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Posts posted by Devialance

  1. 2 hours ago, Blackatron said:


    Gravedigger, yes (mods have mercy on me). Troll? Really?


    Maybe my post came across like that, but it was more in response to this:



    Than it was to the OP.


    To be fair there were a lot of promises and predictions regarding Bones and SPATR from 6 months ago that haven't come into fruition.

    Lets be truthful about one thing shall we, NPO waited until bones had no nukes and been at war with 6 nations for a long time, and when his tech dropped below 20k before they even sent anyone in, its not hard to take on a nation like bones when he can only buy what two nukes a day, has no infra, WHY did NPO wait because as always they let their allies burn before they do anything.

  2. On 5/5/2016 at 0:49 PM, Sephiroth said:

    You need to lighten up. While there is truth behind the joke in there being no notable alliances on red beyond NPO & me considering the rebel the most noteworthy individual on red who isn't NPO; you missed my entire point, Which was NPO is the only option on red, so I don't think there is anyone for NPO to create negative karma with by doing this. The rebel obviously isn't even in a red alliance or running for the Senate, however he is an example of a nation on red besides NPO. Even if I would personally prefer if he joined us on Brown.


    So I was adding some humor in there, but I did laugh when I saw your response. So that was amusing.

    Ok i have been away from OWF but reading the above made me laugh so much, Methrage you are not noteworthy on any level, damn placing yourself on the same level on NPO how laughable lol

  3. Seems like NPO going back to the glory days before Karma, wonder how long it will be before NPO start taking out IRON and such, happened last time sure it will happen again, NPO are to power hungry, they have to be top dog and control everything when they are not they start picking people off.

    GPA hit peace mode, you will be next for nothing more than free tech

  4. I can not believe people give two !@#$% about what Methrage and LH has to say they are both worthless low lifes who hide under 10k ns and just talk !@#$, no real friends no real support just worthless people you should all just put them on ignore and in the end they will just go away.

  5. 11 minutes ago, Sephiroth said:

    After so many attacks from their membership, making clear their desire to have a war no matter what; eventually it didn't matter what SW wanted if he was unwilling to make his members ever take responsibility for their actions. They had this coming for many reasons, we didn't want peace with them immediately after their attacks in part because of their countless poking & attacks against us before this.

    You do know that no one, and i do mean no one cares what it is you do or do not want right, the fact you think people are scared of your little 10k ns alliance is laughable.


  6. Without being funny, anyone can keep on fighting with endless Aid, Meths greatest Victory has been to wind you up so much, that you have wasted so much of your time and effort to come down join him in the endless griefer ranges.
    You won't stop him, you'll just be another nation that hits him from time to time to see if you can get a reaction.

    its true he has gotten under my skin but i will be hitting him every chance i get it wont be once every now and then

  7. They won't last 40 days before tap out, Devialance. Not without some serious intervention.

    Maybe not, I don't know but it has come to the point where I will support anyone hitting methrage, I do not know maybe its the fact he has so many wonders and spend most of his time picking on nations less than 100 days old then claims a victory in white peace, in most cases the only reason he get white peace is due to the fact there's not point beating a dead dog you know. People just get bored with beating him.

    Well if he rebuilds or not, can not wait to see just how good he is, from the way he goes on I am thinking he is the most elite fighter and who best to test my skills on :) 

  8. Why are we converskng with an opponent who don't even have the balls to recognise the alliance against which they are fighting. Methrage and his friends clearly lost it in the forums talking with us. We have answered each and every one of their allegations while making them fools. Go on a and enjoy nuking 100 days old nations prick. COBRA wont lose this war and we wont surrender also.

    I just pray you hold true to this for at least 30 days, hoping closer to 40 days so i get to more back collections in, by that time the last of my tech will be gone more than likely sooner then I will be at meths range with my wondered nation and we shall see how he holds up then, I do find it laughable I have to admit that he claims victory when fighting nations with no wonders simply due to how low his NS is and he calls that a victory, It reminds of a short video i once saw where a 30 year old man slapped a 4 year old boy and claim he won that fight, then ran crying when the little boys 26 year old father beat the crap out of him.

    Methrage and his little methheads are nothing more than bullies.

