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Posts posted by Devialance

  1. snx1_zpsvvdjoxmm.jpg
    16 out of their top 20 nations are hiding in peace mode. Nervous much? Also they can't keep sending aid from peace mode.

    Been there & done that. IRON has a wide range of outspoken members, but overall I think they are a good alliance and come to see them as more friend than foe in the aftermath of the Karma War. Rhizoctonia is entitled to an opinion without representing all of IRON.

    Wow what back tracking, who is scared now lol, you worried IRON might want to slap that taste out of your mouth lol



    So....we're cowards because we don't fight....but we are fighting super-tier nations....and you are rejoicing at that but still assuming we're cowards.  When we're doing essentially what no one else has the desire to do.


    Well you are still kind of cowards, after all you was sent in by NPO so that your top tier will burn and not theirs, that alone is an act of a coward, but i wonder if you truly thought this out, sure NPO have been known to hold a grudge and not following orders given means you will be on the list of alliances to take out, but in the end would NPO do half the damage to your top tier that Bones and Co will do, I think not.

  3. Then SNX can fight us without complaint, this is war of their choosing and they refused white peace. I'm perfectly happy with that public narrative, as we go back to war & stop with the nonsense talk of peace.

    I do not see anyone from SNX complaining, all I see is you banging on about white peace, i see nothing from SNX.

    Are you sure it is not you who are begging for white peace so you are not forced to surrender ?

  4. My terms are simpler, now the whole OWF is witness to the fair offer being given to SNX.


    If they don't accept, nobody can complain if we war them until they surrender & accept terms; even if their stubbornness causes them to get destroyed first.

    You can not destroy them are you that high on your own meth?, plus i am pushing for SNX to keep you at war until you give up, the funny thing is the more and more you spam "now the whole OWF is witness to the fair offer being given to SNX." makes the whole OWF believe you are the ones who want peace, you are the ones losing and pushing for peace to get out o this war before it ends you.

    But its ok keep trying to tell the world you are winning when you are only capable of hitting what the bottom 30% of the SNX a total of 20 nations, its laughable that you claim you are winning lol

  5. Honestly Rey I like you, but what is your point? Like you contribute nothing but stupid comments. You do nothing. Your alliance does nothing. Your just a waste. It's sad. Nobody even cares what you say. You suck at war I smashed you 8 times while fighting fake goons and KoRT. Stay off our threads honor. Let's stay friends yeah? I don't care who your protectors are. You disrespect fam again I'll have to pull down your pants and spank your little bottom blue.

    With your 500 ns you spank away lol

  6. Its clear from talking with Junka, he needs an ultimatum or he will continue to push for what he's never going to get. How much more simple can I make it for him than either he wants peace or he doesn't. No strings attached

    I have some peace terms for you.

    1) Never talk about SNX in anyway, in public as behind closed doors i do not care i just wish you would stay behind closed doors.
    2) You admit to defeat, you admit you had bitten off more than you can chew
    3) You stop demanding any alliance change leadership or color
    4) You stay off the OWF for at least 12 months.

    You agree to these terms, these very simple terms and I swear i will stop selling my tech to drop to your level and spend the next year just nuking you, the thing is you are nothing you have lost this war your nations are ripped apart and you are all fighting below 1k ns and you think you have won, are you joking me.

  7. I think we are all missing a pretty big thing here.


    And that is that the first Imperial Decree Frawley made as an Emperor was a DoW.


    That is a stylish beginning I can get behind

    Was it really a DoW?, if it is then this is the worst DoW in the history of NPO, what 5 NPO nations have hit the lowest nations in SP&TR, no one in NPO has hit any of the tech heavies ?, silly me i forgot NPO would rather their allies burn in that effort.

  8. What i think everyone has failed to take in to account is that Sengoku did not want this war, most of those who are at war have zero troops and zero tanks, it clearly was a half assed attack, they are clearly waiting on someone from NPO to give the go ahead for spineless people in IRON to take action.

