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Edward Curella

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Everything posted by Edward Curella

  1. Whatever floats your boat. Once the 2nd exodus started - the NoV war had long been initiated and NoV itself was hardly an opponent. While I disagreed with the reasoning behind that war - I can assure you it was never the motivating factor for all the resignations. I remember Geopet having a great time while reading your posts and how you believed it was all about NoV when in fact...it wasn't. But yeah - sure. If it helps you feel better or important - go for it. The decisions made by leadership at the time to leave the war should in no way represent how the general members faced the conflict. If you're going to take TPF's military power at the time as the general rule - keep in mind you are referring to Gantan, JBone, Chinatownbus and many others who we all know to be passionate about war. It's amazing how quickly everyone assumes TPF had no balls in that war - when I know many who have fought in that conflict in the best way they could. All of them were never willing to abandon the battle field and only did so because the decision making body at the time thought it was appropriate given the reason. Even if I were to take your logic as valid, you're forgetting one small detail. TPF's membership nowadays is completely different from its membership from two years ago. Unless you believe every single TPF member should carry over things done by people who were in this alliance long before them. I'm perhaps silly - but I do tend to give people the benefit of the doubt. So far, our members have been showing great resolution and determination - I can only admire them for it.
  2. You have your facts wrong. First exodus happened before the NoV war, so hardly related. Second exodus (which I was part of) happened after the NoV war. Sorry - but it had nothing to do with NoV. The fact that TPF managed to hold together, keep its sanction for one more year after the 1st exodus and still have a solid membership and solid numbers means there's capable and hard-working people in its ranks - who are willing to fight for this alliance till the gates of hell and actually have fun while doing so. And seriously - the entire jibber jabber about UJP is sort of becoming boring and old. It happened what....two years ago?
  3. What's up? Having a great time. It's a shame war took so long to happen Overall, nuking people, poking mhawk and making fun of JBone. Hope you guys are having a good time - though I'm sure you are.
  4. The signature was meant to describe the fronts we were fighting on back one week ago. Considering we have stopped wearing it for a while now should mean it's somewhat outdated. However, as far as /A\/A\'s name in it - there was one particular /A\/A\ nation hitting a TPF member. Considering the signature was not describing only proper DoW's on our alliance but rather all wars our members were fighting on - it seemed appropriate. Now, you may argue one member does not represent your entire alliance - however - there was still a state of war between one TPF member and one /A\/A\ member. Considering this signature is old and the wars have long expired and been deleted - you can go ahead and try to paint what I'm saying as a lie or whatever.
  5. You will be missed, TP. It's a shame this happened.
  6. Slayer, I had a great time visiting your basement. OOC: Have fun IRL and you will be missed. <3
  7. Nicely done, mhawk. I was never particularly a fan of the EZI/PZI practice. Keeping people from playing the game forever is petty and childish.
  8. Thanks for that Stock Market. Nice to see you are still around, Kal. You're probably right. Edit to add : Nik is still around.
  9. You will be missed. Thanks for 2 great years. o/
  10. Not really the thread for this, since well...it's all about Soldier being part of the family - but if you really wanna know, just query. Once again, congrats Soldier.
  11. TPF: Formal Protectorate : Aquitaine General Protectorates: Ninja's Will Pwn You California Pandemonium AOD Brigade
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