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Posts posted by Devialance

  1. I am sure i posted on here about this before and how due to aid slots it would be worth while doing 9m for 100 tech but i spent some time thinking about this and i now do 6m for 100 tech but in a productive way, it will most likely not only get me tech buyers but long term tech buyers.

    You send me 9m

    I will send you 100 tech

    You send me 9m

    I will send you 100 tech

    I will send you 100 tech

    still works out at 6m for 100 tech but in the space of one year using one aid slot it lets me do 7.3 deals a year but with 6m for 100 tech deals i only get 6.08 deals a year

  2. Hello everyone.


    I wish to sell technology 6m for 100 tech, however to improve the usage of aid slots this is how it will work.



    You send me 9m

    I will send you 100 tech

    You send me 9m

    I will send you 100 tech

    I will send you 100 tech


    This would complete this round of the tech deal, Then we will start the second round, as you can see you are paying 18m for 300 tech working out as 6m for 100 tech, but this will be done within 50 days (five rounds of sending back and forth) instead of the normal 60 days (Six rounds of sending back and forth).


    If you wish to partake, please message me in game and send 9m.


    Thank you for taking the time to read my post


    Aid slots

    1 - Taken

    2 - Taken

    3 - Taken




  3. How long ago was this again?


    Does it matter how long ago it was, if your going to judge someone for their crimes at least admit your own, your trying to make NpO to be this super effect nice protection alliance for the weak but lets be truthful here the only reason your like that now is due to the fact your allies do not control the world right now.


    IF NpO ever find themselves to be in a power bloc un-matched by anyone else you will turn back to your old ways of bullying people, the fact you are now suffering what you have made many suffer in the past should teach you that no ones crimes are forgotten, now think your some sort of nice alliance being picked on by the masses ?.

    The simple truth here is every single one of you could be ZI or ZT and it still will not match that crap you pulled on other alliances, what's worst is in your OP you still think your this great alliance that shit smells like roses, THEN DBDC pushed your face in your own shit then your like ooooo wait out shit smells like shit too. so you makes this sad post trying to prove to the world how nice you are but the truth is your a joke.

  4. Well it seems to be a NpO recruitment topic more than anything else, maybe you should request the topic be moved to the right forum.


    I do have something to ask of the OP, where did NpO stand when they was beating down FAN for crimes past that they had already been beaten for, or where was NpO when GOON's 1.0 used to attack weak alliances for shark week ?, if you look at the history of NpO your nothing more than a Parasite alliance, you was founded in order to take control of the blue sphere for NPO, how about the Bi-polar war?, damn the list just goes on and on don't it now. 

  5. Whats learning how to fight got anything to do with the discussion. I'm stating facts but the reader can use them to come to their own conclusion if they really care that much whether or not NG are scared of Umb, I don't think they are but i question their use of that statement considering they've been on the same side in almost every global war since NG's founding. The only alliances who can say that with weight behind it are those in XX/AF.


    But its clear Fark are just butthurt because I've offended you with my statements. You're going to have a bad time if you can only respond with hurt emotions . If you can't take the heat, then get out.


    And for the record, I fought for XX/AF when i didn't have too and I'll bet 100 tech i know more about CN fighting than you considering I've been playing TE for the past year and a half.


    So let me get this right, you claim NG is scared of Umb, due to the fact after one war (I am sure it was not one on one) where NG had its top tier ripped apart (again pointing out it was not a one on one war) they are so scared! they now make sure they are on the same side as Umb (as you clearly stated they have been on the same side four out of the last five wars)


    I think that's what your trying to say at least.


    Do you have any idea how many treaties and friendships come form a good war, where both sides enjoy it and from that come to an understanding and then form a treaty?, its dumb to say it was done out of fear as we know even the highest ranked alliances can fall hard and fast, The thing is the more and more i read your posts Daenerys the worst i feel for your alliance.

  6. For several weeks now Valhalla has twisted and turned in order to both facilitate and block actions in this war. We chose to not declare neutrality at an earlier date as it would have been the equivalent of abandoning two of our treaty partners. So instead we worked as best we could within a defined set of rules to protect them and limit their engagement until such time as they were ready to engage themselves.

