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Posts posted by Devialance

  1. Hombre you guys are smoking those clowns. Even after all the damage Monster's has done SNX may have more NS then before the war started. Looks like all the money they are stealing from their friends is coming in handy. A disloyal cowards train of thought:


    "I'll start a war to boost my ego, and further my agenda at the cost of the alliance I am supposed to be protecting. Then I'll sucker in outsiders who show me love into funding my endeavors. Since I won't use my own money it will create the illusion my a#$ whooping isn't as bad as it really is."


    Big talk from mr 500ns guy right here

  2. Does make me laugh how people react to the stats of a war.

    For me the way you win any war is how fast you are able to rebuild, has SNX taken more damage than they have given out I am sure they have after all they are fighting 10k ns nations or below with wonders that most 100k ns nations do not yet have, are SNX new nations taking a beating from 3000+ day nations sure they are, however who will rebuild faster when its all over ?.

    Also Meth and Co will focus on things like war stats, or how they have won or such but the true test will be within a week of the war is over and SNX has rebuilt, tech deals setup and ready to go and these small nations that had to fight nations that have been around for years will learn from it, grow stronger and within a month have a better nation, where M inc, LN and Animals will still be 10k ns or below looking for another alliance or group to attack in one way or another.

    However next time they will not be fighting new nations who have no idea what they are doing, they wont be fighting nations that have no wonders, next time they will have a group of nations with more wonders, more cash and more support than they have ever hoped for, Now I know Meth and his little crackheads will come here, flame me and claim I am all talk and so on, they will tell the world lies to try and hide the fear i see in their actions each day.

    I will say this, Meth I am coming for you, sure you can run, you can hide but I will find you, it will not end quickly, it will be painful, it will be a war you claim to be best at, and when our two year war comes to an end we shall see then what happens, yes two years meth, I am selling off 9k tech I am dropping my infra just for you, and one thing is for sure by the end of our war you will then truly know my name.

  3. OK lets look at the points shall we.

    GATO, TSC and Atlas if you are going to do something man up and do it, posting in a public post claiming you have something planned is as worthless as reading Meth and junka going back and forth.

    LN, Animals and M inc has already lost, the day an alliance have to beg for tech deals in order to maintain a war that's when you know its over (wonder how much longer they can last, the cash has already started to dry up), I am not saying SNX are better fighters even when people like Meth has so many wonders it should be an easy face roll war for them, the truth is SNX just has a bigger backing, SNX does not need to beg for aid, they do not need to beg for tech deals, even without the support of Doomsphere. SNX could still easily win this war in the long term they simply have more nations and better backing (Before anyone get mad I am talking about without any outside help, (I would just love to see SNX Vs LN, Animals and M inc without any outside aid at all) then we could just have a one topic for them to spit their lies and bull crap.

    I will say this however Meth is very good with war of the words, when someone can endlessly post the same crap 10-15 time a day in all topics thats crazy.

    Did SNX give Animals white peace? who cares really what does it matter nothing, the truth of it is Animals hit SNX first I do not care about anything else but the war screen and it shows Animals hit first, as for LN damn even if they get peace when i drop down to that crappy ns level im going to nuke them anyway, as for M inc they are just drama queens who high in the lower tier as to never lose that much nothing more they are scared to grow as they will risk losing more.

    So to cap this all off, in a few months I will be within range and when this day happens SNX will no longer be a problem for Meth and his butt boys, this will be a sure thing

  4. Why so hostile?

    I didn't say all treaties were down to just friendship, you would have to be delusional to think it isn't a large part of the problem though.

    For an example: alliances that think raiding is morally wrong and have policies disallowing raiding wouldn't sign treaties to alliances that allow raiding, but they do because they made friends.

    Another example: coming for someone who was privy to information in the early days of CnG, some of the blocs members FA plan was make friends and sign treaties with them and it didn't really matter who.

    Do you really think they are or were unique in that regard?

    So in my opinion when friendship becomes the sole FA direction instead of FA being political and goal direction.
    You get problems.

    Look at the treaty web, that's all I am saying and you will see the problem quickly.

    An alliance in itself is just a mass of nations that have agreed to defend and protect each other, pretty much like any treaty but we all know not every nation within an alliance agrees with what every nation within that alliance does, I personally disagree with some of the people DK protect however I agreed when joining and staying with DK that I would protect those DK have treaties with. The same goes for treaties also! sure Alliance A might hate raiders however Alliance A knows its in their best interest to be treated with Alliance B even if they do raid, so they do not get curb stomped by Alliance C, D, E and F.

    There is not a single treaty within the web right now that is signed out of friendship and common support, most are out of fear or protection, I would love to see a single treaty that is not only made out of friendship but has been tested.


  5. Now that I read the whole wall of text the "Almost like Fate after I become King" thing made me lol. I wonder how many nations FCC actually had when he took over, my guess is there was like five nations left or it was some restart micro.

