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Posts posted by Devialance

  1. Monster Inc relationships aren't measured in treaties, if you weren't already aware.

    Sure, we shall see wont we, You do know M inc would have turned their backs on you within one second if SPATR or Bones requested it, M inc only went to war with SNX due to being bored or hating SNX, the second they had another fight they moved on very quickly, you mean nothing to M inc so yeah whatever Meth rage on 

  2. Unless an alliance admits defeat or falls apart, they can't be defeated completely. We all happen to be immortal, even if strength varies.


    Regardless my statements are true on you having Galerion announce a separate declaration of war in support of those fighting BONES & SPATR, so your actions seem out of touch with what others in Doom want. Which is why other than a few nations still attacking because they never got the memo you guys are on your own or don't have anybody else to fight; SNX support has crumbled despite WC being a little out of touch with how most of Doom feels about this war.


    I know SPATR & Kaskus are both tough alliances, so I'll deal with the enemy in front of me and I'll trust them to deal with theirs. For those who don't turn on me first, I don't turn on my friends and allies. So deciding to break the white peace in progress with Monsters Inc while trying to get us to peace out without them only ensured no peace. I don't betray those who help me & I told Monsters Inc to feel free to help whoever they thought needed it; since we already had the advantage before you suddenly tried joining the side who's fighting SPATR.


    Although your actions just put you on a unique side of your own, where nobody can trust you. I'd rather fight you head on than have you try stabbing me in the back as I'm fighting someone else again.


    A short reworded post coming.

    Hi I am Methrage, I have no idea what anyone is thinking but will claim I do, I have personally messaged everyone in DK and i know how they all feel so listen to me, I am great, and when I am proven to be a liar I will ignore it and make out with my life size cut out of Junka as i simply can not keep him out of my dreams.

    Have a nice day all

  3. Good luck. With SNX making an extra DoW on Monsters Inc for assisting you guys with WFF; we are sort of fighting on a same side due to SNX trying to bandwagon the other side while still attacking us. We'll make sure to minimize how much SNX can interfere by not letting them get away with peacing out while claiming to attack Monsters Inc for other reasons.


    So even if SNX isn't on your list, they deserve to be just as much as The Gramlins (if not more); although we'll help Monsters Inc deal with SNX. (Just as they were helping us deal with them before Monsters Inc felt more needed in assisting you guys)


    o/ War

    You are funny, Kaskus has a MDoAP with SPATR, M inc has a nap and a personal agreement with Bones, M inc and SNX was at war way before this war even happened.

    The fact you try to twist that so it some how benefits you is laughable, do you really think anyone in SPATR gives a rats ass about you meth, I will help you out, no they do not.

    In truth apart from Animals, M inc (who i personally believe also do not care about you at all they just wanted a fight), and Sigrun Vapneir (Who seems to enjoy riding your banana boat a little to much if you ask me), no one likes you, you have any idea how much support I am getting for the action I am taking, its funny really, how you believe you are so loved yet people you have named as those who support you have messaged me offering support for when we finally meet.

    I want to help you Methrage, take a few days away from the OWF, think carefully about what it is you really want, then come back and read your posts and maybe you will understand just a little why so many simply just hate you.

  4. Except you're encouraging bad behavior, trying to teach him if he breaks a NAP; he can still expect another to be signed & it ultimately doesn't matter.


    I don't know who's idea it is to try ending every conflict with a treaty, but never again. You encouraging Junka to reject white peace in a conflict he's started will ensure SNX remains a constant money sink for you guys. I've given up discussing peace with him and his demanding attitude; I like to be a little more selective on who I sign with & SNX has rejected every reasonable end to this war. So don't blame me for Junka's stubbornness.

    You do understand that WC was talking about my request, So I have to ask myself why would you quote WC talking about my request, then change that to seem like she was talking about SNX NAP with Animals?, this reminds me of the time you claimed DK had agreed peace until WC came along and stated that was not the case then you back tracked, now you are taking her words that are made referring to my request and twisting them.

    Also lets dig in to the NAP shall we, SNX cancelled it, the first war was Animals attacking SNX, so maybe you should teach Animals how to follow a treaty, now I understand its hard to teach Animals to act with manners and grown ups like humans but please do try, we have faith in you methrage, you can do it

  5. Is it really an upgrade when it turns into an ODoAP? Some might say the option to assist is always there.


    Anyways nice to you're rewarding his unprovoked aggression against the LPC, voiding a peace treaty with aNiMaLz, openly plotting against us, attacking me & him voiding the peace suddenly with Monsters Inc after they declared to assist SPATR.


    Between the aNiMaLz treaty getting voided & the Monsters Inc peace getting voided, I have my doubts Junka understands what peace is.


    To put it bluntly, you are not important enough for anyone to really care about. so what if SNX attacked you, the truth is no one cares so the fact you bring this up proves no one cares, so please get over yourself already.

    Came here expecting more hershey and left disappointed.

    Hershey is locked in my dungeon, you have any idea how painful a coconut enema is?, some say it was an accident, however I know Lord Hershey forced that pain upon me.


    My god, Methrage, I understand this inevitably comes as a surprise but not everything is about you. Give it up and for the betterment of CN go away already!

    Congrats, DK and SNX. :)


    Only if the forum would like us ignore a poster, my world would be easier that's for sure :) (This is where i now get loads of posts showing me how, then happy days :) )

    For the betterment of CN, Kashmir should disband. No real reason to have you here considering how fast you ran into pm over threats... From who? Polar? Nordeich? Regardless, you've mouthed off to both and cowar like the sad alliance which you are.