    At this time, all of our allies are currently engaged throughout various fronts on both sides of this conflict. As such we believe the time has now passed where we could play it even between our allies and we'd now be forced to choose a side against one group of allies or the other.

    Any further declarations against the alliances of FTW, IRON, Mi6, Polar, Umbrella, or VE will be met by Valhalla. Either you've got enough forces deployed now to get the job done, or you don't. That's the extent of our neutrality in this situation.



    For the love of god, someone just hit Polar or Mi6 or whoever it don't matter, I see so many people here complaining about Val being pussies (not like no one knew anyway) so just put that to the test and DoW on one of the listed allies they so claim to support, and force them in to action easy mode.

  7. Please NG you could make this so much fun, you have a treaty with IRON ODoAP i believe, then simply talk to IRON hit Mi6 that will force Valhalla to join this war, you have enough allies who still have loads of room for war ready to slap the crap out of Val for being cowards :) and who does Val really have left in order to support them, i mean who would want to support an ally that does not come to your aid ?.

  8. The biggest problem with a CB war is as pointed out by many the outcome is already known, just like this war that had no CB (so people think, just because one was not posted does not mean there wasn't one) yet the outcome was known months before any wars happened.


    Though out all of CN, it is well known no one starts a war they think they could lose, so they spend months getting an army together to make sure they win, the funny thing is you think a Cb would change this?


    Also going on the OP, you can simply say in your CB, I dislike NpO so ive got my army we are going to roll them now, job done, it still will not add meaning.

  9. Your reason for not joining this war and staying on the side lines is a move of a weak coward, Three of your so called allies who you have came here to support are fighting TOP or Sparta you could easy jump in to help them, but sure as things look they are on the winning side, so lets jump to the other side, where only two of your allies are fighting, Mi6 is pretty much being taken apart by people you have treaties with, yet poor NpO is facing 12 alliances that have no treaties with, yet you do nothing.

    The simple truth is, you're all cowards and waited a month before you make your stand, I HOPE someone finds a reason to attack NpO or Mi6 so your poor alliance can be ripped apart.


    After this war your allies should look at the treaties they have with you and cancel them the second they are done laughing, I am pretty sure every other alliance will think twice before signing a treaty with you, after this very poor display you have shown.

  10. Hello


    I am a new player, sure I understand the basics such as back collecting, tech deals and simple things a like, the issue for new players isn't the basics of the game but the mistreatment by alliances in the game, most of you call for a wave of new nations, yet most of you calling for this action will be among the first to tech raid a nation that simply do not understand the rules of the game.


    When I first started playing and seeing nations with 70,000 tech I thought WTF I will never catch them so what's the point in taking this game serious, right now I log on every other day, do back collecting, hold to my tech deals, but that's it..... Getting involved in the true nature of this game simply will not happen, people who do not have a reputation or the backing of a powerful alliance is 1) laughed at, 2) attacked and laughed at.


    Then you have the alliance web treaty, that is in fact nothing more than a safety web so many topics and pages of alliance cancelling treaties more than i change my socks (i change my socks twice a day), to avoid a war and to make it so one sided there simply is no point partaking unless you are on the winning side. 


    YOU want this game to grow, then RESET all nations and then watch what happens, those who have power though fear will no longer have it, and the treaty web will fall apart as most alliances only treaty for protection and power.


    Now you're most likely thinking how will this help gain new players, first of all you will all think twice about tech raiding anyone, secondly new nations joining wont be like DAMN there's no point, I know most who read this reply will laugh at the newbie nation, some might even risk attacking me, but in the end you prove my point, I also understand it from the nations point of view who have power, with the 70,000 tech, or the big bad alliance backing, your power will be gone, and you will have to fight to earn the respect and protection again.


    Anyway just a newbies point of view nothing more, no one wish to join a game where they can not be top dog, at the end of the day that's the only reason people play games to have fun but the kicker is to have real fun you want to be the top dog.

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