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Everything posted by Swanfield

  1. Glad peace has been achieved for all those concerned. NSO stood their ground well against multiple alliances and I hope they have success in rebuilding rapidly. PS. Finally the GRL can go down!
  2. My price is $9m+150tech for a $25 donation, I will do the donations on a range of date from 27th to 31st Aug at a date of your choosing to maximise your backcollection. £3m+50tech will be sent via a single aid slot every 10 days for 30 days. Reply in this topic if you are interested.
  3. [quote name='Biff Webster' timestamp='1282549574' post='2427491'] So basically you want \m/ to bend to outside pressure, again. Something that you have a big problem with. [/quote] Yes for the greater good, \m/ has already hit rock bottom on the PR front anyway.
  4. [quote name='Mathias' timestamp='1282549444' post='2427487'] I thought you were making a stand for \m/, not for yourself. Do you mean you're only doing this for attention? [/quote] A stand on my views on \m/ and how they should fix it. Nice try, but not quite there Mathias.
  5. [quote name='Ferrozoica Hive' timestamp='1282549077' post='2427483'] Interesting decision to put this into the public light, but as evidenced by the tone of the conversation here I doubt you're going to see any postive movement for \m/ come out of this. If anything, it'll attract some public lambasting of you while, privately, it will be taken as a sign that the alliance truly is in trouble and probably isn't the best treaty partner out there. \m/ will sort things out for themselves one way or the other - I would like to think that the events of the past week or so will serve as some sort of learning experience for the government and will lead to a better pattern of behavior concerning ill-advised jokes and how to manage flare-ups in the future. That being said, good luck going forward. Unfortunately, people have long memories when it comes to coups or coup-like behaviors. [/quote] That's because the supporters and allies of Emperor Marx are rather quick to jump to his defence, to say the least. Effective perhaps, but I'm not going to hide and not make a stand for myself.
  6. [quote name='Silver Empress' timestamp='1282548848' post='2427481'] But why does it really matter to you? You jumped ship and ran to STA. If things are as bad as you say they are, wouldn't it have been better to stay in \m/ and try and help fix things? Edit: ninja'd [/quote] It matters to me because I care about the welfare of my friends in \m/ and staying in \m/ wouldn't have changed a thing because of how authoritarian Emperor Marx is. Airing the "dirty laundry" is my intention because it puts Emperor Marx under more pressure to step aside and that wouldn't be possible without making it totally public.
  7. [quote name='Jgoods45' timestamp='1282548513' post='2427474'] So posting this here in a public forum is supposed to allow this change to happen? Unless your expecting an alliance other then \m/ to make this happen I don't see the logic. Who leads \m/ is \m/'s business and theirs alone. [/quote] Making it public increases the likelihood of something happening and it puts them under the magnifying glass to make sure they don't just sweep it aside with cloak and daggers.
  8. [quote name='Silver Empress' timestamp='1282548382' post='2427470'] That wasn't his fault. Maybe you should find out the whole story before you jump to conclusions. Also, even one tiny mistake doesn't make a ruler an awful ruler. It would take a series of horrible mistakes. Marx has been doing a good job. [/quote] That's the problem. That's precisely what Marx has done.
  9. [quote name='Atanatar' timestamp='1282548025' post='2427458'] No, this is about your love of the attention. If you truly wanted a departing statement that you wanted to be acted upon, It would have been done privately. [/quote] I am not an attention seeking whore, I am calling it how I see it. Private discussions is ineffective as it could be brushed easily under the carpet like many times before.
  10. [quote name='Silver Empress' timestamp='1282547867' post='2427448'] Then why is it that I've heard that the Marx supporters in \m/ outnumber the desenters? From what I've seen, Marx has been a good leader/gov member for \m/ since it's reformation. He's done a lot for \m/ and appears to be trying very hard to keep it together. Why are you focused on trying to discredit someone who has obviously worked hard to help \m/? [/quote] If Emperor Marx was a good leader, would the events of the last week have happened?
  11. [quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' timestamp='1282547775' post='2427447'] Real classy of you OP , try to wreck your ex AA couple of days after you had to leave it. Give it a month at the very least before you spout venom. Also did you not have to leave \m/ because you decided to go rogue on the STA? STA Applicant now i see. [/quote] I'm not trying to wreck \m/, I am just advocating for a change of leadership for the greater good.
  12. [quote name='Moridin' timestamp='1282547571' post='2427435'] Newsflash; everyone who performs coups wants the best for their alliance. You must have known that the \m/ triumvirate doesn't agree with your view of what's best for the alliance; they viewed you as a threat, so they gave you the boot. Yeah, so it violated the charter. Big deal, you lost, now either start plotting their end or pick up your things and move on. [/quote] I didn't get the "boot", I left the alliance of my own accord.
