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Posts posted by Devialance

  1. 50 minutes ago, Immortan Junka said:


    The political pressure I'm referring to is General Gorgoth resigning despite having done nothing wrong in signing this treaty.


    I can't tell if the political pressure was a result solely of internal instability or threats by foreign actors, but it's something I'm hoping to find out.

    Personally I think General Gorgoth resigned after finding out what a huge mistake it was to have TGE ever tired to you.

  2. 1 hour ago, General Gorgoth said:

    Oh I know a little bit about politics, that's why it was only a ODoAP and not a MDoAP ;) But yeah that was the main reason a partner to avoid raids.

    So let me understand this, you know Junka is the worst leader ever and has gotten SNX rolled many times, you are willing to put your alliance at risk so you do not get raided, I am shocked there are so many alliances out there that would offer you a good deal without the risk of getting rolled for being linked to Junka. I know alliances that will treaty you for tech deals (I am sure Junka has already put that in play on you) 

  3. 10 minutes ago, AlmightyGrub said:


    I don't need to oppress anyone to feel good, although there is no denying taking an opportunity to do so is satisfying.  NADC were not actually beaten, they attacked Polar without any real cause to do so, with most of their top tier safely tucked away in peace mode, they got some cheap shots in on the periphery of the action and then ran away to Peace Mode as fast as they could.  At the time of their surrender they had no open slots about 50K as everyone was in Peace Mode.  The few nations trapped were totally destroyed but most of their alliance watched on while it happened.  Perhaps you should look a little closer at the circumstances surrounding their entry before you cry too hard for them.  Given that you care less about the fate of NADC than I do, I would suggest you stop the faux outrage.  NADC chose to declare where they did, they chose the mechanism to make it happen to their agenda and despite the fact it was pretty stupid from the outset, they also were smart enough to accept the consequences for being a little too bold.


    You are correct however, they have agreed to move as part of a concession to obtain peace.  Nobody forced them to accept the term, they didn't protest the term for longer than ten seconds and their alliance as a whole voted to accept it.  I am not sure how you would wish to stand in the way of the freedoms of the NADC to do as they please.


    I fully understand that some people want to find a fault with Polar in this matter, feel free to do so, but you will hardly intimidate anyone with the weak as piss arguments you have mounted so far.


    There was never anything wrong with disbanding alliances, there was never anything wrong with reps, until they got turned into extortion by the Aggressor and there is certainly nothing wrong with forcing a team off a colour.  What there is plenty wrong with is meaningless wars without consequence that allow anyone and everyone to get as many cheap shots in as they can before retreating confident that nothing will happen regardless of the situation or circumstance.


    I know about paying a price for actions, perhaps some of you ADHD kiddies need to focus for long enough to understand the concepts.


    So you are NpO's Ministry of truth yet you lied how odd that must seem, However it happened NpO and Sparta was at war, NADC who signed a treaty some what 24 hours before any official acts of war was made, activated a treaty, So how could they have no real cause to do so, that's like saying NG had no reason to attack MI6, where do you of all people have the right to say that no one has any real cause, surely people have not forgotten the number of friends you let burn as you swap sides, surely people have not forgotten how quickly NpO will jump ship if they think they will lose. then to sum it all up you call everyone who does not agree with your little power trip as ADHD kiddies, yet you are the one incapable of telling the truth and twist whatever facts you find to make it look like the bowl of !@#$ you are trying to feed people is in fact ice cream.


  4. 5 hours ago, AlmightyGrub said:

    The NADC are not paying anything to anyone.  The loss of a very cheap wonder, in an era where it should be among  the last wonders purchased, is completely irrelevant, takes no aid slots and is not necessary to replace.   The NADC wont be running candidates for senate until they reach a decision on where they are going to, taking 40 days to achieve the move and when they arrive they will have to make arrangements with their new team.  They might have no need for a silly wonder at all.


    You can pretend that NADC is paying reps if that floats your boat, but the reality is they are moving colour.  Nothing more or less.  If you are so concerned re-buy their wonder for them, no one is stopping you.



