorussian skies and waterways are closed to Estovakian military and civilian transports.
  10. If the maniacal General Mannelig had not authorized the use of nuclear weapons against the Dutch and Germans then there would have been no retaliatory attacks. While there is certainly pity for the Gebivan citizens there is no respect for their government. Perhaps the Gebivan citizens will take this opportunity to reclaim their country from the depraved General Mannelig.
  11. Slavorussians are shocked as images of the nuclear devastation flash across their television screens. Almost instantly the general population, which had in the past been in favor of a war against Gebiv, changed their opinion. Now there was an overwhelming fear the Riga, Minsk, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Rostov or any other major Slavorussian city could be next. But their fear would quickly turn to anger, and their anger would turn to resolve. Any respect Slavorussians had for Gebivans was exhausted by the evil General Mannelig’s actions.
  12. As a rule im generally against any weapon that isn't in use today. That includes, but is not limited massive emp weapons, rod guns (or whatever), coil guns, mechs, power suits, phaser guns, plasma guns, orbital fighters, nuclear powered tanks, (lolwut?) cloaking devices, laser cannons and particle beams. This is just so that the next time this arguement comes up nobody cries and says I never had a problem with it before.
  13. Slavorussia is embarking on a journey to rid the world of evil and preserve peace and democracy for future generations. We understand that some countries are afraid to fallow us where we are about to go, and would rather shield themselves from the repercussions of taking on such a monumental task. Although we do not ask nor require our allies to fallow us down the present path to universal peace, this slap in the face by our "allies" will not be easily forgotten. ooc: Pretty much everything a government does with it's military is classified which means the information about their movements and equipment is restricted to people with required clearance. So, no. And everyone can stop saying "you can't hide a big army like that dur..." because it's annoying. kthxbai.
  14. ooc: I feel like a noob I dont even have ships to transport my soldiers ic: Prime Minister Kolesnikov brief statement: It is important for the world to know Slavorussia is a nation dedicated to defending the nations of Europe from the oppressive and expansionist regimes that seek to subjugate the great European citizens. Together with our allies we will preserve the stability of our great continent for future generations.
  15. ooc: You're too late. Hes been torn to shreads.
  16. The glorious Imperial Slavorussian Army will march over the corpses of your sad pathetic excuse for a terrorist organization, and you will learn not to disturb the mighty bear that is Slavorussia.
  17. If ridding the world of evil terrorists organizations like yours is your definiton of racism then so be it.
  18. The Andonian mercenaries are terrorists, they threatened jihad against the entire world and they will be tracked down and destroyed. Any ship carrying Andonians in Slavorussian waters will be stopped and confiscated. Planes carrying Andonian terrorists will be grounded and if they refuse they will be shot down. Slavorussia has a zero tolerance policy towards terrorism, and armed Andonians will be treated as such. ooc edit: holy crap! I didn't see that coming.
  19. With this statement Andonia has sealed it's fate. Threatening the world will not bring more people to your cause. Your threats have been taken seriously by the Slavorussian people, and we will not allow Andonia to survive long enough to carry out these threats. Slavorussia fully supports the Dutch Empire's mission and we pledge to send imperial troops to aid them if they require our assistance. If Andonia retracts their threats they may be able to avoid disaster. EDIT: Am I allowed to have transport ships without an ingame navy?
  20. ooc: I overlooked that little detail, maybe everyone else did too. As far as "player's wishes" I don't remember any fuss being made over it, but then again I tend to forget things.
  21. ooc: because not everyone rp's the end. Maybe everyone assumed it just automatically happened.
  22. Slavorussia has high hopes for the new states already formed and those to be formed in the future from the Gebivan decline. The nations of Europe should come together to make sure Gebivan territories don’t descend into complete anarchy
  23. ooc: is he using a 100x multiplier or something? I checked his nation and he only has 20,000 soldiers. Using the 10x rule he only has a 200,000 man army.
  24. ooc: I'm not sure what you're trying to say, but ill defend to your death your right to say it.
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