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Xavier Harkonnen

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Everything posted by Xavier Harkonnen

  1. Capital of new Republic Declared in New Haven, Connecticut New Haven, Conn. - The newly elected President of Connecticut confirmed today that the first sessions of Congress and the new administration will be taking place in New Haven. Located in the southern portion of the country, New Haven is a small but bustling city of around 160,000 inhabitants. The first congress of the Republic of Connecticut will be meeting in an older building, the New Haven State Library until the formal Capitol buildings and infrastructure can be completed sometime next year. The elections to the Presidency and the Congress took place earlier this week with most of the 36 Seats in the Senate, and 151 Seats in the House going to the Democratic-Republican party. The main opposition party in Congress is the National Republican party. The President, Roger Sherman and His Vice-President, Oliver Wolcott are expected to issue an address by radio to the people of Connecticut to announce the location of the Capital later this evening.
  2. President Sherman responded today on the remarks by Connecticut's former protector, " It is our deepest gratitude and humility towards the people and government of the American Commonwealth, that we thank them for their support and previous protection..."
  3. Thanks, I appreciate it and I apologize. I was looking for prot's but couldn't find a list. Thanks for being so kind! :)
  4. Letter of Notice to all foreign Heads of State, Kings, Queens, Princes, Presidents etc; As of this day, the inhabitants of the territories within the Connecticut region of North America do hereby form themselves as a legal and political entity. We are resolved, as one people to order ourselves and to be styled as the REPUBLIC of CONNECTICUT. It is our wish to cultivate and maintain good diplomatic and economic ties with all nations and states, as well as to further the aspirations and determinations of our peoples. For the purposes of future understandings and communications, our government currently is as follows: President Roger Sherman Vice President Oliver Wolcott Senate of Connecticut House of Representatives of the People of Connecticut Supreme Court of Connecticut
  5. Is it possible for me to get Connecticut? It should be labelled as the Republic of Connecticut.
  6. Ah, I see. Disregard then. I don't think I can work like that. Sorry for the confusion guys.
  7. Please color Maine as blue, and label it as the Republic of Maine. I have been given permission by it's owner to take control of it.
  8. I gotcha. I didn't see the list properly. Thanks!
  9. Can I get what's left of Spain? I intend to be an active and integral art of the RP storyline and I don't intend on doing anything crazy. Please label it as Spain. Thanks!
  10. I do. I am firmly against raiding on any level. I'm not a veteran player, so my history stems only from my own recent experiences. That is comprised solely of DBDC and others.
  11. Probably for the same reason they nuked me and two other nations in LSF for voting for a pink senator they didn't like? They've done more for a lot less. Like I said: cowardice, and a complete lack of morals. I'm still waiting for the other, three or so nukes I was promised out of my five.
  12. I made a post about why nobody is doing anything at this point, and I will reiterate it here. Basically, the game's major players don't care, because DBDC thrives on taking shots at people who are on the overall fringes of the spheres of influence in the world. You refuse to come out openly and declare war on major players and even those you do attack, you often times do so by proxy. Utilizing satellite alliances amiable to your brigandry, you take careful measures to avoid getting involved with much larger alliances if you can help it. Sure, that's slipped up a couple of times, noting your references to near strangulation. But the point remains the same: you are cowards, unwilling to back up your talk with action in terms of strength and resilience. I'm still waiting for those nukes promised me.
  13. Unfortunately, that's not really a good reason. You're saying that because it has always been so, it's been okay. Unfortunately for your geriatric sideshow, that's not only false, but also hilarious. I have eyes, I can read. I know that alliances stood on principle, and made treaties based on strategic and wise purposes. That alliances like DBDC would have been strangled in their infancy before things got out of hand. I read that the ODN once fought one of the first wars in this game, for principle. Now you claim that morality has always been in short supply, forsaking the sacrifices and efforts of those that came before you. Do yourself a favor, for an elder penguin: retire.
  14. I have to agree. The levels of barbarism, wanton destruction and "lol raids" have risen exponentially in just the last couple of months. At least it's good to know others are seeing it as well, thank you.
  15. I think it's high time they bring it back for some people.
  16. Precisely the reason the government of the Orange Defense Network must have misplaced it's medication scripts this month. Yourself, DBDC, and others like you are invariably uncouth, rude and a belligerent party here in the world. It seems your sole purpose is to cause as much destruction on a wide vareity of alliances until you bite someone who is inevitably going to bite back. At that point I suspect you'll have acheived what you're ultimately working for: a wider conflict.
  17. It's no secret of my dislike for Doombird Doomcave, but at this point I am just sad to see a fine alliance go down this road. Tying your foreign policy to one of wanton raiding and de facto, undeclared war via proxy is the surest way to get embroiled in something larger.
  18. Sad to see ODN fall so far from it's ideals here.
  19. Damn fine to see. Congratulations to my comrades.
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