    Well they are not moving are they, they are being forced to leave. sure it might not take any aid slots and sure its not like they wont be able to afford them, but lets not color it blue and call it black shall we, the bottom line its just another way to kick an alliance down after they have already been beaten, sure its not reps, but still an action that has only been taken to make some very small people feel big once again.

  5. 22 hours ago, Qazzian said:


    Let's play fun with math...


    NADC accepted terms that will cost them 1.3 Billion, in an age where individual nations have over a billion in their warchest. During Karma, warchests were not nearly that high.


    Now, here's the important part....


    The NPO cash owed for Karma was 10 billion. That is, as you see, an order of magnitude larger than the 1.3 discussed, and inflation makes that even more so the case. Add to that the 350k tech, which at the exchange rate of 3/100, is another 10.5 billion, making it a total of 20.5 billion.


    So, 20.5 billion is greater than 1.3 billion. So no, this is not the most expensive. Not even close.

    Well lets be truthful here, the 20.5b NPO had to pay was a very small faction of what they made others pay, how much has NADC forced others to pay?

    If you are going to do things on scale then the 20.5b NPO had to pay is less than the what 4.5 trillion plus i am sure they have forced and taken from others, yet NADC is having to pay 1.3b and they have taken what 500m if that from others ?.

  6. Admin will not do anything to update this world, lets face the truth he never felt this world would last long it was a stop gap world before he moved on to a more fertile land, we will be left here to rot of old age, no improvements, no support, Why would the admin waste time on us when he clearly makes more money from TE and other games, this world as we know it simply does not make the admin enough money for him to care what we think or feel let alone care enough to update this world.

  7. 47 minutes ago, Alexio15 said:

    Why do we need treaties to roll...

    So you do not have to suffer the 12 years of hate from junka on how you rolled him without reason

    46 minutes ago, Immortan Junka said:

    Obviously the only thing you have to contribute to this world is to follow me around everytime I post like a lost puppy, welcome to ignore.

    follow you around, sure i do that simply as im waiting for you to be rolled, post like a lost puppy its hard not to post anywhere without you posting first, you live on this forum so its hard not to comment when you have made what 13,581 posts.

    44 minutes ago, Alexio15 said:

    Wait which one you on about 

    Himself clearly

  8. 3 hours ago, Immortan Junka said:


    What "acts of terror" was SCOTLAND committing? It sounds to me like you guys were afraid to attack SCOTLAND directly because they are allied to the Imperium :rolleyes:

    REally who would be scared of that, i could name ten alliances who would sign a treaty in one day to roll you, so not so sure its SNX they are scared off.

  9. 5 hours ago, Partisan said:




    Jokes aside: MI6 is many things. We are obnoxious, politically incompetent, unstable, arguably erratic and unlikeable. I do not think however, that any relevant player- opponent or ally alike- would attribute the term 'pussy' to our member body. We've used peacemode because we found ourselves in an unusual situation of war without a peaceful horizon. That is all there is to it.


    I in no way believe that you would have been 'resilient', had you been placed in our position. But then again, we probably will never know. You would probably be better off giving this peacemode argument a rest and letting the parties at war make their own judgement on whether punitive terms are warranted for the use of peace mode.

    Ok jokes aside, now we will have to talk about something other than MI6 :D.

    Well in truth why are you all staying in peace mode, why are you not coming out to fight isnt it boring to stay in peace mode for two months as your "friends" "alliance mates" burn?

  10. 7 hours ago, greco said:



    I’m sorry but your comment is not true as a member of Polar for years now we have seen ZI way more then any nation has seen PM .. only time any of us would go to PM was to restock nukes….. i have nothing against nations hiding in PM it gets frustrating … i do want to give a shout out to the nations in M16 that have fought way harder then they should have Thom98 did a great job in his wars and i believe i fought him 4 times this war he was able to slip into PM and has earned  his little break..


    but your comment is wrong Polar would rather lose it all then goto PM trust me we have many times and that is what keeps us together friends before infa 


    thank you 



    I truly believe some people misunderstand peace mode, you have two types of peace mode.

