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Unknown Smurf

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Everything posted by Unknown Smurf

  1. [quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1317884089' post='2818197'] Everyone knew Europa was coming in. Saying they weren't just shows you don't know what you're talking about. [/quote] Considering they didn't, I'm right, and [i]everyone[/i] is wrong But, yes, I see your point. EDIT: [quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1317884250' post='2818201'] You know what the difference is? You dont see me sitting here telling you what RoKs intentions were, or werent, and ignoring the facts in front of me. [/quote] Uhh can you clarify what you mean? From the way I read this you are backing me up (and I know that isn't true.. I'm really tired so blame that). But the way I am reading this is you're being sarcastic, because you are telling me what Europas intentions were and ignoring the fact that europa didn't declare.
  2. [quote name='Systemfailure' timestamp='1317883987' post='2818192'] Legion declared war, they knew what they were getting into since im sure someone in their AA can read a Treaty web. Dont blame tetris for using their treaties i thought thats what they are for? [/quote] The problem isn't tetris. It's NsO. IAA coming in on a protectorate agreement with no chaining clause.. and to a lesser degree BTA activating an oA to help an alliance defend a friend, but then again I can live with that. If it was a MADP I would have no problem so, considering they chose to use the oA as an A, its the same thing.
  3. [quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1317883705' post='2818188'] The existance of a target list. A nation jumping the gun on the list. The leader of Europa admitting they were to go in last night and then it got called off. All of that put together. You know what it means? It means that it was Invictas intent to go to war. It means it was Europas intent to go with them. Stop the flipping pretense. The whole game knew of it yesterday morning, HOURS AND HOURS before update. [/quote] A RoK nation 'jumped the gun' and declared on a Legion guy and RoK made target lists already... I'm just going by facts here. This is me OOC, still saying Legion is in the right. [quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1317883663' post='2818186'] You do realise Invicta and Europa leadership confirmed publicly they were going in but then canceled it? [/quote] So did RoK, though not publicly. I'm sure there are plenty of alliances that said they were going to go in and then cancelled it.. I know Legion is one of them, and from what I've heard so is NSO, it doesn't mean anything. I'm not going to argue it as we're OOC.
  4. [quote name='Dilber' timestamp='1317883207' post='2818178'] For starters, that whole leaked target list. It's not a big secret that Europa/Invicta was supposed to come in last night. [/quote] As mentioned 1,000 times before making a target list does not mean they are going to war. I bet that there are plenty of target lists of Polar being made up or are already made up. If polar doesn't enter, no war. Also, for comparison sake: Tetris side: (38)+(19)+(128)+(35)+(51) = 271nations 729 160 + 2 679 807 + 683 950 + 1 738 970 + 846 820 = 6 678 707 NS => Avg. NS = 24 644.6753 Legion: 241 Nations 6,007,630 => 24,928 aNS
  5. [quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1317882011' post='2818156'] Why do people continue to act like size of the combatants is irrelevant? Yes its 5v1. The NS of those fighting Legion, didnt pass Legions NS until the last DoW by BTA. Competence aside, more nations, more tech, more NS, will almost always win. How do you overcome that? You close the gap. FFS stop looking at it as 5 alliances vs 1, because its based on the idiotic premise that 1 alliance = 1 alliance. [/quote] Theres a few problems I see there.. 1) Activity. Every alliances has 'x' amount of active members. Yes, bigger alliances have more active members (hopefully), but generally speaking you get a higher percentage of active members in smaller alliances because theres less inactives ones. 2) External aid. You can have a lot of money flowing in from outside alliances because your friends are bigger. And yes, since I'm OOC, Legion is not as competent as the average alliance. I think huge strides are made even as we speak though. This war has ramped up activity and nations are taking the advice they are given.
  6. They are going to claim they want Legions allies to come in, then call legions allies !@#$%*^ for not coming in. They are retarded. Legion will NOT call in its allies because we know its going to be a curbstomp (NSO brings in MJ, Tetris brings in VE/SF/PB IAA brings in C&G).. what the $%&@ is left? No. We will take our beating, deal as much damage as we receive. Then position ourselves to be better prepared next time.
