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Jeb the Wise

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Everything posted by Jeb the Wise

  1. Nice to see two great AAs come together. You know most nuclear power plants make power by generating steam. I'm sure there's an analogy in there somewhere.
  2. [quote name='Spaarlaamp' timestamp='1332088772' post='2939754'] DoW's like this are such a stupid cry for attention. Nobody cares that 1 nation is going to war against GOONS. [/quote] I care and wish more will do the same. LOLman for goons Vice-Roy!
  3. Your loved one [i]still[/i] calls the game (Cybernations) by the name of an alliance you haven't been apart of for 2 years (Ragnarok). At least once a week my fiance says, "Oh god, are you going to play 'Ragnarok' all night/day?" [i]"IT'S CALLED CYBERNATIONS WOMAN!"[/i]
  4. The forums [i]are[/i] the history of CN. I think you're looking for this: http://z15.invisionfree.com/Cyber_Nations
  5. Congrats on Peace. I must say, Les Paul Supreme, your avatar is most righteous! That's my kinda battle axe! [img]http://img91.imageshack.us/img91/5921/2eydr4nbl5.gif[/img]
  6. For those players in Southern California I urge you to print up a couple flyers from the FB page http://www.facebook.com/helpfindchristine And put them up around the coffee shops, supermarkets, post office, any place with a community board.
  7. [quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1325391115' post='2889850'] You make it sound so innocent. Aiding and recruiting nations people who are at war is a bad idea no matter how you slice it. NPL can recruit all the unaligned nations they want. But unless you want it to result in war, I'd stay out of other people's business. How long do you think GOONs could go recruiting nations that other alliances are fighting? [/quote] When recruiting nones you come across some in raids by shear accident when mass PMing. I don't think think it's wrong to try to negotiate peace for a potential recruit so long as your not a jerk about it. Now I don't know the details about how things went down and who ruffled who's feather's but from what I personally know of King Wally, things would have been handled with tact. Then again, GOONS aren't particular known for there kindness and mercy toward nones. Any AA that's willing to help these poor nones who find their war slots filled with GOONS with the kind of "friends" GOONS has takes moxie. You guys can't fault them for that, no matter how entitled to raiding nones you may be. Your question made me wonder though, does GOONS recruit Nones or just raid them? Maybe raid and recruit them at the same time?
  8. [quote name='MikeCrotch' timestamp='1325340142' post='2889543'] GOONS has a grudge with NPL, a lot of people are sick of their whining, and GOONS have friends. Sometimes war is just a popularity contest. [/quote] Would that be the NPL trying to help provide harbor for some unaligned noobs from GOON tech raids? I hear 33 million in reps still didn't quell the beast that is GOONS. Sad really. You did hit it the nail on the head about it being a popularity contest. [quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1325377597' post='2889765'] It's funny, the majority of complaints are coming from people [i]not [/i]in NPL. [/quote]I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees. No j/k. I just hate to see some of my old friends get the raw end of the treaty web and I'm shaking my cane at not just GOONS but the rest of DH too. [quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1325379175' post='2889773'] Wait, if it takes more than 14 alliances to defeat GOONs, and GOONs needs help fighting NPL, this must mean NPL is the most powerful alliance in the entire universe. [/quote]This seems to be the consensus All in all, I think NPL will be alright. If they can just maintain their membership they will only become stronger and wiser. (that's if DH [i]let's[/i] them, right?) They seem to have the right attitude in the face of utter bs. It seems to me the grudge wars could be just creating more grudges. Maybe everyone will be doing this again in December 2012. Who knows Oh and Happy New Year CN! *edit* Who am I kidding, of course everyone will be doing this again in 2012!
  9. How come NPL is getting screwed so hard? It's not like anyone would have a gruge against them, they were just treatied into this like most everyone else, and the chestnutz got white peace. Perhaps they won't let up on nebula x until GOD gets peace. IDK. I mean really? DH wasn't enough? And all the while NPL seem to be staying positive while taking their licks. I hope when the time comes you get white peace across the board.
  10. [quote name='lazaraus45' timestamp='1323028340' post='2862455'] due to my small warchest, no clue how to fight and tendancy to surrender after a few days, i enourage anyone countering to hit me immediately [/quote] QFT Congrats to NPL on their first Nuclear Ball!