    I do find it funny how so many people are hailing this, and saying go get them yet none had the balls to do anything else but paper support that means nothing, We all know that if this war stays Bone's and Co VS Sengoku, then Sengoku has already lost and their lack of troops clear proves that.

    Anyway good luck all.

  9. (3/11/2016 7:18:06 PM) hartfw sanctioned rileyaddaff of legalized with trade and foreign aid sanctions for the reason of IRON request.


    (3/11/2016 11:15:10 PM) untouchable sanctioned hartfw of NoSpecialCharacters with trade and foreign aid sanctions for the reason of Pink is free of sanctions.


    Even if not on the AA, rileyaddaff is a known DK member; so I'm not sure why SPATR would start a sanction war to assist them. So I'm kind of split on what to think of this.


    Again another post by the great Methhead, i am sure he came up with this all on his own, 


    speaking of being active are u still actively selling down to teach us all a lesson or have u lightened up a little and ur not so mad anymore. I have been reading cn wiki and these forums all weekend im so addicted its like the first time I saw youtube!! I read all ur threats and I couldn't believe u would waste so much money and tech but I do get that ur so so very bored collecting taxes, paying bills, and do tech deals I haven't seen u fight ever so.....I hope though u have changed ur mind and we can be friends :awesome:  maybe we can do tech deals!! that be grrrrrreat! u seem like a cool guy and I respect the loss of ur money and tech to come fight in wars but imo methrage would kick ur culo baby boy but u never know that's whats cool about life anything can happen so u just wait and see :popcorn: like this decree from the new pacific order isn't it cool? pacific order is so cool. I'm cool ur cool we all cool :war:

    this is not the topic for your butthurt tbh,



    Forgive Deliverance, he's a junka supporter (that should explain it)

    The truth is I am not lol, I would rather put Junka, you, meth all in one room and lock the door and not let any of you out again.


    About as long as it takes you all to realize you engage in all this bluster in defense of Junka. Say that to yourself REALLY slowly. 

    I know why we engaged, unlike ODN we are going to honor our treaties :), and no matter how dumb it might seem at the start of this war we had a treaty with SNX to protect them.

  13. It's sad that Doom friendly alliances like NoR and GLoF for example have to suffer due to the loss of tech sellers because of this war. Alliances who have nothing to do this must now be inconvenienced all in the name of Junka's ego. 


    As soon as we are done decimating SNX we will resume our tech deals, so it's not that serious, but all the collective annoyances combined, and how it effects innocent people is notable.

    Trust me your 15 nations are not holding anything up, there are 385 ish nations on brown alone loads are doing tech deals so do not worry your little head about that i am sure everyone is getting the tech they want and need :).

    I do however find it funny you believe you are so important that your what 15 nations (Animals, LN and Minc) would hold up anyone from buying tech LOL, 

  14. Since when are tech deals labeled as "war aid" unless you're saying all that war aid sent to SNX is actually a loan that requires future payment in tech...

    So what is it war aid as labeled or a loan which matures and makes SNX tech slaves the longer the war goes on as more and more loans are taken out?

    I'm going to go with the prior :)

    When haven't tech deals been labeled war aid?, we all know buying tech is cheap, we also know that doing a tech deal 9m for 100 tech gives you what 7.5m extra cash for the war you are fighting ?.

    When did the rules change on this, I know I have had some time away from the world but any aid sent to a nation at war is used to fight that is war aid no matter how you label it or how you repay that nation for sending you cash?

    Or are you saying its ok as long as you label it tech ?

  15. Recieves hundreds of millions of aid, still outdamaged (decisively) by m inc

    Really hundreds of millions, could most of it not simply be tech deals?, after all that's what you claim all your aid is about is it not?, Also so what if they get aid that's what happens when you have allies and friends you can count on is it not?.

    If you do not see that, you might want to get a new group of friends just saying.

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