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Everything posted by Kaiser

  1. Making fun of either is quite classless, in my opinion.
  2. Was it funny when VE disbanded? If you weren't there, go ask some people that were just how funny it was. Perhaps then you can gain some perspective.
  3. This is funny, if only because it is coming from VE. Any other alliance would be better, but you guys complained for months after you were forced to disband, and after your reformation. Although you had every right to complain, to see this come from you is the height of hypocrisy. I never thought I would see VE poke fun at another alliance's disbandment. Stay classy VE.
  4. The majority of our nations that bought these have all the other wonders, or all the other wonders minus the FAC and FSS. I can't help what my fellow nations buy, but I'm not going to be buying these wonders personally.
  5. I would personally rather we had none and saved our money.
  6. [ooc]8 pages at 40 nations a page is 320 nations, or around 33% of your alliance[/ooc]
  7. IRON has 480 members and 122 MPs. Farkistan and CSN combined have 480 members too and only 135 MPs. It's not like you guys have all that many more MPs than IRON, so I'm not sure where you're coming from. If you take into account WRCs IRON has 52 for 480 members, you you guys only have 39. Looking at the alliances, you're very similar in military wonders, so I don't see how you can say they are bad, when they are similar in numbers to you.
  8. Welcome to 2 weeks ago. This was already discussed and we decided that it would be a dick move.
  9. If you want serious response, don't put in lulz terms. If you put lulz terms in you should expect either a lulz reponse, or having those terms not to be taken seriously. It will be interesting to see what IRON does now that they are free.
  10. Good thing we get immunity tomorrow. I have a feeling we may need it.
  11. I was more replying to how you were saying that anyone on a colour can be held responsible for other people on that colour. I probably should have quoted a different post.
  12. No, you're wrong. Any alliance can start up on any colour, people that have no ties to them are not responsible for their actions if they are stupid. Just by being on the same colour as someone does not mean you are supporting their actions. If you are allied by a treaty to someone then, yes, you are supporting their actions, but the act of simply being on the same colour as someone does not imply that you are supporting their actions. That's like saying that because a murderer lives in the same town as you, you support the act of murder, even if you've never had any contact with that murderer before.
  13. It looks like everyone picks there own alliance, or alliance that is protecting them. I must say I'm shocked. Oh well, I might as well join in, and say my own alliance. I mean, what alliance would stick with their protectorate when pretty much the whole world is against them?
  14. Fan is protecting NPO for laughs, Ejayrazz didn't give mpol a prize for something due to racism, and a mule died (I think)
  15. I suspect today will be an interesting update.
  16. Just because an alliance is smaller than you, doesn't mean you shouldn't take what they say seriously.
  17. Don't be silly you couldn't be more completly wrong.
  18. It's a good way to waste time when I'm bored.
  19. Gromlins do this for their top 5 nations.
  20. We only attacked nations that after several days of war had no other nations attacking them. They weren't fighting other Karma nations when we attacked them, so any damage we did would not have been done at all if we didn't attack. We also went first strike nuking an alliance (can't remember which) that first strike nuked Umbrella, our ally.
  21. Weird how most of our ghosts leave at once. We only have 13 ghosts left. With all the ghosts that left yesterday, our avg ns jumped up by about 1400.
  22. Can TOP come to the meeting? We too want to take done the menacing Gromlins.
  23. It all depends on if they are gov or not. If a member of gov commits and individual crime, then the alliance is usually punished, but if it is just a rank and file member then the punishment should be on the member.
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