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Cosmic Chocolate

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Everything posted by Cosmic Chocolate

  1. You've worked with GKs multis. Your point is invalid. Without proof of them being his spies and without seeing they legit spied on you other than what seems to be a fake picture. That's like going for a warrant with some random guys word there's something in a house. We need some sort of evidence or else it's he said she said. Why do you think Alex was so hard to catch. It was he said she said
  2. What I also find funny is the threats you are making. Is your alliance aware of the crap coming out of your mouth?
  3. Actually this has been in the works for a few days now. Would you like logs? Your name keeps popping up but I dont see how your relevant to VGs worries? Got an issue I'll be here all day.
  4. Worst Batman ever..play super hero when it only directly involves ISX...
  5. I see a blurry picture. The peace terms say war. An internal leak isn't covered per say. you can't entirely prove that GK is the multi who created the nation that started the war. Hardly concrete evidence I'm afraid.
  6. What you believe and what happened can be 2 different things. So which is it? Was spies sent to you by GK? Is it concrete? Junka you seem to talk about the coalition dealing with them breaking the NAP but when it's one of us breaking it all you care about is ISX didn't do it. Why not end the issue instead of throwing your hands up like it isn't your problem.
  7. Cats Guard the Gateway to HeavenA dynamic MDoAP treaty between Varangian Guard and Apocalypse MeowSection One: Defense"Heilir hildar til, Heilir hildi frá, Koma þeir heilir hvaðan" "Healthy to battle! Healthy from battle! Healthy they go, where ever they come"Any threat to either alliance will be met with strong and combined efforts, by diplomacy or by other means, both will act as one force.Section Two: Offense"Me er eit gamalt tre Med nysprungne knoppar" "We are an ancient tree With fresh blossoms"In the event an external conflict must be met with force, both alliances should communicate intent but neither are bound to directly dive into the jungle. In the event one goes to war and the other does not, aid and trade is expected to be kept and all communications between both alliances should be priority to allow for military preparation if such action was decided.Section Three: Non-Agression"Vin sínum skal maðr vinr vera" "A man must be a friend to his friend"It goes without saying, we both agree to not hold hostile actions, thoughts, dreams or spells against each other. Signed for Apocalypse Meow: Lord Darrin, Commandant Nord Bella, Sergeant Major Signed for Varangian Guard: Jack Layton Morphine
  8. Ok glad we are all on the same page just making sure it's an even playing field! anytime I'll be here all night
  9. Or one could say you are just one of those paranoid tin foil hat wearing people...I got with that...(not a fan of Junka before you think I'm defending him)
  10. Well my work here is done. He doesn't like me! I can sleep easy knowing that someone in life hates me! Thanks buddy!
  11. Game says it can't find me email or username even though I've played the last few rounds. If i try to make a new one it says we aren't accepting new players new round starts in -266 days... whats up? name is Lord Darrin
  12. Not sure that's the tears you're tasting. Does it taste a little salty?
  13. Thanks for the clarification. A baby farting gives me more relevant information than you do. You shouldn't of come back. No one care if you leave.
  14. abused slapped and spit on? You are just like Hardin you think one war means anything. Look at M inc now. Chopped down to nothing. Their leader abandoned them. Their bloc abandoned them. You guys are the meaning of abused slapped and spit on. Good try though. I have abunch of low tier fighters against abunch of wonder filled nations who do you think is going to win 9/10? You must of Forgot to check that stat huh?
  15. I told your friends you want some I'll be here all day. Come at me. until then know this. LH cancelled the treaty because I did my job in pushing him a way. Not to mention the kick from our channel in that chat. So if anything said we cancel the treaty that should of been it. i just let him have his moment of relevancy so he can feel like he actually means something.
  16. "Just Lord Darrin trying to be relevant" LH makes Lord Darrin relevant in a post that has nothing to do with him. Thanks for doing something I never cared about good job
  17. It's a shame you didn't know the agreement lol..but there was no timeline on cancellations and if Nord would have acted when I spoke we would have cut you sooner. I made my agreement with land and out my faith in land not hitchcock.
  18. False. I told Land the moment we signed this if war was to happen we would decide for us whether A) it was a fight we deems worthy of them picking or B) do we want to help them. I said no guarantee on help from us unless you get attacked over something totally not your fault. It's in the treaty or should be just didn't read right. Trust me. We covered all ground
  19. All I see is the tears running down your face.. you really enjoy crying that much
  20. just happened again..same target as Eviljak...no one nuked..97% odds..nothing
  21. i would hesitate to type with that statement if i was you...here*
  22. did you expect more? because you should of seen that coming at the beginning of the conflict.
  23. i wouldnt say someone.. tht was a waste of my life..ok we will see..so far im not impressed. i dont know when you will learn you are here bc we share a common hatred...you..
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