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Everything posted by Darkstorm777

  1. You should add this to the wiki.
  2. So post human is basically xmen? Lol
  3. Come to think of it, this is pointless for alliance propaganda since they can just post a video here in the forum.
  4. This is pointless. If alliances need propaganda, or announcements (although announcements on youtube would be pointless frankly) then they should just MAKE THEIR OWN YOUTUBE CHANNELS. (which would be very neat for MHA, but I digress) As far as recruitment goes, that would miraculous if you managed to convince even one random viewer to create an active account on cybernations, for one thing, cybernations isn't like say, minecraft, because you can't something from actual gameplay even remotely interesting to anyone who doesn't play the game.
  5. You're*As in, you're making this too easy. Honestly, when your title and comments have the grammar of a 4th grader, I'm not sure you're quite ready for handling such a big project.
  6. Wait. Why are you posting these lyrics here? Why are you posting sound-based music on a forum about some online game when you just you could just as easily post them on say, YOUTUBE, the place this kind of stuff is actually meant to go?
  7. Why does this thing want to know what's on my mind?

  8. Hey, why aren't I in your references? (Joke)
  9. I wouldn't nessasarily be on the ground crying if they made cybernations a little more realistic. If I had to choose realism or content in a game, I would choose content, but realism is something I would appreciate in some games.
  10. It was a small nation of the yellow sphere, with a few wonders, and a crummy collect of infastructure. The only person that it held any importance to is Albert_Bent_101010, and that just so happened because he is the one who lives in it. He had moved his formally great top-three-hundred nation after fighting with NPO in the Dave War, to Umbrella, after being hideously ZIed in the preformentioned Dave War. Then the Equalibrium War started and he was promptly again IZed, he then joined Anarchy Inc. He started paying his bills and collecting taxes. Infastructure, troops, improvement. Out the corner of his eye he saw a message. He opened it. Realizing it was from the triumivirate of Anarchy Inc. His mind searched for something to connect with. Purple. He read the message. 10 seconds later, he was in peace mode.
  11. I smell sarcasm, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt
  12. On the uncharted backwaters of the internet, in a game known as "Cybernations", existed an alliance so amazing primitive that they still thought trade circles were "a pretty neat idea". Now this alliance had a problem. Most people in it were unhappy for pretty much most of the time. Solutions were tried, mostly involving little yellow circle with three black triangles, but this usually served to make things worst, and it wasn't the multi-colored shapes that were the ones who were upset in the first place. So roughly 5 months after some people went to war over who gets to go to war with who, a young player sitting alone in IRC finally had a revelation. She had figured out how to make every be nice to each other and then no one would have to go to war with anyone. But before she could go tell someone, a disaster struck, a disaster so horrible that no one would ever know about her revelation. This is not her story. This is the story of a guide. A guide more famous then Supah_dudez 23 more things to do in bill lock and more controversial then Trollerfan3324 series How 2 Tr0ll, h0w 2 fl@m3, and h0w 2 g3t b@nn3I). Now on to the story. So yeah, not so good for an opening sequence, but its a parody so what do you expect? Anyway, I'll be posting one of these each week and perhaps two, depending on the reception, so I hope you all enjoyed, and that a rap!
  13. Hello, So your probably wondering what this is. This is a parody. Of The Hitchhiker Guide to the Galaxy. Since there's no major war to make a highly controversial blog entry about, I figure I might as well entertain the masses with this. I will make a blog entry each week on each different chapter of The Hitchhikers Guide to the galaxy (you know what? Screw, the a mouth-full to say, so I'm just going to abbreviate it to HHGG from here on out) starting with the prologue, and each will be cyberfied. PS, any idiotic statements, spelling mistakes, or inaccurate statements are illogical to complain about, because this is a parody, and inaccurate and idiotic statements are suppose to be there.
  14. How is this a satire? What exactly did I say that was stupid? Anyway, its not the most quality entry, but I have to post something.
  15. Thanks for the advice, I will be sure to take it into account when it becomes necessary but thanks you some great tech deals I'm raking up cash like no body's business.
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