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Everything posted by Kaiser

  1. Sometimes coindidences happen. And if you're referring to the whole RV thing, well we served our 72 hour notice before RV even started to ghost RLMMO.
  2. I would think 10 million would be a good fee.
  3. haha, claiming you're being attacked OOC is stupid. Do you think that makes you sound more convincing? I bet now you're going to claim I OOC attacked you too.
  4. I just sent him a message telling him I wanted to snuggle up against him on cold winter nights.
  5. I wish there was some way to search for nations with these wonders, so I could ridicule them. Oh well, I'll just have to wait for someone in my alliance to buy one so I can make fun instead.
  6. I'm sad. Apperently he didn't like my message enough to post it
  7. I looked for an alliance with a active, close community that shares a lot with it's membership and is a democracy. Luckily I found it.
  8. You're going to wish you never got the sanction. Sure in-game flag is kind of cool, but 30 ghosts and no one in their range sucks...
  9. These ghosts are annoying. We actually only have 206 members, but for some reason these ghosts are swarming us.
  10. Didn't you hear? NSO brought it back with their coolness.
  11. Is Napolean the only founder left? That's sad to see. I miss talking to Shyox. Congrats on your third b-day RIA. May you have many more.
  12. What the hell are you talking about? I said the exact opposite. There look, I even bolded it for you. Please refrain from putting words in my mouth.
  13. ok, I'm sorry. I misunderstood what you were trying to say. You are right in this instance, however, I'm sure most of our allies would agree that we would not do this to them.
  14. You have yet to outline any incentive that Citadel would get by abandoning their allies. You have just said we could do it without any negatives. There is no incentive for Citadel to dump their allies, and even if there is no negative (something that is a wrong assumption) there would be far higher gain by keeping our allies. I'll use some math. If we take your assumption, and say Citadel when it dumps its allies is at a 0 in terms of incentives, as there are no negatives. Now, during a war Citadel's upper nations drop the enemies upper nations down to a mid level. We're going to need allies that have a lot of mid level nations to keep up the fight, and drop our enemies even more. So a Citadel with allies, would have some positives,, so we will assign them a numerical number of one. 1>0 so it would be more to the incentive of Citadel to keep their allies.
  15. I don't know why I was doing that. I'm fairly sure NSO is going to go on a rampage and declare war on everyone on Planet Bob, including FB. Now, I don't have years of data collected, but would you please show me how this claim based on no evidence is incorrect? If you cannot prove that it is incorrect, then it must be correct after all.
  16. In the scientific community, you cannot make a claim and then say "Don't worry. I know that I have no evidence, but I'm sure that in more time some will come up" no ones in the scientific community would accept this answer, I don't see why we would accept it here. This is one of the worst arguments I've ever seen, which surprises me, as your arguments are usually quite good Heggo. EDIT to match yours It's not a complete coincidence, but you must know that corralation =/= causation. To get into TOP you need to have an established history, and a strong character vouch either from a TOP member or gov member of your former alliance, that TOP respects. Nations cannot get in as a complete newb, as they won't have the history we require. If a nation that was at 0 ns due to war applied, and had a strong enough character vouch, they would probably get in. The reason we have mostly high NS nations is because those are the types of nations that have strong histories in CN. I myself got into TOP with a 234 ns nation.
  17. That's what I was referring to as well. TOP's requirements to get in have nothing to do with nation size, and we routinely turn down nations with huge nations. The requirements to get into TOP are more elitist than those to get into TjO.
  18. You say that TjO will not rise to prominence due to elitist requirements. However, The Order of the Paradox has quite elitist requirements for acceptance as well, yet we are the top (pun not intended) alliance in the game. How do you explain this? EDIT: Oh God the spelling in my post was terrible
  19. AKA: Every alliance worth their salt.
  20. I'm interested in a long term tech deal, or a one off thing. If anyone is selling tech, contact me here, on CN or IRC. Where ever is better for you. Thanks.
  21. I'd rather have my warchest then wonders that don't pay themselves off. Unless of course they roll out at much lower costs than they were originally said to, in that case, I would go with Mars.
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