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Status Updates posted by Magicman657

  1. I hadn't realized you were actually alive at any point, I thought you were just stuck in some sort of pseudo zombie state.

  2. So like you are still here and still breathing I see.

  3. You've got this whole "sarcasm / debating" thing down to an art form refined so much that I would probably buy tickets just to watch. Always factually informative and not afraid to be snarky if called for.

    Gold star.

  4. Well if you have some free time at some point, I'd be glad to help ya get back into it. Would be beneficial to me too, the more practice time I get the better.

  5. How are your chess games goin? Seems we have some pretty good players this time around, I'm particularly worried about CharlesVI as he can unseed me from my currently held second place.

  6. Interestingly enough I randomly clicked on here, saw my last comment still there, and decided to check again since I moved in the last month and I'm still 3 hours away. Eerie.

  7. You now have a comment to go with that nice royal purple theme you got goin on here :P

  8. I noticed that just after I posted #1001 lol. A bit late, but I'm a firm believer everything I say is awesome.

  9. Ok but only if I can use Febreeze to do it.

  10. Lemme get some of that Santana Champ, yo.

  11. I randomly came across your page and decide to violate your comment wall.


  12. Apparently I am not the only one who was born on Friday the 13th. Hope your birthday is more exciting than mine.

  13. MS Paint Adventures = win.

  14. Nothing much.

    Your avatar reminds me of Little Big Planet.

  15. Hey, are you still around?

  16. Probably because his avatar stares back at you :P

  17. You're cool. Not really sure what else to say.

  18. You know, I just realized I never added you as a friend. Randomly came across a post of yours and the avatar made me remember.

  19. Needs more comments please :(

  20. I love cookies, but I gotta say snicker doodle cookies are my favorite of them all :P


  21. Ok yea I might have missed that little domain thing, tis my one math weakness (I read it as or instead of and)

    Still sounds redundant to say it that way though if it just means 0 :P

    Also,hi, and /commented.

  22. Just wanted to say that I agree people worry way too much about getting sick. Building up the immune system is what keeps me healthy throughout each year.

  23. Just noticed there were no comments here so I decided to fix that for ya :)

  24. Fear not, for the Magicman hath granted you a comment to display.

  25. Reboot was an amazing show and I miss it every time I think of it.

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