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Everything posted by der_ko

  1. MKs friends are nothing like the NPO and if they were I would no longer support them. If TPF so thouroughly supports the NPO then you deserve the same fate as them. TPF will never again be in a position of great power and influence. You will become a small to medium power post war and I expect you'll still hang around the battered old Hegemony reminiscing about the good old days.
  2. TPF keeping their pet protectorate treaties are moot since you cannot possible honor them.
  3. I'm glad you admit the only difference between TPF and a 1 man alliance is your member count. The reason no one respects the wishes of a 1 man alliance isn't because of their member count, it's because they are unable to back up their word. This is why TPF treaties are a non-factor. If you truly wish to help your protectorates you should tell them to seek a new protector and not string them along because of your misguided sense of pride.
  4. How are you different from a 1 man alliance in that regard?
  5. California is not protected. Just because you say they are doesn't make it so. If a 1 man alliance says alliance X or nation Y is under his protection, would TPF respect that? Of course not, no one would, because a 1 man alliance is incapable of protecting anyone. The same principle applies to TPF. You are incapable of protecting anyone, hence, TPFs protection of California is moot.
  6. Don't forget to order out your remaining top nations from peace mode.
  7. The decent thing to do is for TPF to drop all their protectorates since they are just giving the protectorate a false sense of security given TPFs complete inability to enforce said treaty.
  8. Really? This coming from the paper tiger coalition the Hegemony? All you've done in the past are curb stomps and you crapped your pants at the first sight of an even war. Are you sure you want to go down this road? Note: I don't think TPF is a paper tiger, but the vast majority of the Hegemony certainly are.
  9. ^ This IMO, VE is a de facto Superfriend.
  10. I hate TPF for not bringing out their top nations from peace mode within a week. *cough*
  11. Luckily for Vox you're not in a very good bargaining position.
  12. This war peaked at around 1-1.6 in karmas favour. This war was nothing like the 15-1 curb stomps the hegemony regularly participated in, but I agree winning this war is not much to brag about, considering the staggering incompetence displayed by the Hegemony. You gave up before Karma even fired a shot, lol.
  13. Not giving alliances what they deserve really defeats the purpose of "karma", don't you think? The bad thing about the hegemony wasn't that they gave out crippling peace terms, but that they did so without any reason. Alliances who never did anything to anyone were forced into a losing war due to treaty obligations were routinely enslaved by the harshest peace terms imagineable. The hegemony never bothered to take into account the "crime", the punishment was always death in their book. Valhalla is anything but innocent, and they if anyone, deserve harsh peace terms.
  14. I love how you Hegemony kids believe being slightly outnumbered is a beatdown. Don't blame us for your incompetence.
  15. Karma apparently believes in extremely light terms. Hegemony are the ones who believe in extremely harsh terms. Inb4 anything other then white peace is extremely harsh.
  16. It would make it much harder, yes.
  17. Of course Valhalla will be looking for revenge. Does anyone honestly believe these people will ever change? All you've accomplished by letting Valhalla go with a slap on the wrist is shorting their road to revenge. I cannot in my wildest dreams imagine what you were thinking.
  18. I can't speak for Polar, but MK gained around 20 members in the last war when everyone expected us to never get peace.
  19. Would the NPO have created the Revenge doctrine in their current position?
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