    From what i recall they have 11, might be wrong it was a very long time ago, like what 5000000 years BC or something like that.

  6. My first Global War was the noCB War (War of the Coalition). I had recently reached the top 5% allowing me to buy nukes, then MP came out shortly after. The next wonder I bought after getting to a high enough NS rank to buy nukes was buy the MP, ensuring I would never lose the ability. Then not long after I left the FCC due to the government being to divided to declare war in defense of MK & me knowing the political realities of The Citadel being against any involvement, this was despite me recently being appointed a High Court Judge after being reelected Senator two elections in a row. My experience in 6 vs 1 war during this war as a member of MK would come to shape how I setup the military of Onyx Hand & FCC after Onyx Hand merged back into FCC, being all former members. I ended up winning the position with everyone voting for me except 1 abstainer. Even the other person who threw their name in voted for me, so they were exciting times as I had a mission to get the FCC ready to defeat the NPO in the next Global War I would participate in, despite never having never been in a war Pre-Karma.


    My next major war was the Karma War. Almost like Fate after I become King with the new FCC/Onyx Hand Merger, also the other anti-NPO elements within The Citadel became increasingly active after NPO let NpO fall. This killed the important dynamic they had where even if one of them had allies turn on them, with both having their own sphere of allies while being almost the same alliance; it gave them an extra advantage in manipulating the treaty web. In this war as the leader of an alliance in The Citadel, which was a bloc with a majority of its members in both the Citadel & Continuum at one point. So I was involved in the pre-planning during the buildup to Karma. In this war I would have liked to fight NPO directly, since I had seen them as my opponent until then. (With their constant "Do something about it" taunts) However coalition planning ended up getting me to hit IRON along with Gremlins, which is a war we won. I think Valhalla was another target we were considering at the time. Although unlike some others on the side of Karma, my grudge with NPO ended with their defeat that war. 


    I've been in countless other wars after, including the BiPolar War, NPO-PB War, Equillibrium War, among others. The Equillibrium War was probably the next most interesting plotwise after Karma & the next for me to be on the winning side after Karma. Those I pushed for the FCC to treaty back when NPO was the enemy (Such as MK & Umbrella) ended up being the next hegemony I'd eventually oppose. During this I was a member of CA, who was allied with Anarchy Inc. Also this war was among those with the most even sides of any recent wars.


    Most major global wars I've offered assistance to the smaller side since I enjoy fighting superior numbers and giving myself more of a challenge often times, however the Karma War & Equilibrium were exceptions in them being necessary wars, which had a lot of building & reason behind them.


    So I would list the noCB War, Karma War & Equilibrium War as my 3 favorite big ones; since there was a big reason to fight. Although I've enjoyed all them regardless of being on the winning or losing side. What are your favorite 3 Global Wars & why?

    Look at what you have become now, someone who has to bring up the past in the hope people will remember you, however we all remember the real you as it shows in every post, a small minded, small nation.

    You would be like a heavy weight boxer who got to old to fight in his own weight class so dropped to featherweight in order to win a fight, only if you lost all your wonders I wonder just how many would slap you silly.

    As for the best global war of all time it would have to be Karma, as so many alliance had proven that day they was willing to turn their back on treaties and friendships in order to save pixels you know just like FCC.

  7. I'd disagree friendships created the treaty web problem, if people allied for political goals and purposes instead of "oh we friends, even though we have different goals and policies, we should have an MDP".

    Then the world would be more diverse and intriguing and not stale.

    You are joking right, look at the treaty web and see who has a treaty with who and why, if you truly believe all those treaties are down to friendship you are very delusional, also explains why you follow methcrackhead.

  8. Wow, look at how obsessed these nerds are with us. This quote is from here: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=529125

    "Here is the problem with this game..."Methrage, and Animalz" plain and simple...and admin refuses to do anything about them...so yes Admin is also to blame screw him"


    Not obsessed just sick of you claiming to be these epic warriors with 500 ns, I was 500 ns on day one.



    Ok, we will. You'll be tapped quick. But that is 6 months from now. So why don't you shut up until then? We have all heard your long term threats before. Why must you use boring us to death as a war tactic? Well it's probably your only chance of victory.

    Yeah two weeks I have stated I will be dropping down to see you and I have already got rid of 1k tech (keep in mind my aid slots was fill when i stated me claim) it will not take to long little boy do not worry, and my  you talk about boring people to death, why do you think people like me are selling down, we are bored of noobs like you, people who stay low ns to pick on new nations to the claim how epic they are.

  9. Hey Sephiroth, I never erase a war win or lose. I'd say I win 80% of my wars. Also I am always in war. Constant war. It's a requirement for the position I hold in my alliance. The Mayor of the Palace must always have his attacking war slots filled. I'm sure you knew this you are pretty familiar with aNiMaLz policy.

