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Blog Comments posted by The MVP

  1. No, we're not. And how are you surprised that we fight back when someone calls for our genocide?

    I'm calling for your genocide? Excuse me? Where in the hell did I ever state such a thing?

    I said when you take others lands do not be surprised when they act hostile towards you. That's it. Now tell me where I even hinted at genocide.

  2. Excuse me? Egyptians didn't take the Maghreb he's assuming I'm Arab. And if you take our land and we fight back how are you surprised? Of course you will all jump to his defense since, duh, you share similar backgrounds and views but ask the world how they feel and I can assure you it's not Egyptians that robbed them of their lands. :rolleyes:

  3. The build up to karma and karma itself was th start of the moralist movement. They banged on about EZI, viceroys, MK, TDSM8, reps, GATO, FAN, Legion and a dozen other things in the 1st moral crusade. It made the moral argument the mainstream argument, moral = good & immoral = bad according to karma. However, they won and spent the next 2 years complaining that people were using the same moral arguments they themselves used while committing similar crimes to the ones they formed karma to stop.

    Karma and Vox are 100% responsible for moral politics.

    Yeah because if we continued on with EZI then we'd be in pretty great shape. Great argument, shame on Vox for ending EZI. I mean the single greatest abomination in this game you eliminated hindered this game just oh so much crippling the game's future, how could you?

  4. Georgia over Washington?! Okay first of all, Washington is an up-tempo squad. Second, they are one of the better shooting teams in the Pac-10 (not that that means much except that Washington is deadly from beyond the arc and has one of the best PGs in the country in Isaiah Thomas, and one of the better big men in Matthew Bryan-Amaning).

    Washington is 3rd in the nation in points per game. Georgia is 173rd.

    I seriously doubt that Georgia can pull off the upset, especially with how well Washington played in the Pac10 tournament. Its just not going to happen

    I don't care how "up-tempo" they are. They play a very clean style of ball and usually the team's that one it to get into a street ball game win out. UGA plays aggressive, Washington hasn't played a game that bangs out like UGA does. I'd take UGA.

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