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Posts posted by Devialance

  1. 1 hour ago, Sephiroth said:

    I just can't consider an organization Libertarian who has a leader who has been vocally anti-Libertarian as long as I've known him. He still calls himself an authoritarian.


    If that  iswho we always were to you, I don't recognize the LPC anymore. Sorry.

    I am sure junka just hated you and was Anti methrage more than anything, pretty sure no one gives to damns about libertarian its just a name as you was never able to enforce it 

  2. 1 hour ago, Sigrun Vapneir said:


    We are who we always were. I'm sorry you can't believe that we could survive without you.


    Give it time, you're always welcome to come back if you'll adjust to reality.



    How quick methrage turned on you, was not that long ago your arse was clean and his tongue a bit brown, now he hates you lol, Well I do have a little more respect for you now your not blindly following that crazyass


  3. On 1/18/2017 at 6:54 PM, Immortan Junka said:


    I don't deny being an authoritarian. However, I don't force anyone to be "under" me either. The brave and the free choose to stand next to me on the battlefield. I have no use for slaves.

    Well i am free and brave but wouldn't stand beside you, under you or on top of you, please stop making out that only those who follow you blindly are brave and just.

  4. 21 hours ago, AL Bundy said:

    Seems your rogues don't agree....I do love threats....


    To: Al Bundy    From: New Lucinda    Date: 12/31/2016 12:03:50 PM

    Subject: Enough


    Message: Send Stoli peace now or you will regret it. 1st and only warning.

    To: Al Bundy    From: malakarlian    Date: 12/31/2016 2:22:03 PM

    Subject: my reply


    Message: To: New Lucinda    From: malakarlian    Date: 12/31/2016 1:43:53 PM

    Subject: RE: Enough

    Message: One....he attacked my alliance. Two....don't threaten me when he was in the wrong. Three who the $%&* are you? I dont see a star by your name.Any diplomatic talks should go through AL bundy my foreign relations diplomat. Four....I am not sorry very often

    Subject: FW: RE: Enough


    Message:   To: malakarlian    From: New Lucinda
    Sorry, you mistake me. It wasn't a threat, it was a promise.

    Your talking to new MoD for POSSE, its new top military commander.

    Your also talking to a bitter old vet with 4 years under my belt from 08-12 in this game, including leading an alliance of 150 members for almost 2 years.

    So you might want to check your tone there "pal". He attacked you, because you demanded NPO trade sanction me, 4 weeks after my war with 1 of your guys ended.

    Your alliance started this "mate", and now POSSE will finish it unless all 3 of you back the f*ck off and do it right now before next DT.

    Wasn't a threat, it was a promise. Call my bluff if you think thats wise and you will find out what happens, because I keep my promises and I'm a man of my word.

    Your alliance was spitting in my face by demanding that sanction on red and you know it. That's why Stoli attacked you. My NS might be low atm, but I now represent the entire military force of POSSE. So blink if you dare, i'll be waiting.


    Damn someone has a small man hood if they have to act this hard lol 


  5. 8 hours ago, murtibing said:


    I understand that you are referring to Bones personal allies and not SPATR allies, but nonetheless let's not forget that:


    At the time of the attack (March this year) SPATR had three allies: Kaskus, NEW and MInc (almost the same as now, except MInc is now Minc Reborn).


    All three of them helped SPATR by countering Oculus and their subsidiaries.


    Kaskus and NEW are still fighting against Oculus.


    MInc made a peace deal with Oculus (after fighting for a long time), but they asked SPATR whether SPATR would be OK with it before making this deal.


    Bones had personal treaties with some DBDC members (e.g. with Cuba). I didn't know specifics of those agreements. In any case, I didn't expect them to help and they didn't help. The only exception was one member of DBDC who helped MONGOLS. But he had been SPATR member in the past.

    I know SPATR allies helped, but my point wasnt about SPATR you was just a bonus for what Oculus wanted, plus i still believe to this day that DBDC gave Oculus the green light, at the time of this war i was somewhat in gov in DK and i know most in DK not in the know was all wondering when we was going to jump in, this is based on information we was given, but the longer i have been out of DK the more i find out that was kept secret from the members.

  6. 2 hours ago, Immortan Junka said:

    Most players without fundamental philosophy and ideology went inactive in an old text-based nation-simulator... go figure.

    Most people just got bored with how nothing ever changes, always 1 crazy person ^^^^^^^, NPO always on top, and all other alliance's doing as NPO says.

    Lets face it, NPO made this world fun, but even they have gone inactive and now we have to put up with small alliances with small nations that are like 2000+ days old with tons of wonder's who are always fighting as they have nothing to lose.

    How boring.

    Look at what happened to Bones, ok i know he was quitting but how many of their allies came to support them after finding out the odds they face? thats it ONE everyone else used a boring ass reason like, oooo ive got friends on both side, or they told us not to help, FFS get some balls people what is the point of having a treaty in peace when your going to ignore it in war, way to many alliances like to hug that tech

  7. On 11/5/2016 at 3:58 PM, Montezuma said:

    lol r u still selling down to destroy the lpcn like u promised bout a year ago lmao !! we r waiting :war:

    Well I did but you was all getting bent over and beaten anyway so I saw very little point in staying in noob teir for the likes of MU, but its ok i know MU will never lose, as you can not beat people who have nothing to lose, but you will never win also, have a nice day.

  8. On 10/16/2016 at 3:54 AM, Fox Fire said:

    Can we even call this a new war? Or is it more appropriate to consider it a continuation of Tywin vs Methrage? 