  7. "Oh my allies went to war because their protectorate used an MDP to offensively attack an alliance so we will help them." -TLR&GATO. Poor show. C&G has fallen so far.
  8. [quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1317875047' post='2817794'] Wow, this has been a long process. LOL @ those who think this is for war convenience. Sheep and bacon for all my men! [/quote] I'm one of them Also, why no oD with that oA?
  9. [quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1317867528' post='2817643'] what does this even mean [/quote] We're in your space, blowing up your death stars and eating your orange peppers? Duh.
  10. [quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1317856422' post='2817461'] Spy op/warchest/etc. propaganda is already lame, did you really have to [b]photoshop[/b] some? On that note, I'm terrible at GIMP but I hope somebody appreciates the reference; [IMG]http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h246/ghostfacemo/alaricdone.png[/IMG] [/quote] Its what he actually has
  11. [quote name='nippy' timestamp='1317856242' post='2817460'] I'm wondering this same thing. There's some horrible artifacts around the numbers on that "warchest". [quote name='asawyer' timestamp='1317855616' post='2817453'] I'm still confused by Smurf's piece about Elrich. Did you actually go to the trouble to photoshop (poorly might I add) fake images of her war declaration screen and warchest? [/quote] [/quote] Well I got the amount of Elrich's warchest via spy ops (rather someone else in the Legion did, but same effect). But I was doing the piece from Elrich's perspective, so I had to plug it into the 'surplus' bit.. hence the paint job. It's the actual amount he has though. [quote name='USMC123' timestamp='1317855678' post='2817454'] 1) He wasn't when the op was done. 2) Yeah and? 3) Who said he was? (Though he used to be!) [/quote] 1) I mean, yes he was. give or take 100 infra. Elrich has lost as much as (if not more since hes in 4 wars) watcher. 2) It's hypocritical and ironic. 3) I said that in order to point out that Elrich is...
  12. [quote name='TehChron' timestamp='1317855242' post='2817447'] Well, he had plenty to spare. You know, warchests and stuff tend to give you a great deal of options to exercise when fighting a war. [url="http://go.mibbit.com/thumb.php?x=32&y=32&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pollsb.com%2Fphotos%2Fo%2F31345-find_offensive_people_use_word_retarded_discribre_something_lame_stupid.jpg"]But since you're going there anyway...[/url] Scraping the bottom of the barrel there, Kzopp. With your 8.6k ns, and 2.2k infra. Id be surprised if you survived this round outside of bill lock. Unlike Griff there [/quote] I don't think you understand what aiding does. Kzopp has an MP. New one, hence the lack of warchest. It just takes an aid package to have him nuke griff into oblivion.
  13. [quote name='TehChron' timestamp='1317854847' post='2817440'] Oh, Kzopp, really, man? [url="http://go.mibbit.com/thumb.php?x=32&y=32&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pollsb.com%2Fphotos%2Fo%2F31345-find_offensive_people_use_word_retarded_discribre_something_lame_stupid.jpg"]You're being ridiculous, man.[/url] [/quote] I guess he didn't realize you guys can't send aid to your lower tiers when your entire upper tier is in peace mode. P.S. Link doesn't go anywhere
  14. [quote name='TehChron' timestamp='1317853998' post='2817432'] Wow, that really struck a nerve, huh? Guess you guys dont like it when people call out Legionarres for having (gasp) inadequate warchests (shock). I'm sorry, Ill try to get my comrades and allies to stop doing info spy attacks so as to not embarrass anyone else further, does that help? [/quote] No not really, we like when you do spy attacks: [quote name='Saniiro Matsudaira' timestamp='1317791976' post='2816794'] [img]http://i.imgur.com/5ft8e.png[/img] Thanks for the help, Legion. [/quote] Thanks for returning the favor: [img]http://i53.tinypic.com/ei8tgp.jpg[/img]
  15. [quote name='USMC123' timestamp='1317853494' post='2817423'] I wasn't going to say anything until I got a new spy op to screenie, but [/quote] Hes 2k infra less, plus he didn't talk !@#$ about the other side not having warchests and he's not the leader of the Legion..