    And quit stalking methrage.

    Also, congrats on the op treaty.

    I still recall the time Bones had to bail you out from NpO, I guess then would have been a good time for you to disband also :)


    I don't remember signing this!

    I mean, I approve of whatever it is... but I don't remember anyone running it by me...


    Edit: BIRDO!

    EDFD, the issue is we did come to you, however you was busy eating dust and we all know what happens after that so we ran from the mushroom cloud :P

  6. Junka has about 159.03 infra, 2.57 tech, he's broke & has 0 troops. I'm still comfortably sitting above 1k infra & 100t, around where I've been for a long time; except now I'm not fighting a war on an extra front with GOONS. So I think this war has been a complete failure for SNX & continues to be.


    If they wanted to put off my rebuild a little bit longer, they've managed that at a huge cost.

    Soon you will fight me and not Junka, you will not have a rebuild, wonder how well you will do vs someone who has way more cash, more wonders and know how to fight, like most you will fall and give up as you are only able to beat people without wonders.

  7. The fastest way to reach him would be fighting, yet I don't see you fighting. I also see your aid history empty, so like always you are all talk. No action, ever.

    See this is why people laugh at you, sending out secret aid to sell down faster, if you have any  idea about the game you would understand that.

    Also I will stick to my plan and the way i plan on dropping my NS do not worry Meth you will not last long and you will surrender to me or we will fight until the world ends as i will never give you peace unless you surrender. 

  8. At least you announced separate from that Pandora's Box/GOONS announcement, which brought back memories of a darker time. With DK members like Devialance visibly upset & others already openly questioning why DK wasn't already involved in the Sengoku thread; it will be interesting to see how this plays out in the coming days or weeks.


    I am not upset, just pointing things out, not sure I have to be upset about that, However its been proven many times you lie about things to make a point so your word is worthless.


    Thank you both deeply for your concerns regarding deployment strategy. You raise excellent points and we will be altering The Plan accordingly.

    Nah no point, we all know how quickly IRON turn on its allies, so please stick to your normal plan and when NPO is going to lose (not this war but they will lose like before) you will find a way to flip sides as normal.


    He's not upset otherwise he would be straight there with the others in disgust, but he is still busy looking for his man card.

    I am not upset, nor am i looking for anything, i say what i see and right now i see a scared little rebel, meth and co looking for ways to take views off the fact you are losing enough said

  9. Dear lord, what have we done to piss you off now? Everyone deep down inside, sekretly is a tech hugger :P, well, other then the eternal farms. 

    Then why am i giving away all my tech to enjoy myself nuking meth and Animals until they are unable to wake without nukes

  10. Expected. Matt Miller has been in peace mode for a few days now, so it was clear what was coming I'm sure.

    I Hope Oculus understand they wont bring Bones and co down by hiding the nations who should be fighting right?, i recall the term infra huggers but it seems we have tech huggers now also.

  11. Regardless, even if we had higher NS nations in the fight; with your entire upper tier in peace mode there would be no one to fight up there anyways. Only 3 out of your top 20 aren't already in peace mode.

    Well it would give me a target, and many of my friends would then have a target, the reason SNX nations are in peace mode has nothing to do with LN, Minc or Animals, damn all three of those alliances added together does not even match my own NS, why do you act all high and mighty when you cant do shit ?

  12. Does anybody else feel that the phrase "Imperial Decree" is being abused???

    I mean... I sometimes see some 3 Nations Alliances posting "Imperial Decrees".... Aren't you meant to have a HUGE power as to post an "Imperial Decree"?

    I don't think that Alliances which are not places in, say, the top 10 Alliances list or *special cases* that we've seen in the history of small Alliances with a HUGE power due to treaties of political or military influence....

    But if you have a 30 nations Alliance with an average NS and you are not *special* in the treaty web... should you use the expression "Imperial Decree"?

    I think the only alliance that has the right to use the term Imperial Decrees is NPO, everyone else just seems like a copy cat to me

  13. I'm not scared of IRON & I know one member doesn't represent them all. There are others who I have friendly relations with is all & I don't get worked up over the opinion of an individual in a big alliance like IRON.

    I see so if someone is in a big alliance they can treat you like shit and its ok as you are scare of a big alliance, not i understand you, I guess this explains why you enjoy staying at 10k or below NS with all those wonders, you only like to fight the smaller guys.

    Thanks for clearing that up.

  14. Aren't Umbrella fighting to protect GOONS?


    How so, did you not claim you single handily disbanded goons, if this is true then by all counts how can Umbrella be protecting an alliance that you claim has already disbanded unless your claim about GOONS is a lie like your claim on everything else?



    First Umbrella were cowards for not fighting and now NPO are cowards because Umbrella is fighting. I'm starting to get worried, at this rate we're going to quickly run out of allies for everyone to call cowards and then whatever shall we do?


    I never called NPO cowards, NPO are not cowards most likly one of the smartest alliances within the world, they are smart enough to get puppets like Umbrella to do what they want done without NPO taking any damage.

    So again it seems you make claims based on nothing but things you pick out of thin air, seems you and Meth are alike maybe you should both have a treaty of the dumbest alliances.

    I gave up on him making sense ages ago, if anything he's the coward for being all bark on the side lines; rather than actually fighting for once.

    You gave up, you claim you had disbanded GOONS then claim Umbrella are protecting them, You claim DK came to an agreement with you over the war again that was untrue, You claim SNX are losing again something else that is untrue.

    Have you ever been able to tell the truth

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