    [OOC]It's almost like Stalin vs Hitler only less climactic.[/OOC]

    please this is more like to children fighting, I have here for you methrage and Junka fighting.


  9. 3 hours ago, President Hardin said:

    Oh, you were easier than expected. 2 surrenders and xanth crying, not fighting back, then deleting :D. LC is hopefully a worthy opponent, I'm glad they decided to try save you :P



    I'm glad sirwilliam didn't go to peace mode and decided to declare on me, :)


    I just wish you had someone who was worth fighting, all your nations are so small they lose nothing when beaten. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Canik said:

    Last Call only had 7 less members than SNX and is ranked 28. Fark has the same nation count as SNX and is rank 21. etc, etc.. you're either really bad at counting or blinded by bias since you seem to have a intense hatred for Junka that borders on obsession. Fark would probably be a lot lower too if they fought more often. Quite a few of the alliances above SNX would be, FTW included. All things considered SNX seems to be doing fairly well to me.

    As far as what you quoted, I can understand if you disagree. What makes an alliance great is entirely subjective. However Junka is perfectly entitled to his belief of what makes an alliance great and I don't see why anyone would be so offended by that.

    btw, what makes your claims so much more valid? As far as I know all you've ever done is fight a few wars (mostly raids probably). I don't doubt you're a solid warrior but big deal, that's not that hard. That's not that impressive. Junka keeping SNX alive when it was left for dead is far more impressive in my opinion.

    All you're accomplishing Dev is making Junka look good by comparison. If that was your goal, then well done.. but for some reason I think your unearned arrogance and irrational hatred is real.

    I have known Junka for a very long time (He he thinks carefully I am sure he will recall the name of my very first nation), a lot longer than the age of my nation, i do have a lot of hate for him but that's personal, could it be claimed to be an obsession maybe, but then again isn't everything about bob an obsession (  an idea or thought that continually preoccupies or intrudes on a person's mind. IE, Trades, tech deals, war, tax collection) anything can be proclaimed an obsession if you do it over and over.

    On a inter-alliance point of view I have to agree he has done very well keeping SNX active, alive and moving forward after everything they have faced, however is the reason for most of what they have suffered been the cause of Junka, if you run someone over and then get out of the car and save their life does that make you a hero?, as if you did not hit them in the first place they would not be in that risk of dying to begin with.

    My claims are just that my claims only they mean nothing to anyone but me, they are no more valid than anyone else's, Also I have never raided a single nation that is simply not something I enjoy doing, I would rather build my nation peacefully and use it to protect my friends as and when is needed.

    As for making Junka look good, my task is not to make him look bad or good, my task is to simply voice my opinion nothing less nothing more. 

  11. 16 hours ago, Immortan Junka said:

    I believe wars of righteousness against despotic forces like Methrage and Monsters University is what builds a truly great alliance. I might not always be popular, but when people attack me and my alliance because of speaking the truth, it instantly places us in the right and justifies any measures to preserve our sovereignty and defense.

    Please someone in SNX help Junka remove his head from his own ASS, I am starting to believe that you really believe the !@#$ that falls from your mouth dude, like real who are you to claim anything, your nation is nothing you fight wars on the backs of others, your alliance is ranked 38th in alliance score with 61 nations, Do you know the next alliance above you in score rankings to even have close to your number of nations is Sparta ranked 11th. You are ranked 43 in nations strength, Ranked 109th on avg strength. Ranked 19th in total nations.

    You really should move from war and teach your alliance how to build, how to become stronger.

  12. 16 minutes ago, Immortan Junka said:


    All people have to do is not attack my alliance. Seems every couple months that happens though, thus the posting.

    I am wondering what the out come would be if you personally stopped from posting, wonder what would happen if you let someone else in your alliance write and post all public posts, I think you will find more people will be willing to give SNX more respect and maybe you wont be attacked every two months, I have found that most people like a lot of SNX members but you just force them to attack with the way you act in public, you might be a wonderful leader but in public you are the person that cause others to get nuked.

  13. 1 hour ago, Immortan Junka said:

    You're correct in that SNX is not interested in discussing peace at this time. In fact this war will most likely continue as long as the monsters Inc front does, since we are part of the coalition.

    How about no peace ever, all this fighting - peace -fighting - peace- fighting is pretty boring just stay at war and never stop 

  14. Wonder what Junka will say if i keep tech deals with those alliances, wonder if he will order an attack on me?.

    Junka you want to know why people find SNX a laughing stock with you leading the way, SNX has declared war 8 times from 5 nations, and you have an alliance with 62 nations, LPC (Animals, MU and LN) has 37 nations and you have been able to hit 5 nations.

    Is your alliance really that dead you can not even get people to fight unless they get attacked first?.

  15. 4 minutes ago, Sephiroth said:



    SNX has continued to harass our Brown Team brothers in the LPC even though we were enough to let them have white peace and let everything since then slide.


    After a member of SNX attacked aNiMaLz, Junka made clear he considers aNiMaLz valid targets in a  public statement; showing he supports the actions of the member who declared on them. SNX is now an open target for the Libertarian Party of Cybernations. Despite being given so many chances, Junka has consistently chose to be an enemy of the Libertarian Party and everything we represent.


    He calls others barbarians, when its him who is the savage who does not under the Non-Aggression Principe among Brown Team nations. He's spilt blood from Brown Team members to often or me to see him as a true member of the team.


    SNX will burn to the ground for choosing to continue making an enemy of us, they'll just be burnt down more thoroughly this time.

    OMG you never beat SNX you was lucky that real alliances was at war with SNX at the same time as you, WHY dont you and SNX stay at war forget peace and just remain at war and leave it at that.

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