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Creeping Death

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Everything posted by Creeping Death

  1. [quote name='BlkAK47_002' timestamp='1283227347' post='2436571'] In my eyes NSO walked away the victor here. First off they dealt out 900,000 ns damage while fighting off 5 alliances. They managed to protect their allies from getting involved in an obvious curbstomp. They have tons of aid pouring in from multiple alliances. While their opponets nothing for their damages. They revealed how low some people will sink just to get at us. They've walked away from this mess with alot more respect than what they had at the start of this. [/quote] Where was it ever said this was aimed at Pacifica?
  2. NSO got curb stomped, they have a broken jaw, ribs and a scar across their forehead from it. Though they did seem to "lose" this "war" they won in reality because they are still breathing. *giggles* I applaud you NSO for standing back up, but please stop asking to get knocked back down... we just put our bats away
  3. Congrats, good to see the tigers are somewhat behaving.
  4. [quote name='DictatatorDan' timestamp='1282807930' post='2431618'] [color="#FF0000"]That's a nice lovely theory right there, but that doesn't make it right. Each and every NSO member is entitled to be a sore loser if they want to, regardless of whether or not you or your alliance likes it.[/color] [/quote] Indeed, I have no problem with them being sore losers. The fact is they admitted defeat.
  5. [quote name='Enrage' timestamp='1282778153' post='2431264'] For the Viridian Entente; * Cornelius, Lord of the Entente * Son of Howard, Secretary of State * God of Salt, Secretary of the Interior * Impero, Secretary of Defense * InfiniteWii, Regent of the Entente * Kybernetes, Regent of the Entente * Smooth, God of the Green Team [/quote] This is a bit old...
  6. [quote name='DictatatorDan' timestamp='1282807128' post='2431608'] [color="#FF0000"]No, not really, unless Hoo is a liar. RoK would have walked away regardless of whether or not NSO met terms. At least that was the nature of his and NSO's informal agreement for the week leading up to NSO's forfeiture.[/color] [/quote] Either way, they still agreed to the terms. An emperor speaks for his alliance. He is the public figure that should, and does represent everything there is about the alliance... or should at least. With his signature on those terms it represents every single members acknowledgment of the terms and acceptance. Thus the point stands.
  7. NSO surrendered. What's so hard to accept that? Your emperor admitted defeat, should he have not your alliance would have surely took an extensive beating until you have all scattered into peace mode. Some of us understand that it might not have been the best reason for a war, but a reason nonetheless. You threw rocks at our house while we were having a party our buddy Ragnarok warned you to stop.. so you threw another one. He called in the boys and we taught some kids a lesson. Looks to me like they won't interrupt our party again.
  8. Well Firefighters save lives, so why not? Hail Gondor and The Station!
  9. [quote name='Fallen Fool' timestamp='1282752449' post='2430911'] I wasn't in Polar when they signed with old GOONS. What I was referencing was my rather supportive attitude when Polar helped bring new GOONS back from the dead. [/quote] Oh, I see.. so then what made you change your mind about their appeal?
  10. [quote name='Fallen Fool' timestamp='1282751251' post='2430890'] Anytime. Congratulations! You've been swayed by the exact same argument which initally won me over back when we signed with GOONS! [/quote] So you are attempting to say that when you signed with the old GOONS you actually believed they had good intentions?
  11. Well now we don't have to call Ghost Busters! Welcome!
  12. [quote name='Bavaricar' timestamp='1282617569' post='2428628'] Your future actions do not guarantee a past with us? Seriously, I think I know what you are trying to say. A person's or an alliance's past actions don't mean squat to you. Well now, that explains this treaty now and no doubt others to follow in the future, so we are all good. You know... with that reasoning, maybe you also should have approached Bilrow to get his signature on this treaty? Oh and creeping death, seeing your latest post above on post preview, I really am not sure what your point is. No offense meant, I just don't understand what you are arguing now. [/quote] What is hidden about the Viridicide claimed in your previous post.
  13. [quote name='Bavaricar' timestamp='1282616603' post='2428571'] There's more to the Viridicide history and everyone in here knows it or should know it. As for me, I like how several of you want to change the record from "objected to the war and did not participate" to "sat by and watched." I also get a kick out of how the 2nd VE wants to write the NpO out of their founding history. Meh? [/quote] Really? More to the Viridicide? Which side would that be that's holding out reasoning's? I think we all know what had happened. We all could obviously see what happened. Also, Viridia is very grateful for what Polaris did to help us. Yet if Viridia 2.0 was not to have Polaris protection when it started how long do you think it could have lasted until it was piled on for destabilizing the green sphere again.
  14. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1282615545' post='2428525'] [color="#0000FF"]Do you care to tell me what this has to do with the current conflict at all? I know we're at war, but really, what does this have to do with that? Does the fact I think VE has been wildly hypocritical and opportunistic for the last year turn me into a crying little girl all of a sudden?[/color] [color="#0000FF"]I'm glad to see you're buying into GOONS' rationalization for their nonsense. I'd hate to see you two best friends spewing off different lines. Might make you look a little inconsistent. Wouldn't want that now would we?[/color] [/quote] It has to do with the fact that your opinion of what we are, and what we plan on being have no effect on how we handle things in our alliance. I also believe the fact that we are at war is currently making your opinion bias and void.
  15. [quote name='Bavaricar' timestamp='1282614140' post='2428474'] It's so cute to see a Viridian make veiled goonie threats. /I lol'd.[/quote] It was far from a threat, nice attempt at a bait though. Sad to see NSO mudslinging... and to think I have been saying you guys were taking your beating like men this whole ordeal... thanks for proving me wrong.
  16. Old GOONS also would have put you on the ZI list for that little comment in accordance to Shark Week. I'd appreciate that they're not around.
  17. [quote name='Letum' timestamp='1282613233' post='2428441'] Seems kind of redundant to have both optional defence and optional aggression. The latter would normally be able to cover the former. But congrats on your OADP anyways. [/quote] Appreciate the support.
  18. Hard to see but neccessary. Good show RoK, always good to make sure you have solid treaties.
  19. The people of Creeping Death are displeased with the amount of Twi'leks sent their way.
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