    1) Those who hit peace mode to restock up and enter the fight a valid tactic.
    2) Those who hit peace mode and stay in peace until terms to avoid fighting.

    Wish people would be able to understand that, I have never known NpO to do the second and as i said the first is a valid tactic, if an alliance you are at war with is dumb enough to let someone who is losing enter peace mode then shame on them, however if someone who enter peace mode stays in peace mode until the alliance get peace to say his nation, what a pussy.

    Edit: as you could easily find out, most of MI6 top ten nations have been in peace mode close to or over two months, they are now simply trying to avoid the war, personally i would love to see more terms that last call had to deal with, (side note none of us was hiding in peace mode) but those with X amount of tech had to stay in war for two rounds after everyone else got peace, i would like to see more of that as it stops people from hiding the whole war.

  11. 1 hour ago, Immortan Junka said:


    You barbarians starting trouble with peaceful alliances doesn't make you great warriors. Yes we are watching your antics.

    Watching, that's simply what you are good at, lets face it there's a reason a nation 1079 days old is only 5k NS and it has ntohing to do with wars.

  12. 5 hours ago, Immortan Junka said:

    Not to white knight for Polar, but during the Doom War I don't think any NpO members went to peacemode (not in significant numbers anyway), and that was a pretty long war against massive odds. Can't speak for wars before that, but Polar is one of a handful of alliances in recent history to handle a curbstomp well (the others being SNX and some micros like Minc or LPCN).

    Well wouldn't call it a curb stomp, wasn't like it was NpO vs the world, NpO had like 31 alliances fighting on that side of the war, at the end of the day NpO had taken as much damage as they had dealt out, where as SNX did what 60% od the damage they had taken?. DS has 39 alliances on their side, maybe you should check to see what a curb stomp really is. Also when has SNX or any alliance ever dealt well with a curb stomp, To place someone's mouth on a cement curb, and then stomp on their head from behind to break out their teeth.

    5 hours ago, Immortan Junka said:

    In regards to Holton's leadership, he is always welcome to inbox me and ask me how I stabilized SNX internally. I'm always glad to help other alliance leaders if they are willing to make a serious effort at it.


    First step is to abandon ego, stop pretending it's just for fun, and really put some belief into it... there's no need to care what the "cool kids" think, if you don't believe in what you are doing, neither will your membership.

    Trust me when i say no one thinks you are a good leader

  13. 22 hours ago, Artigo said:

    I considered buying 10k infra to pass Hime, but I'm trying to get into the 100 billion warchest club

    Why would you even need 100 billion, lets face it when they come for you and they will your 100 billion wont stand for much, just look at Bones and his friends (didn't you have a pact to always protect each other?) I wouldn't be saving 100 billion i would just become number one in tech, and infra (but i dont think you will ever catch Hime's if she went out of her way to max out land, she would over power you all in a one on one imo :) )

  14. 15 minutes ago, Immortan Junka said:

    Pretty sure I've been in ALOT more wars than you, at this point it's not really that fun, for me it's something I do out of a sense of duty to my principles and alliance.



    Well i am pretty sure you haven't but that's ok, guess i will just have to wait my time you will be in hot water again soon :)

  15. 34 minutes ago, Immortan Junka said:


    Look dude, I get it, you have alot more wonders and improvements than I do. Why would I waste my time pointlessly dueling you when I can produce tech for my alliance instead.


    If I really wanted to be an ass about, I would just self-ZI and nuke turret to outdamage you. Duels prove absolutely nothing.

    You could but then again we could have some rules to make it fun, why not?

  16. 3 hours ago, Immortan Junka said:


    No, we don't help punks who threaten to rogue us.

    I never threaten to rogue SNX, also how am i a punk i called you out for a 1 on 1 and you cried like a !@#$%* saying i was attacking SNX and threatening to go rogue, and you call me a punk, laughable.

  17. On 8/10/2016 at 4:29 AM, Immortan Junka said:

    If you are not a member or applicant of Sengoku you may message me and we can discuss remedying your situation.

    I am 2.5 billion in cash and 25,000 tech in debt, Junka message me can you help me out too.

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