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Everything posted by Swanfield

  1. [quote name='acrux' timestamp='1282089927' post='2420622'] Well we now know how STA can laugh at some with small WC.. one day they will decide to play with the big kids? maybe?? i has ball. [/quote] Pretty sure 3 of them has small warchests since they only dropped $500k~ each time on my lawn. Only Gamorr is dropping millions.
  2. [quote name='SpectreTehDestroyer' timestamp='1282089241' post='2420611'] Wait until the nukes start flying. Please don't cower. Continue to talk all tough. [/quote] Not afraid of being nuked at all, it'll help me terrorize the lower echelons of STA quicker.
  3. [quote name='TigerBaby' timestamp='1282088942' post='2420606'] Yeah now you guys can all understand the hilarity on our forums. It's pretty hilarious isn't it. He is going to "do as much damage as possible to STA" [/quote] The fact remains that I have dished out far, far more damage than you all have done to me, 65 infra lost compared to 250~ infra damage inflicted.
  4. [quote name='D34th' timestamp='1282088365' post='2420589'] You: Huyuma - Swanfield: 19,565.423 STA nations: Spooge Demon - Lord Spooge: 16,044.978 whitelily519 - Jovendauphin: 19,547.374 Ragashingo - Ragashingo: 15,398.043 Jonathan Brookbank - Iotupa: 19,072.501 Gamorr - Brinston:[b] 24,072.029[/b] I just see one nation bigger than you, but no matter what you are fighting 6 nations and isn't in anarchy yet, congrats. This just show how MM's war skills fails, after all he was anarchied for just 2 nations [/quote] They are all bigger than me infra wise, that's what I meant, you need to remember MM was also de-militarized and was in DEFCON5.
  5. [quote name='Rayvon' timestamp='1282088132' post='2420579'] And that has to do with your 'skill' how? You didn't make those attacks fail. [/quote] Yes I did, I re-bought military on the fly while they were attacking me.
  6. [quote name='TigerBaby' timestamp='1282088004' post='2420576'] You didn't even deploy and have a massive warchest of $6,548,129. I'm laughing my socks off at the thought of all that damage you're going to do to STA with this pile. [/quote] I don't need a warchest considering you all left me an handsome sum of about $4.5m on my lawn. I actually initially had about $2m or so and thanks to your generosity for funding my war.
  7. [quote name='Lennox' timestamp='1282087843' post='2420571'] You're going to have to do much better than this. [/quote] 6 failed aircraft attacks and 6 failed ground attacks says otherwise and all of them are bigger nations than me.
  8. [quote name='Jonathan Brookbank' timestamp='1282087557' post='2420567'] If you're trying to guilt me into not using nukes, give it up. A weapon is a weapon. [/quote] I'm not trying to guilt you into doing anything, anything goes in a war ya know. Just pointing out that your alliance doesn't seem skilled in the arts of war.
  9. [quote name='Jonathan Brookbank' timestamp='1282087077' post='2420548'] I have a big red button that should fix all of that. [/quote] I knew it, you can't put me in anarchy without the conventional usage of a nuke to fix all your problems
  10. all aircraft attacks has failed against me and none of the ground attacks has been neither. Thought you would do better with 3 people coordinating attacks against me at the same time
  11. [quote name='Boomhower' timestamp='1282085882' post='2420503'] well we'll see how much damage you do after a couple nukes come your way [/quote] Cute. Probably the only way you can put me in anarchy.
  12. [quote name='SpectreTehDestroyer' timestamp='1282085732' post='2420498'] You. Will. Lose. So. Hard. [/quote] I know that, ultimately my aim is to inflict as much damage I can upon STA.
  13. [quote name='Boomhower' timestamp='1282085540' post='2420491'] So are you saying that it is safe to assume that this is an act of war by \m/? [/quote] My personal war with STA. Just to clarify.
  14. [quote name='The MVP' timestamp='1282085208' post='2420479'] How come the STA nations you attacked (Ragashino - 56, whitelily - 7.89, Spooge Demon 38.63) have so little tech? I thought you were supposed to look for targets with tech, not without. Oh well. [/quote] I specifically targeted the ones with more infra in my range, you actually do more economical damage. This isn't a tech raid. It's war. Oh and I wanted to hit Ragashino so badly too!
  15. [quote name='Jonathan Brookbank' timestamp='1282084672' post='2420461'] Rushing in so we have time to counter? Poor form. [/quote] Let's have fun then. [ooc]live in the UK here so it's getting late now and thought i'd get some hits in first [ooc]
  16. [quote name='Jonathan Brookbank' timestamp='1282084408' post='2420448'] I wonder how many of \m/'s nations will "go rogue" like ol' Swanny boy here is saying he will. [/quote] Will? you're late to the party.
  17. I am thinking of going rogue on a couple STA nations, whether I decide to do so is up to me and I will decide at update whether I will do so. I still maintain sovereignty within \m/ until such the time that I decide to go rogue comes. Is that clear enough STA? So that you don't pre-emptively attack me!
  18. [quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1282081968' post='2420359'] Wow, pushing it,.... I respect your spunk, however I dislike your attitude as I am not pro raiding in general. But, seeing this all unfold until this point I think you misread your position in the main power structure. You ain't that big of a playa' [/quote] Look in the mirror before you talk mate, it wasn't too long ago you all took a hell of a beating.
  19. How did he do that? Did admin do it for the lulz or something?
  20. This should be good, have fun smashing those STA nations to smithereens mate.
  21. [quote name='Lennox' timestamp='1282062631' post='2419762'] Will you be considered a rogue if you are attacked? [/quote] Probably if STA has something to do with it.
  22. [quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1282062289' post='2419750'] Well, last time \m/ said that...this thread appeared. Then you guys backed down... Something everyone knew was going to happen. I wonder why you didn't do something about it when STA wronged you. And please, leave the tough boy act at home, everyone already knows you guys back down when you get called out. [/quote] Oh, we're going to do something about it. Last night was just the dress rehearsal.
  23. [quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1282062240' post='2419746'] How cute. He doesn't know. [/quote] Still waiting. Here, let me help you by providing you with a link to my nation: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=382226
  24. [quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1282061700' post='2419731'] Swanfield. You are not helping your alliance. For the sake of it, shut up. [/quote] Do something about it.
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