    I must admit I do find it funny with how big and bad you guys act (Animals, Minc and Methcrackheads) all three of your alliances do not even amount to 10% of my nation and I am giving away tech to get to your low level's, I want to see you post logs and screen shots when you face me, I want to see you brag when you are unable to win a single war vs me.

  10. It was obvious you & Junka were doing everything you possibly could to start a war with us leading up to this. Since we were still fully engaged fighting GOONS when you attacked, when SNX attacked it verified what I already suspected. Although I think this war is going to backfire on both SNX and TAO, with that already having begun.


    With SNX trying to vote up other Senators to push me out, I'm still only 4 votes away from 5th, so you might be assuming I've lost in the Senate a bit to soon.

    Well with nations voting for you then deleting, that's very odd do you not think?, and new nations with like 4 or 5 days played time also voting for you, seems like someone has people making fake nations to push their numbers.

    As for Stone and Junka teaming up to hit you what does it matter you are no one important, you have no powerful friends or support, you are nothing more than a tech raid that is all, so do not think you are that important over this war used to stop our smaller nations from getting bored.

  11. How's your time begging for food at Doom's food bank? You're in there more often than new nations asking for food.

    Hello Rebel and Co, please keep up the fun and games, soon you will have to deal with me.

    I know you are not scared, I know it will take some time but it will happen, you can claim you have won and so on but I do not care about this little war, I care about my personal war with you, meth and mother Inc, I more than likely will leave Animals alone, they are children after all, they are unable to even spell Animals  

  12. It's interesting how SNX has caused so much trouble for their current allies, both on an FA and in-game level.


    I wonder if certain parties regret protecting them at this point.





    Enjoy your eternal micro-wars with Methrage. I found fighting micros to be a task in frustration but maybe people like Junka actually enjoy the OWF exchanges.

    I guess the same question could be asked of anyone allied to NpO, how long ago was it now you sat back and watched your allies burn as you hugged your pillow ?.


  13. (2/13/2016 9:51:56 AM) fliper456 voted for Sephiroth of Libertarian Empire in the Brown team senate election. (Been deleted)

    (2/18/2016 8:50:55 AM) Sephiroth voted for Sephiroth of Libertarian Empire in the Brown team senate election. Utilizing Political Lobbyists, Sephiroth allowed Sephiroth to receive 2 votes instead of the usual 1 vote.
    (2/25/2016 8:40:08 PM) Turbotom voted for Sephiroth of Libertarian Empire in the Brown team senate election. (17 days old)

    Well could not find 47 votes, i guess when you vote and delete an account it must not show up but i guess the vote still stands, 

    That does explain why meth has so many votes, its quite clear he is or has gotten others to make a second nation in order to vote for him, out of everyone who voted i could only find 4 who was not in Animals (no Z i went to school) LN or Mother Inc. how very very odd 

  14. i'm reading your posts little-by-little.


    let's get one thing straight, Meth's alliance was hit. He's technically on the defensive. I don't think he should be obligated to do anything. 


    and per the OP... stonewall is just trying to find meatshields and they won't last, he's a liar about the stability of TAO. 


    This war will go on for quite some time... in fact, DK members are purposely losing NS to bail junka out... in fact, most everyone else is fighting junka's wars.


    which is quite sad considering his pledge to be a dominate lower teir alliance... we've quadroupled their damage... and probably more by now.


    Meth isn't the problem here, if you'd like, I will PM you quite a bit of unaltered intel for your own amusement.


    I would love to see that for the funz

  15. LOL just cuz we are smashing lpcn into pixel dust it's no different than last time SnX/TAO/TCA smashed lpcn ? That's your argument? :v: lpcn has no pixels and very few remaining resources and the noose tightens daily but hey Freak it you got 47 votes so it's all good... :awesome: Enjoy your reign King of the Bottombois... :ehm:

    I am wondering who would vote for him TBH, now i understand he has been begging and using this war to get votes, but who would vote for him really ?, i would love to see who voted for Meth,

  16. I have notification settings when quoted, magic isn't it.

    So to remain vaguely on topic:

    For all the macho man talk, Devialance delivers:


    Hellish received an ass whooping from someone with less tech than him while fighting at a 3 against 1 advantage, so much so that he begged for peace and peaced out with Jung Hua before Jung Hua murdered him.

    Don't bother replying with your tear filled eyes as I will just laugh.

    Well I have to reply as you are right my eyes are tear filled with laughing so much, first of all I was nuked, I was not the one out of the three who was nuking, secondly the war with the whole alliance and all those involved was given peace and getting peace, as for the tech adv yes I had a little more tech and he had twice my infra, but you are to small minded to understand how important infra is, more so when I am not the one who is nuking.

    But its ok, you keep telling yourself these lies, soon I will be in your range and then we shall see who is really crying.

    In truth right now I just find you boring so I think this will be my last reply to you, it might not be but i feel it will be, as talking to you just makes me feel dumber tbh 


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