  16. [quote name='TehChron' timestamp='1317851992' post='2817394'] [ooc]When i tried to reroll a few months ago, someone else had already taken the name "Chron", so I had to go with this in order to abide by the rules. Meh. And besides, Smurf stated "posters that come to mind", and Ive been all over this stuff for the past week.[/ooc] [/quote] Simple oversight
  17. [img]http://i56.tinypic.com/2ajnk2a.png[/img]
  18. [img]http://i51.tinypic.com/14v7l9j.png[/img]
  19. [quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1317849538' post='2817352'] Also, I require at least 2 dozen high profile OWF posters to make trading cards of, I'll make this publically decided, so list whomever you'd like in this thread and there will be a trading card of them by update. [/quote] Haha, I like it.. my two cents (catered specifically to this war, alphabetically): D34th Elrich von Richt Jaiar Methrage Mogar Rebel Virginia Unknown Smurf USMC123 Varianz World Conquerer EDIT: Heres some more, I was aiming for 10 above.. Sardonic Banksy Kzopp Magicninja Rayvon Heft KainIIIC Haflinger
  20. [quote name='Turin' timestamp='1317848647' post='2817339'] You....forgot....to finish your thoughts before posting? As for your upper tier: You once again imply that you have the money to keep up an aid stream. Even in the rare case you do, I am quite certain it will end up in our warchests given the incompetence of many of your lower-end members. [/quote] Lets see what happens. EDIT: @Varianz/the others -- This is what you were laughing at? You think the legion is too incompetent to funnel aid down and/or to have the nations receiving aid hold on to it, correct? Or did I miss something?
  21. I gotta admit I lol'd at Beau's sig. Can't agree with it though... if Kzopp stops, everyones going to realize how bad mine is
  22. [quote name='TehChron' timestamp='1317847368' post='2817318'] Oh dear, and now Legion's the underdog? I never would have thought, considering how only a couple of nights ago, you were bragging about that particular bit of information. [/quote] [quote name='Varianz' timestamp='1317848000' post='2817327'] You can't actually be this dumb. Really you can't. [/quote] [quote name='Turin' timestamp='1317848194' post='2817328'] What an... [i]interesting[/i] perspective. [/quote] Forgot to finish my thought.. What I meant is its no matter because our upper tier will funnel aid into our lower one soon enough.
  23. [quote name='Mogar' timestamp='1317845843' post='2817296'] They've publically admitted in this thread that they were planning on using that target list, and then decided to back down about 5 hours before update, I havent nuked anyone yet, I'm from a different time in the cyberverse, unless I get nuked, I didnt plan on going weapons free, my attacks were to simply assist NSO in getting peace from someone Europa Disavowed at the time as a rogue. [/quote] So now that the situation has changed you are welcome to attempt to get peace, my offer to help you do get off the ZI list still stands despite your attempt to be a martyr.
  24. [quote name='Leet Guy' timestamp='1317822683' post='2817062'] I hear Pink "micros" have a bit of a bite to them these days... [/quote] Yes, because declaring 3 offensive wars per nation just to make their blitz look more impressive won't come back to bite them in the ass. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1317827281' post='2817095'] [color="#0000FF"]Despite all the people who have replied to this I am surprised that nobody has found anything wrong with this selection until now.[/color] [/quote] Most people have methrage blocked. [quote name='Varianz' timestamp='1317831069' post='2817118'] I really really love the "even fight" line some people are spouting. Because clearly a 2:1 NS advantage, with that advantage particularly pronounced in the upper tier, and double the number of nukes, is "a fairly even fight". Try and come up with better propaganda !@#$%^&* please. [/quote] When the NS advantage is stuck in the upper tier, that means you have a huge advantage numerically in the lower tier. No matter though.
  25. This is an OOC forum.. and I'm using numbers in-game. Where is there bias?
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