  11. [quote name='the damned' timestamp='1322369839' post='2853379'] This is great to see. Correct me if I am wrong, but wasnt OBR founded (at least in part) by ex Legion guys/gals? [/quote] That's ancient history. Lucky for you I'm thousands of years old... The original members of the OBR were from the Grey Council, however OBR had many friends in the Legion and soon they were joined by the likes of Sir Yenisey, Sir Neboe, Sir Fonzoland, and Sir SocCarolina. Sir Yenisey and Sir Neboe are considered founding members I am most certain. To celebrate our LoA, I shall don the CN forum pip of Sparta.
  12. You, you may say. I'm a dreamer, ...but I'm not the only one.
  13. [center][size="6"][color="#FF0000"]I am looking for one reliable and active tech dealer.[/color][/size] [img]http://www.nzhjonline.com/assets/images/information-technology.jpg[/img][/center] Two deals of 3mil/100tech. If the seller sends all four shipments of 50 tech on time an additional 3mil will be sent to the seller. (Hence a 4.5mil/100 tech deal) If you are interested, please post or pm me at least two Tech Buyers that can give you good references. If all checks out, 3mil will be sent your way immediately. [size="1"] [color="#C0C0C0"]Remember, in order to get the bonus you must send all four shipments on time. I will allow a gimme for one day late on one of the four shipments, anything more could result in the loss of the bonus. Also, as the aid is sent, I don't mind waiting for a tech re-buy due to multiple tech deals, so long as it becomes available within 3 business days. I cannot do business with any nation at war or whose Alliance is at war. Offer cannot be combined with other offers and specials. Offer Void where prohibited by law.[/color][/size]
  14. [quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1319858118' post='2834194'] lol what did arrnea do that was so bad [/quote] Nothing. This whole war is/was BS. And so is keeping Arrnea on the hook for 3 weeks.
  15. This thread needs more love. [url="http://www.blackroseorder.info/phpbb3/ucp.php?mode=login"]Click to join the realm![/url]
  16. I for one welcome our new CNGod overlords... even if they seem to be bronies *sigh* Friendship is [s]Magic[/s] Tragic. [spoiler][quote name='Hecate' timestamp='1318051549' post='2820547'] We have no mercy. [/quote] No !@#$ Sherlock. And now you guys just broke about every rule in the book in one thread. Nice precedent.[/spoiler]
  17. Nice. I must say, I'm impressed Wally. These have been hard times for start ups. You guys should be proud.
  18. Thanks to those of you who replied. We should be good by tomorrow after noon.
  19. Just looking to fix a 3BR (Construction, Fast Food, and Beer) 1st to reply gets the spot, Just message my [nation='164657']nation[/nation] Must be able to change resources to Spices and Lumber. Hear from you soon!
  20. Is this the part where I'm suppose to blame Polar, or was it Pacifica? I forget.
  21. If anyone ever has trouble getting their Black Pearl forum account activated, just message me in game: [url='http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1000430']Captain Barbossa[/url]
  22. Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. Just getting ready for the next round. Hope we don't beat each other up too much Wait, yes I do!
  23. [center][img]http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/559/jollyrogerslogo.png[/img][/center] [size="4"] [font="Book Antiqua"][indent]Arrr me matie. We are the crew of the Black Pearl, the finest and fastest vessel that ever be set to sea on Planet Steve. Is thar honor among thieves? Yarr, indeed me lass. As we sail these rough seas we may plunder and plundered be but we will always hold honor at high esteem. Individual raids and Alliances alike may come for parlay and we are always open to diplomacy. We like to trade and plunder but also keep our flints and gun powder dry. We keep our wits about us and always converse with a cool tongue. We like gold but love our canons and cutlasses even more. Thar shall be no raids on the Black Pearl without swift rebuttal. Take heed before ye be covnin' our gold. Rogues will be bequeathed a short drop and a quick stop. If you're interested in pirating with me crew or ye be lookin' fer trades on black, please register and sign up @ [url="http://www.blackpearl-cn.info"]www.blackpearl-cn.info[/url] Don't worry ye wee heart, we have plenty of rum for everyone. [img]http://www.blackroseorder.info/phpbb3/images/smilies/pirate3.gif[/img][/indent][/font][/size] [center][img]https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-tuKKlpezIx4/TfZPsc9gA1I/AAAAAAAAAHA/g3pUKLRpKPQ/JollyRogersFlag2.gif[/img][/center] *Edit*Yarr, No one ever said pirates were good spellars.
  24. The Rosular Kingdom is great for old, new, active, and inactive nations alike. I've really come to find a great home here and I recommend you stop by [url="http://www.blackroseorder.info/phpbb3/index.php"]our forums[/url] and see for yourself. [center][img]http://www.blackroseorder.info/phpbb3/images/smilies/4tehrose.png[/img][/center]
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