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Everything posted by der_ko

  1. In order to build a new world you need to destroy the old world.
  2. Nukes destroy a good amount of land.
  3. You mean the day or two Valhalla fought until the NPO bailed them out?
  4. OOC: The vast majority of the 100 million!!! murdered by Communism!!! starved to death. If we apply the same murder standards to capitalism, who do you think has the higher body count? IC: Good luck with this. May you keep the undesirables (Lol) out of NoR this time.
  5. You tend to make horrible decisions when you believe you are much stronger they you actually are.
  6. Yes, I remember you rattling GPAs cage a number of times so they'd drop below the NPO, and as soon as they did, you immediately declared war. Pure coincident, am I rite?
  7. While I have no goverment insight in MK, I can safely say a MDP with the NPO would not have gone over well with the general membership and Archon is not one to make highly controversial moves against the wishes of the people.
  8. It's not like we could possible anticipate the Hegemony giving up on day 1. This was the most even war in CN since GW3, but when the Hegemony embraces defeatism before Karma even fired a shot it's going to seem a lot more loopsided then it really is.
  9. All of the core Hegemony needs to be thoroughly beaten up. I don't really care much about reps unless the enemy is purposely sitting in peace mode to avoid punishment. Those who sit in peace mode need to give up their tech as a substitute for not taking any damage in the war.
  10. You're demanding a service (protection) without paying for it (joining an alliance). Why should anyone protect you when you are unwilling to return the favour?
  11. OOC: To use a RL example. You don't want to pay taxes (join an alliance), but you want the goverment (an alliance) to grant you rights/protection. Planet Bob will never be talior suited after your needs and desires. Get over it.
  12. I see no reason to allow the NPO to decide my alliance policies.
  13. You are very lucky to get away this easy, OG. You'd be wise to remain loyal to those who bailed you out.
  14. Apparently they didn't try very hard as your alliances is still intact. If they cared that much you wouldn't be at peace now would you?
  15. Bookmarked for the next time Valhalla tries to hide the fact they are cowards.
  16. Added a very importent term for the sanity of the community.
  17. I don't think anyone expected the Hegemony to roll over so quickly. We all thought this would be an even and long war, but the Hegemony proved themselves too incompetent to fight an enemy of equal size.
  18. I don't see any hypocracy. What comes around goes around. If your sins are great then so will your punishment be. If you have not commited any great sins you will not be punished greatly (see all the white peace agreements karma has given out). The problem with the NPOs behaviour is that their punishment has no correlation to the 'crime' commited against them. In the NPO there is only the punishment of death regardless of the 'crime' (see VietFAN 2 and the GATO war).
  19. Is this really the best you can come up with?
  20. Why should he do that? You are completely different alliances by your own admission.
  21. You betrayed my side twice. I am not going to miss you.
  22. Who's asking for "forced" disbandment? The brutal truth is that NPO is forcing karmas hand when it comes to their inevtible peace terms. Read up on GW1 if you don't understand why the NPO won't be given white peace.
  23. How selfish of you to deny your fellow pacifians the blast of war by ordering them into peace mode then.
  24. That's not my call to make, but if it was, I would not consider the Hegemony defeated until they bring out the vast "reserves" they keep in hippy mode to fight.
  25. Until the Hegemony is defeated.
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