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  1. I would like to request on behalf of everyone existing why The German Empire 3rd 2.0 isn't on the Best Alliance list.
  2. Knights111 clearly forged my signature on this document. I never declare peace when Auctor is involved. My revolution is eternal - there cannot be peace until one of us is burning with the flame of a thousand suns. Auctor seems to have convinced his main opposition that he is Just and Holy yet few know the real truth. Auctor is a liar and fraud. A morally dubious member of society. War does not end on this front until you burn for your actions.
  3. As stated once before, the false Kaiser that goes by the name of Auctor shall fall. He represents none of the true, core German values that we natives have. He represents everything we despise: corruption, inequality, dickery, and general abuse. This is the same man that mislead his former alliance. The same man that made certain people 'disappear'. (Where's JC been???? AND MAYZIE??) I will remember my fallen comrades who tried revolting against Auctor and perished for it. I will continue this legacy and support Knights111's cause no matter what. All you people need to see Auctor for who he is - a deceitful, manipulative, narcissistic, genocidal, megalomaniacal tyrant with a sadist attitude. Stop him at all costs, fellow man. We must unite against the grievous injustices Auctor has committed in our time and prevent the future disruptions he may cause. Hail Knights111 - True Kaiser of the German Empire!
  4. To the only, true leader of the German Empire - Knights111! United As Brothers, We Will Fight Until Death!
  5. Our great Kaiser Knights111 has showed his humbleness and modesty - something your false leader doesn't possess. He set up a Brotherhood of Kings - one that emphasizes equality instead of arbitrary nuances in titles for your so called 'empire.' When the time comes, your meaningless title may reinforce your hubris, but your blood will be spilled over your narcissism. Auctor and his cronies will undergo a thousand hells before retribution is finally paid back. Kaiser Knights111 will rightfully claim his title and you will grovel at the feet of your new master.
  6. Don't give into the pressure of these puerile adolescents. You are the founder of the revolution, the savior of the German people, the face of the Empire. You should be our Kaiser, Knights111. Your vitriolic nature endows a certain fervor in your followers. We lurk in the shadows and work for you. We will do our best to remove the tyrannical and illegitimate Kaiser - Auctor. I've first hand experience with Auctor and his manipulative ways. Fear not, other have come to realize this as well. Knights111, be our leader once more. Fight against this absurdity. Realize your importance in this universe. Your life means much more than these rebellious peasants. Watch as they splinter and bicker about positions. Their burgeoning bureaucracy will lead to their destruction. Be prepared for the warning, Knights111. When I signal you, you shall sweep in and once again assume your rightful position as our Glorious Leader. You will lead us out of ruin and assert our rightful position as a force to be reckoned with. HAIL KAISER KNIGHTS111 FIRST OF HIS NAME, DEFENDER OF HUMANITY, VANGUARD AGAINST FOREIGNERS, PROTECTOR OF THE GERMAN PEOPLE
  7. 'Grats guys. o/ DT o/ Umbrella I look forward to your relationship.
  8. o/AZTEC glad to have Sengoku join us in our humble little club :blush:
  9. 'Grats DT. Also, I hold Farnsworth personally responsible for not hailing me and instead Auctor. We all know Auctor is just the face...
  10. Hurray! Sengoku are awesome. Great to have the treaty! o/ GloF o/ Sengoku <3 Friendship
  11. Welcome, DT! o/ DT o/ AB o/ GLoF o/ AZTEC Also, bob is automatically denied.
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