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Everything posted by Frozenrpg

  1. Ah you see we managed to surpass this problem using 100% freshly squeezed Nutty Carrot Cake extract.
  2. Well you see, due to the efficiency of our update strike, we are really starting to lack free offensive war slots. Do you think you guys could be so kind, and since well you have plenty of open offensive war slots maybe fill some of our defensive ones? I'm not calling you cowards or anything, just pointing out that we do the whole war thing better. I know you guys pride yourselves on the whole war = strife = kit-kats or whatever the equation comes out to be; but hey there is anyways next war. You guys can prove yourselves then and give yourselves some bite to go along with your bark.
  3. Oh how I do enjoy the 'bring it' argument. You know, after Polar surrenders to us, I'll definitely push to have your head next. Whats better than having one Emperor bow down?
  4. Come on now, war = peace and blah blah blah something something darkside something something complete.
  5. In the same way it would be impossible to know what path or choice FoA would have made for themselves.
  6. If I enclose a cat in a box with a mechanism that has a 50/50 chance of either killing it or sparing it; is the cat alive or dead?
  7. Nope. It was canceled on them prior. Your argument was that \m/ was forcing them to do something, they had already done - as if they were uncomfortable with it or did not want it.
  8. No, I fought in the Karma war because I don't like Order(s).
  9. So many old friends in that thread. Those were truly good times!
  10. Ah my mistake. The vast majority of alliances. But as far as I am aware, the above mentioned alliances do not practice it to a large degree.
  11. You know, upon examining your treaties, I am surprised you practice PZI while being treatied with VE since they are the defacto champions against the above mentioned practice.
  12. Ahhhh PZI what a wonderful policy! Why don't more alliances practice this? Oh yeah, they all were beat down.
  13. Hell just give me one more day. Hey see above reply.
  14. kinkeh? Mind sending me like 100M so I can get to your strength
  15. You know, I have always wanted to roll Avalon; ever since the Universalis-Legion war.
  16. You know... I do enjoy the "well do something about it" response. It is as if all all logic and conversation has been thrown out at this point and now it is time for one to use their fists. Well good sir, you just had a good enough reason and justification to 'do something about it' yourself, and yet to you decided to bring it here where the arguments presented by Invicta fall on deaf ears only to be told "Private chans FTW" (I know, it was quite unexpected). And yet, it gets interesting again, as Invicta is presented in an even worse light for editing logs to try and turn the masses against SLCB. So yet, in the end you have accomplished nothing, and only served to lower your own alliance's credibility. Bravo Invicta, you just pulled a GGA.
  17. OMGZ the Sith are invading whatever color UF is on!!!!!1! Obvious colony alliance is obvious!
  18. Hell will freeze over before the CSN-USN MADP is canceled!!!!! owai-
  19. Come on now, nothing is slower at voting than GW2 TOP
  20. LOL Remember when UNION and CON were threatened with war if they put a CON member on the senate via our own senate treaty? Good times...
  21. This thread is now about the Stickmen. As my first act as the newly rerolled member of the iFOK, I am holding this press conference in order to enlighten the beautiful and intelligent masses to the devious exploits of the Stickmen. Feel free to hurl kisses ask us anything. Who do you like more? A ) SLCB B ) iFOK C ) FCO D ) All of the above E ) mudkipz
  22. The FOK/iFOK relationship is a lot like the OoO. Except it has a lot more wincest and a lot less backstabbing.
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