    Quick edit: Someone also said in another topic about people moving to brown to vote on getting him pushed out of the senate, I totally agree with this, I would love to see some people move to brown just to push him out, personally i believe that's all he has left once that's gone he will be gone. He only went to brown as thats the only colour he could do this shit on

  9. Can someone just explain something to me please, but once a peace agreement has been reached shouldn't both sides order all nations to stop attacking? or is there some crazy rule that states side A can keep attacking side B until each nation send peace ?.

    Just makes me laugh how peace is agreed but one side has to have the last few cheap shots in.

    Maybe its just me but when you get a peace agreement just order all nations to send peace and stop attacking that simple really, and if anyone does attack after these terms are agree upon, then they have to pay a huge rep of 600 tech and 45m or they get removed from the alliance, who knows but if you give your word on a peace agreement it should be enforced.

  10. I disagree. But I do agree they live dog years or lives of a dog. In fact I have referred to these cowards as dogs for some time now so it's fitting their age is compared to dog years. No I don't respect their birth. For every one of them 20 nations deleted. No. They are cowards and liars. Their birth should be spit on not praised.

    What did we do to you, I mean you have so much hate, do you need a hug? 

    I would hope you get some real help this much hate is not good for you Sir, please see a doctor.

    Happy Birthday New Doom Kingdoom :D may the donkey kong be strong

  11. I didn't need a confirmation WC. Your side asked us to have a secret white peace. We said no, not with out peace for our friends as well. Then we asked you to just give us all white peace so we can be on our way. You said peace for aNiMaLz but not LN. We said no.

    What made you think we needed confirmation? Anything that wasn't clear was already cleared up in PM.

    When did this topic become about you and that small NS alliance you live in and those small NS allies you have, why can you not simply let a topic stay on path its about NpO hitting SNX i see nothing about crappy Animals and LN or M inc or any one who support you, so please get back on topic 

  12. Haha why so sour? You should be happy you may get to fight me sooner than you think :)

    Or is that reality making you !@#$ your pants?

    This will be my last comment to you within this topic as its not about you, but trust me no one is scared to face that small ass nation of yours, and I will post everything when it happens so everyone can see just how bad you are, but enough about you back to topic.

    Good luck to everyone fighting, this world was never made for long drawn out peace mode


    Damn I wonder what it feels like to have your tail tucked between your legs so tightly.


    Obligatory, have fun polar. I always did hate Junka.

    Wait I know your name, you was in IAA if i am not mistaken, please enlighten me if i am. But as i recall when I was in IAA you tucked your tail and ran many times, so maybe you can explain to me what its like?


    wouldn't be hard thing to do, given the extremely poor leadership who doesn't understand that poking a sleeping, 2000lb polar bear just may get you mauled.

    Well poking a bear and asking for support are not the same thing is it?


    Considering he needed bailing out to fight a couple of micros, its only logical he'd cry to anyone that will listen to fight a sanctioned alliance.

    But I get logic and Devialance don't go hand in hand. :)

    Logic I understand, you however no hope, see you think he cried for aid in taking you down the fact is people begged for him to let us and others in on the act, as no one likes you, what is worst than anything is you will now ride NpO huge banana and when the dust is cleared you will take most of the credit and act as if you could have won even if NpO did nothing.

    You are a sad person who will banana ride any alliance if you think you could claim some sort of small win over anything.

  15. You could see it as an upgrade that way, but overall I'd still consider it a downgrade personally. Has anyone here ever had an ODP ally come up to you and say, "Hey, want to upgrade to a protectorate?" No, of course not it'd be absurd. And a big reason for it is protectorates generally do have less sovereignty, and it is humiliating to be considered a protectoree.

    Plus like you say, a non-chaining MDP is very close to an ODP. Who would not optionally defend an ally if they were attacked unprovoked? Maybe some would choose to opt-out, but a lot of alliances do take their ODPs quite seriously.

    Anyway, if you haven't noticed, Doomsphere rarely signs anything above an ODP as it is. It's no insult to SNX that it's an ODP.

    Well it would be an upgrade, you are only looking the treaty of SNX Protectorate vs SNX ODP with DK, however have you thought about all the extra freedom an alliance has when they are no longer a protectorate but a treaty partner ?, when they have grown enough to no longer need protecting ?, so yes it is an upgrade no matter how you wish to look at it.

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