  13. [quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1282547467' post='2427433'] I, for one, like and support Marx. You however seem like a bitter angry child whos jealous that your attempts to ruin \m/ how not only failed but made \m/ a better alliance overall [/quote] Me bitter? No this is my departing statement to the good citizens of \m/. Call it advice if you like and no I wasn't part of the impeachment attempt process.
  14. \m/ is an alliance that is in total disarray, there's no questioning it. The question is, how bad is it? Emperor Marx is a traitor, Caliph is merely his lapdog that goes with everything Marx says or does, whether it be flaunting the fact that they will be raiding an alliance affliction that has long been disbanded or making a mockery of themselves in front of the people of Planet Bob by backing down against STA in a total humiliation fashion. The 3rd Triumvirate, Gerald Meane has been AWOL for months and is rarely present to do his leadership duties so that effectively leaves us with a single leader. Now it wouldn't be so bad if Emperor Marx was actually a decent leader but the cold hard fact is that he is to be frank, terrible. There has been much anger and disdain among the citizens of \m/ towards Emperor Marx but any attempt to remove his leadership, whether it be subtle or a huge outcry is squashed the moment it emerges and is brushed under the carpet. This has been going on like this for months. You may ask me this, why does the citizens of \m/ not leave the alliance? Well to be honest with you I honestly have no idea but it is their home after all and no matter how bad it gets, it will always be their home and it is where their friends are. The events of the last week or so caused a few people to trigger an impeachment process against Emperor Marx that was legal and within the charter and more half of the people voicing their opinions on that particular topic agreed that he had to go. Yet Emperor Marx used the reason that the people behind the impeachment process has been illegally attempting to bypass the leadership in an attempt to downgrade the treaties between \m/ and his allies to suspend the impeachment process indefinitely. The truth is that no such thing happened, it was merely a friendly chat between citizens of two alliances that are allied on how best their relationship can proceed and there was no demands made. It was merely a word of advice between friends. What angers me most is the fact that Caliph and Emperor Marx twisted the scenario to their advantage in an attempt to paint the people behind the impeachment process (who actually wanted the best for their alliance) as traitors and then they went on to paint the whole thing as an coup attempt when in fact it was an outright lie. I hope that my friends in my former alliance rethink their position carefully for nothing but an unanimous outcry from every single citizen in \m/ will do.
  15. Coal: Gold: Sludukushrumus Lead: Oil: Spartan Lumber: Iron: Sludukushrumus Marble: Aluminium: Gems: Spartan Rubber: Swanfield Silver: Swanfield Spare(Ideally Uranium):
  16. Hail the benevolence and kindness of Tygaland with special mention for pezstar. Za Sibir'!
  17. The realization coming to the NPO that they were doomed after TORN pulled out during the first two days of Karma War and were left on their own against the world for a few days while the Coward Coalition were pondering whether to come to their defence.
  18. [quote name='Rextu' timestamp='1282147035' post='2421644'] So what are you going to do now? [/quote] Not much he can do now in truth, he's been wrongly painted a traitor and his nation is being decimated as we speak. If the triumvirates wants to destroy the alliance, let them. I wash my hands off this issue now.
  19. [quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1282123762' post='2421429'] It appears \m/'s charter is also set up so that the triums can expel the ministers much easier than they can be impeached. Look's like the triums beat you to the punch on this one. [/quote] Yes, it seems so. It doesn't change the fact that the triumvirates are corrupt and has no spine at all. I hope that all the \m/embers comes to their sense and leave that empty shell of an alliance led by power thirsty leaders.
  20. [quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1282123487' post='2421425'] I was actually reading the charter and saw that trium's can be voted out by ministers and noticed that you and d3filed are indeed ministers. Was this just as simple as you trying to follow the charter and impeach them? [/quote] Yep.
  21. [quote name='Millencolin' timestamp='1282123315' post='2421417'] So be it. You realize that by quashing those in favor of your impeachment, you are in violation of your charter document. [/quote] I can confirm this, we were all discussing whether to impeach the triumvirates and when word got out, it was quashed before it had a chance to transpire at all.
  22. [quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1282123295' post='2421415'] Then coup them instead of talking !@#$. [/quote] I can't do anything much in my current situation can I?
  23. You triumvirates are spineless cowards, you all deserve to be couped.
  24. Good night, I expect to see my nation in anarchy in the morning. if it's not then shame on you.
  25. [quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1282090374' post='2420635'] Our guys are allowed to be aided. You are not. [/quote] Outnumbered 6 to 1 and no nukes vs nukes and now you are admitting you need to aid your guys as well? Lord Spooge Ruler: Spooge Demon Alliance: Siberian Tiger Alliance Total Money: $8,980,000 Ragashingo Ruler: Ragashingo Alliance: Siberian Tiger Alliance Total Money: $12,467,099
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